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Hobbie Happiness

With platforms like Netflix and Hulu, it can be difficult to refrain from sitting on the couch, putting on our favorite show, and watching it for a while as a form of relaxation. Research, however, shows that binge watching as a form of relaxation and a break from our busy lives, may not be the best option. Binge-watching has even been linked to sleep problems, social deterioration, and sedentary behaviors due to being isolated and gaining stimuli straight from the comfort of your own couch. Now, I am not saying that occasional watching is bad, however, instead of using precious free-time to watch a series or surf the wonders of Netflix, it may be more beneficial to find a hobby that you find interesting and exciting! Diverting attention to something that you want to get better at or experience more in the form of a hobby has been linked to increases in general mood, increases in interest, increases in problem solving and other cognitive functions, as well as decreases in stress. In other words, hobbies promote happiness and a general sense of well-being! Hobbies also give you a chance to connect with others that have similar interests. It gives the opportunity to work on something with a group or talk about it in a way that is both social and exciting for all. Because all of us are unique and have various curiosities and ways of enjoying ourselves, hobbies can widely range from crafting to skiing to even juggling! It is important to find something that truly excites you so that you can invest your time into something that you will want to. So, write a list of some things you would be interested in and dive in to experience the happiness that surrounds hobbies!

Nap Away!

Sometimes life just tuckers us out. It may seem that we have to always be on the go or get something done, however, it can be beneficial to slow down occasionally and even take a quick little nap! Napping has been linked physically and mentally to increases in energy, increases in productivity, increases in relaxation, decreases in stress and decreases in depressive moods. Being able to take a break from life and nap can be a great tool to relax and benefit your mental and physical health as you navigate your busy lives. It can serve as a way to temporarily take a step back from all the stressors in your life and get a little boost on your day to allow you to go through it the best that you can. The important thing to remember with naps, however, is that you have to be careful about when you time them. Too close to night or morning may disrupt your circadian rhythm so think about taking a nap during the day when you need a quick little revive!

The Wonders of Nature!

From taking a quick break by strolling around your neighborhood, to exploring mountains through hikes and adventures, research shows that being around nature may be beneficial for our overall moods and well-being. Being surrounded by nature has been connected to lower stress, approved attention, increase in mood, and increases in empathy as well as cooperation. With these cognitive and emotional benefits, getting outside and exploring nature could be a beneficial tool in taking a break from our stressful and action filled lives. Furthermore, in one study, they found that those who were exposed to nature performed better on cognitively demanding tasks than those who did not, pointing to nature being a healthy tool for productivity as well. With this being said, try going outside whenever you feel down and connect to nature. It may boost your mood and make you more efficient in the work that you do on a daily basis.

Sing Away Bad Moods!

Sometimes when we are driving on the highway, walking around, or just relaxing outside, we may seem to have a song pop in our heads wanting to come out in the form of singing! Now singing is not everyones’ cup of tea, however, singing has been associated with many feel good factors that make singing a great tool for alleviating stress and boosting our moods. Similarly to how exercise boosts the flow of our endorphins and therefore our  hormones that make us feel happy, singing works in the same way; singing enhances the flow of dopamine which enhances the flow of feeling good! Furthermore, singing has also been associated with increases in oxytocin that helps us alleviate our anxiety and even enhances our trust. So, if you do seem to have that one song that wants to come out, let it out! Singing may be a healthy tool to boost your mood throughout the day.

Color the Stress Away!

Many of us think coloring is a child’s activity, but it truly is for everyone! There are numerous benefits to coloring! The intense but calming focus that comes from coloring can quiet your mind and put you in a meditative state. Studies have found that coloring for 20 minutes or more can also reduce your anxiety and improve your mood. Various parts of your brain are working, so your brain’s function and motor skills can improve! Along with this, your sleep can improve if you color before you go to sleep. Rather than scrolling on your phone, and exposing your eyes to blue light, try coloring instead! You’ll still be engaged in an activity while improving your sleep health. If you need some noise, you can put on some music too! And you don’t have to use some Disney coloring book; there are plenty of coloring books specifically for adults! Here’s one example! Some are more nature-based, some mandalas, etc. There’s truly something for everyone!

