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The Power of Reading

Along with being a leisurely pastime, reading has many therapeutic benefits: stress reduction, improved empathy, improved sleep, and cognitive stimulation. Here are some feel-good book recommendations: 

  1. “The Secret Garden” by Frances Hodgson Burnett
  2. “Where the Crawdads Sing” by Delia Owens
  3. “The Little Prince” by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
  4. “Eat, Pray, Love” by Elizabeth Gilbert
  5. “The Happiness Project” by Gretchen Rubin

These books cover many topics, but all share a theme of motivation and inspiration. Reading can be a great tool in your therapeutic journey. So, next time you want a fun activity, pick up a book!

It’s the Holiday Season!

The holiday season, a time typically filled with joy and celebration, can sometimes leave us overwhelmed and stressed. From the never-ending to-do lists to the pressure to create picture-perfect moments, it’s easy to lose sight of what truly matters during this time. Many of us expect that the holiday season should be a non-stop parade of joy and contentment. We often set high expectations for ourselves and our loved ones, thinking that the perfect holiday exists somewhere beyond the horizon. That’s why it’s essential to reflect on the concept of happiness during this season!

It’s important to remember that happiness is not a destination; it’s a journey. Instead of chasing a vision of what the holidays should be, consider redefining your perspective on happiness. Embrace the idea that happiness can be found in the present moment amidst the imperfections and unpredictability of life. One way to find happiness during the holiday season is through mindfulness. Instead of dwelling on what’s missing or what could be better, focus on appreciating the now. Take a moment to savor the laughter of loved ones, the warmth of your surroundings, and the simple joys of the season.

The holiday season is an excellent time to practice gratitude. Reflect on the things you’re grateful for, both big and small. It can be as simple as the warmth of a cozy blanket or the taste of a delicious meal. Practicing gratitude can shift your focus from what’s lacking to what’s abundant in your life. Additionally, don’t forget to prioritize self-care during the holidays. It’s easy to get overwhelmed by the season’s demands, so take time for yourself. Whether it’s reading a book, taking a relaxing bath, or simply going for a walk, self-care is an essential part of staying balanced and happy during this busy time.

As you navigate the holiday season, remember that true happiness isn’t about perfection or extravagant gifts. It’s about embracing the imperfections, finding joy in the present moment, and cultivating meaningful connections with loved ones. By practicing mindfulness, expressing gratitude, and caring for yourself, you can make this holiday season truly special and full of happiness. So, as you ponder your own holiday experience, consider how these ideas can help you find the happiness you deserve during this festive time of year.

Personalizing Your Space: Creating a Joyful Home

  1. Vibrant Colors: Color psychology can really affect your mood. Vibrant greens, blues, and yellows can be both calming and uplifting. 
  2. Plants: Bringing nature into your home can really improve your mood. We all know that going out and seeing nature is good for our mental and physical health, so why not bring it inside!
  3. Pictures: Putting photos around your home of loved ones and good memories can bring a really positive, personal touch to your home!
  4. Organize: Organization is a great way to reduce stress and make you feel on track and in control. It also will make your space look better in general!
  5. Aromatherapy: Incorporating various aromatherapy (candles or essential oils) can both give a lovely aesthetic to your home and use smell to improve your mood.
  6. Personal Sanctuary: Dedicate a part of your home to be “your area.” In this space, you can put books, records, yoga materials, or whatever activity makes you feel rejuvenated. 

Try incorporating these decorating tips into your home to make your space a place of happiness and positivity!

Productive Happiness!

Sometimes it feels very easy to brush something off for a later date. We may try to avoid boredom or stress by navigating around a project, task, or assignment, only to be hit by the boredom and stress even more when we realize we have to get it done, now with limited time. This pesky procrastination can be more dangerous to our mental health than we really think, however. Procrastination has been linked to higher stress, lower life satisfaction, symptoms of depression and anxiety, lack of persistence, and negative self-evaluation. To avoid procrastination, try to reward yourself for starting on a task while periodically taking breaks. Break the mindset that it will be a hard task or be boring, and instead embrace challenges. While we are productive and getting things done, we may start to feel a little happier about ourselves and the tasks we are working on! So, avoid procrastination and find happiness in productivity! 

Just Breathe!

Breathe in…breathe out! Sometimes we tend to move too fast. We may feel that we are always on the move or have to complete something every second of the day. This can get in the way of us recognizing that we need to stop and take a break. Even just sitting down to control our breathing, making sure to focus on the ins and outs of air from our lungs, can promote relaxation, reduce stress, and overall allow us to regain a positive state our busy lives seem to take us away from. Research has shown that practicing healthy breathing techniques are associated with comfort, an overall sense of relaxation, and increases in pleasantness. Furthermore, these breathing techniques have been associated with reducing anger, anxiety, and overall arousal, creating a sense of calmness and positive affect within us. Sure, yoga or meditation may be a great way to practice breathing techniques, but even just stopping every once in a while to focus on our breathing patterns can calm us down and promote a healthy headspace to move forward with our day!

