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Our Happiness Blog

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Cold Showers—Give Them a Shot!

The thought of stepping into ice cold water can be intimidating. But, cold exposure is shown to be great for […]

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Try Journaling

Writing down your feelings can really help people understand and work through their problems. Additionally, writing down three things you […]

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Go Outside!

The majority of the world has been stuck inside for almost a year. Not going outside, appreciating nature, and enjoying […]

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Self Care is Important!

Covid-19 has made many things more stressful than usual. And we are stuck at home with little to no social […]

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Psychological benefits of dancing

“Dance is the joy of movement and the heart of life.” – Anonymous Studies show that dancing is an extremely […]

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Compliment Yourself!

“If you don’t love yourself, how in the hell you gonna love somebody else?!” –  RuPaul  There are numerous psychological […]

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Staying Productive

Having to work or go to school from home can make it especially hard to find the motivation to be […]

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Keep Your Friends Close

Many studies have found a distinct relationship between quality of friendships and happiness. This is likely because friendships satisfy our […]

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Prioritizing Self-Care

Throughout our day, especially during this tumultuous time, it is essential that we make time to simply do things that […]

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