Stress’s Sweet Spot 

Some stress can be good! That is something we don’t often hear, however, it is true. The trick is to find your stress’s sweet spot that allows you to function optimally and efficiently, without letting it get too out of control to a point where too much energy is spent worrying and feeling anxious. On one end of the spectrum, extremely low levels of stress can cause insufficient amounts of daily arousal to give you the necessary oomph to work efficiently. It may make you feel bored or lazy, and can even lead to some incidences of depression. At this end of the spectrum, too low levels of stress can decrease attention and interest which can be dangerous as we take on our busy and action-ready lives. If this is the case, it may be beneficial to take on some more responsibilities, projects, hobbies, or skills to build up the necessary stress required for you to feel productive.

On the other end of the spectrum, however, where extremely high levels of stress are present, too high of stress hormone levels can cause cognitive issues such as memory complications, altered concentration and constant worrying, emotional issues such as irritability, moodiness and loneliness, and can even cause physical complications as well such as headaches, digestive problems and heart diseases. At this end of the spectrum, too high of stress can create a lot more havoc in our already busy lives than we need! If this is the case, it is important to get a healthy nights rest, find time to do something you enjoy, talk with friends and family about what is causing you worry and anxiety, and to practice engaging your mind on the things you can control instead of all the things we wish we could.

Back to the main idea: some stress can be good! Research conducted at UC Berkeley shows that with just the right amount of healthy stress in our lives, this can give us the ability to work efficiently and optimally without being too worried and anxious. They found that with this healthy middle ground, cognitive functions such as attention and memory can increase, allowing us to perform the best. With this being said, this middle ground is different for everyone, and it is important to recognize your emotions and feelings when trying to figure out your stress’s sweet spot!

Benefits of Reading About Adventure!

You don’t always have to read books on mindfulness to increase your overall happiness and life satisfaction. Reading others’ stories can give people insight and expand their horizons. A study in 2012 found that those who read about someone else’s “awe-inspiring” story had decreased stress, increased satisfaction, and volunteered more often! So, pick up an adventure book next time you are at the library. Here are some personal favorites: 

  • Tracks by Robyn Davidson
  • Ghost Rider: Travels On The Healing Road by Neil Peart
  • Tuk-Tuk To The Road by Antonia Bolingbroke-Kent
  • Lost City of the Monkey God by Douglas Preston
  • The Stranger in the Woods: The Extraordinary Story of the Last True Hermit by Michael Finkel 

Happy reading!

Sounds of Nature

Just listening to sounds of nature has been shown to improve people’s quality of life. In general, according to multiple studies, listening to nature audio decreases stress and pain in people. Studies have shown that listening to rain noises can improve sleep, slow heart rate, and slow breathing. They are also just generally calm and soothing! Additionally, listening to bird noises reduces stress, increases positivity, increases productivity, and improves observational skills. And you don’t have to be in nature to listen to nature. Rain machines, white noise machines, audio recordings, and videos are great ways to listen to various sounds! 

  • Atmosphere: Relaxing Sounds ← This is an app for nature sounds!
  • Youtube ← A great place to look up various sounds of nature! 
  • Rainy Mood ← This is an excellent app for rain noises, specifically! 
  • White Noise Machine

The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin

Sometimes, advice about being “happy” can seem impractical and ambiguous. You might not know how to apply it to your own life in a practical and meaningful way. For these reasons, The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin is a great read! Not only does reading, in general, add to people’s happiness, but this book is literally about happiness! In this New York Times bestseller, the author tries to achieve happiness in a year. 

If books are less your style, but you still want to learn about this project, check out this video of Gretchen Rubin talking about happiness! There’s also a website (based on this book) full of journals, blogs, courses, and even an app! The whole purpose is to get people to better their lives in a way that works for them. They have information that ranges from interpersonal relationships to inner peace. If you want to learn various practical ways to introduce happiness into your life, Gretchen Rubin is a great place to start!


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