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Durham/Chapel Hill Office Clinicians


Gay Haynes works empathetically and compassionately with children, adults, and families transitioning through separation and divorce. She places an importance on effective communication skills, perspective-taking, developing appropriate coping strategies, stress management and, as appropriate, forgiveness. Practical areas can include creating a new life vision and acceptance of changes in routines, roles, and responsibilities. Gay also works with parents to establish effective co-parenting skills.

David Moreau

David Moreau provides a safe and empathetic space for individuals facing the complexities of ending a relationship, offering tailored support and guidance to help clients heal, grow, and find hope as they build a new future. He empowers clients to cope with emotional turmoil, manage stress, and navigate the sometimes overwhelming legal and logistical aspects of separation and divorce. Mr. Moreau incorporates several therapeutic approaches in his work including Client-Centered, Humanistic, Cognitive-Behavioral, and Psychoeducation, depending on the client’s presenting issues. He believes that couples experience the most effective change when there is a therapeutic alliance of mutual trust and respect between the therapist and the client.


A time of upheaval in any relationship, Ms. Hope Venetta seeks to serve divorcing couples as they enter the next chapter of their lives. In her therapy work, she combines her passion for building self-esteem and self-acceptance with the structure of goal setting and steady movement toward goals. Ms. Venetta believes everyone has the ability to create a vision of the change they want in their lives, and take steps to make that vision reality. It is her belief that the most effective change happens when there is a therapeutic alliance of mutual trust and respect between the therapist and clients.


Dr. Maggie Carraway has experience providing therapy to individuals experiencing hardship due to separation and divorce, including in unique contexts such as separation/divorce due to an individual’s incarceration. She aims to identify the impact of separation/divorce, process emotions surrounding this significant life change, as well as provide support to clients as they redefine a life without their partner. Dr. Carraway emphasizes effective communication, healthy boundaries, and redefining expectations for oneself and others in the family unit. She does so in a collaborative, client-centered way and offers a safe space to process difficult emotions while validating each individual’s unique experiences. 

Dr. Elizabeth Schreiber

Dr. Elizabeth Schreiber provides support to individuals and families experiencing separation and divorce. She aims to identify the impact the separation/divorce has had and process thoughts and emotions surrounding this to help navigate this life transition. Dr. Schreiber helps individuals develop goals and coping skills, as well as build their self-esteem and self-acceptance. For all family members of all ages, Dr. Schreiber utilizes developmentally appropriate ways to process hard emotions and validate each person’s unique experience.

Dr. Ellie Gottstein

Dr. Ellie Gottstein recognizes that divorce and separation are unfortunately part of many life courses. The goal in therapy is to help partners navigate the challenging experience while minimizing the amount of long term distress and discord. Dr. Gottstein emphasizes effective communication, processing intense emotions, and utilizing coping skills to help navigate this life transition. She employs a collaborative approach to exploring the  transitional nature of separating and divorce. Sessions typically focus on understanding new norms and how to understand the new ways of interacting. Dr. Gottstein is committed to making this transition effective for all parties involved.


Dr. Erica Pritzker assists couples, families, and children to make the often stressful process of divorce as smooth and manageable as possible. She has experience working with children who are going through or who have experienced divorce in their family in processing this event and moving through it with a healthy and intact sense of self. She has also worked to help parents create plans for successful co-parenting. Dr. Pritzker works closely with parents to create a loving, secure environment in their homes so that the child feels safe to connect with both parents and others and individuate in healthy and effective ways. She approaches therapy with parents with a mix of cognitive-behavioral techniques and insight development, with a strong focus on coaching the parent in taking this new knowledge and skill achieved in therapy into their co-parenting relationship and home. Dr. Pritzker is particularly interested in working with parents through the divorce process to provide parent guidance in creating healthy households after divorce takes place.


Dr. Lindsey Ohler works with children, families and couples who are transitioning through the separation and divorce process. Providing supportive therapy, she works with children and adolescents to process their emotions in relation to the break-up of their family. Dr. Ohler provides a warm and safe environment for children and teens to share their fear, anger and sadness. Furthermore, with adults she helps individuals


Dr. Colleen Hamilton provides assistance to individuals transitioning following divorce or separation. Her individual work focuses on life-restructuring issues often seen during that time, such as identifying support systems, changing one’s peer groups, and effective co-parenting. As one of our resident child psychologists, she is well versed in helping parents understand, help, and guide their children through the divorce process. Dr. Hamilton also works with parents to develop an effective co-parenting relationship or parallel parenting system.


From the very beginning of her career with a B.S. in Child Development & Family Relationships, Dr. Lepage has been focusing on families, and she has extensive experience working with individuals, couples, parents, and children going through divorce. Dr. Lepage completed both her master’s thesis and doctoral dissertation in Clinical Psychology in the area of developing parenting plans, and is an expert in cooperative co-parenting and parallel parenting. Her combined experience in divorce transitions, child development, parenting plans, and conflict resolution make her highly sought out by people going through separation. She is skilled at helping within the traditional divorce model

Raleigh/Cary Office Clinicians


Heidi works compassionately with individuals and families who are considering or experiencing separation and divorce. Focusing on the use of positive communication, Heidi works with individuals to manage heightened emotions, identify coping strategies, and draw on their strengths to navigate this new territory. She works with children of separating and divorcing families to provide an outlet for their emotions while family dynamics shift. For divorcing couples who are also parents, Heidi provides support as the couple works toward a healthy co-parenting routine and relationship that focuses on the children.


Separation and divorce can be a challenging time that is often emotionally charged for both adults as well as children of any age that are involved in the process of redefining family. Melissa provides therapy in a safe, open, honest and non-biased setting to support them through this life transition and focuses on self-care and coping skills. Everyone involved want to understand what is happening and what lies ahead. Each person will be impacted differently based on their own personality, past experiences and their ability to have any control over what is happening. The emotions involved vary day to day and person to person and these feelings can be confusing, frustrating and painful. With parents, Melissa provides support to each individual as they face this life change and promotes establishing a healthy and effective co-parenting relationship for the benefit of the children. The goal is to identify their own part and work towards emerging from the loss of this relationship towards positive, healthy relationships going forward.


Cheryl Cohen works with couples, individuals and children (minors and adult children) experiencing the pre and post phases of separation and divorce. She approaches this fragile subject by providing a safe, open, honest, and neutral setting to address the issues that are present.


Just as every relationship is unique, every separation comes with its own challenges and grief. In the life of a family, separation or divorce is invariably a major event, affecting not only the couple but also their relatives and any children they may have. Seeking therapy around a separation or divorce can help all people involved process the experience and navigate the future. Dr. Maestre has experience working individuals, couples, children and families undergoing separation and divorce. She is interested in helping children understand and cope with divorce in age-appropriate ways, supporting separating couples in their communications around co-parenting and other important decisions, and helping each individual adult formulate a plan for their next life chapter.


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(We are open 9am-8pm M-F and 9am-5/7pm Saturdays; please feel free to call 919-572-0000 directly during those hours to schedule as well.)

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