Reminisce to Reduce Stress!

Acute stress, or short-term stress, is common. It is hard not to feel anxious when we try to navigate our busy lives with responsibilities that, at times, may feel like too much! Acute stress, though, can be detrimental to our overall mood; it can decrease emotional regulation which can bring forth negative emotions, and if built up, can lead to undesired mental conditions such as anxiety and depression. Research suggests, however, that through reminiscing over positive memories of joyful experiences we have had in our lives, we can alleviate some of this acute stress and regain our positive attitudes! In one study where participants were induced with stress, they found that those who recalled positive memories and experiences they have had, had lowered levels of the stress hormone cortisol, and lower reports of negative moods. Keeping these findings in mind, next time you are experiencing a stretch of stress in your life, try to sit back, relax, and reminisce over fond memories you have of when you were the happiest. You may find this will help alleviate the worry you are feeling, and allow you to regain a positive mood as you tackle your day to day life!

Sometimes You Just Gotta Let it Out!

Emotions are normal. We, as humans, experience emotions on a daily basis whether they are positive, such as feelings of joy and happiness, or negative, such as sadness and anxiousness. Regardless of which side the emotion lands on, expressing our emotions is important. This is especially true when it comes to letting emotions out in the form of crying. Crying encompasses a wide variety of emotions from complete joy to complete sadness. Nonetheless, crying is an important mechanism in our lives that has been associated with releases of stress and emotional pain. Inversely, keeping in emotions and not letting yourself cry can lead to physical distress as well as mental health conditions that will only get worse if you continue to bottle up what you are feeling. According to psychological research, emotional crying releases oxytocin and endorphins which promote physical and mental ease. These feel-good chemicals essentially drain out a lot of the emotional pain and stress we may feel. Of course, however, too much of a good thing is bad; if you find yourself crying frequently and often, assess what is causing the emotions and recognize if this is a negative or positive aspect of your life that is impacting you. Nonetheless, if you feel like you need to cry from time to time, let it out! Your body knows what’s best for you, even when it comes to your emotions!

Avoid Negative Self Talk

Being negative towards ourselves comes in many different forms, making it easy to fall in this dangerous trap. From thinking you cannot do something, to thinking you did something wrong, negative self talk can be detrimental to our relationships, physical health, and mental health. This is why it is important to recognize and limit your negative self-talk so that you can be more positive toward yourself! The first step of limiting negative self talk is to be more aware of when you do it and how you do it. If you can take another step and identify the possible reasons you do it, that is even better! For example, do you do it more in the morning or at night? Do you discourage yourself from doing things or do you more so comment on your appearance? Are you tired or hungry when you implement negative self-talk? By recognizing these attributes of your own negative self-talk, you are being more in tune with your thoughts and therefore allowing yourself to catch the negative ones. 

To work on limiting negative self-talk, you can challenge them through small tricks. For one, write or think about a list of your positive attributes that you like about yourself. Find ones that you sometimes take for granted or the ones that make you unique! On the topic of uniqueness, another way to limit negative self-talk is to let go of ideas of perfection and not compare yourself to others. Everyone has their own lives, attributes, and ideas! Each of these things make everyone who they are. With this being said, focus on not letting other people’s lives and ideas get in the way of your own thinking and life. Recognize that perfection is so ambiguous and that everyone can be perfect in their own way! Lastly, praise the smaller things you do in your everyday life. This trick is a great way to not only limit negative self-talk but to increase positive ones. Practicing with small things such as not hitting snooze on your alarm, or getting to work on time can be great ways to tap yourself on the shoulder and practice positive interactions with your own self! 

The Timeless Joy of Nostalgia

Nostalgia is like a magical time machine that transports us back to the moments that have shaped us. It’s the comforting aroma of your grandmother’s homemade cookies, the sound of a childhood friend’s laughter, or the sight of an old family photograph that tugs at your heartstrings. These moments may be from years or even decades ago, but they have an enduring ability to evoke feelings of joy and contentment.

Research has shown that indulging in nostalgia has several psychological benefits. When we reminisce about happy memories, our brains release feel-good neurotransmitters like dopamine, which boost our mood and make us feel happier. Nostalgia also helps us feel more connected to our past, our roots, and the people who have played significant roles in our lives. This sense of continuity can provide a sense of stability and comfort in our hectic present.

In the hustle and bustle of life, don’t forget to take a trip down memory lane every now and then. Nostalgia is a timeless elixir of joy that can infuse your days with happiness, gratitude, and a deeper appreciation for the beautiful tapestry of your life. So, embrace it, cherish it, and let it remind you that happiness is not just about the future but also a journey through the past.


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