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Scents of Happiness!

Are there scents that make us feel happier? It sounds silly, but there is research out there that points to the answer being yes! For example, flowers, and especially lavender or jasmine flowers, have been associated with feelings of calmness. This calmness has been attributed to help with insomnia and even depression. Another example is with peppermint. The scent of peppermint has been linked to the elevations of peoples’ moods and even stimulation of the mind and body due to the oil the leaf contains. Lastly, fresh-cut grass is another scent that has been researched on. The chemical released by newly cut grass has been associated with feelings of relaxation and, for some, joy! Even though this a silly, or maybe even weird, way to gather happiness in our lives, try to enjoy nature’s scents and capture the beauty in the air we may take for granted. It may even give a nice boost of happiness to our day!

Remembering Dark Times Through New Light

Today we reflect on the tragic occurrence that happened on September 11, 2001. Through loved ones lost, individuals from everywhere scarred, and a sense of worry and fear being hung around ominously, this was a dark time that had impacted millions of people across the United States. Although it is important to reflect on this tragic day as a way to remember the pain and sorrow we all faced, let us also look through a lighter lens and examine all the volunteers that worked to rebuild the community, the millions of people that banded together as one, and the amount of love and support everyone gave to get past this tragic and horrific time. If we reflect in this way, we can realize just how strong we really are, and more importantly, just how strong we are as a community. Although we may not realize it as we go through a dark time, there is always light at the end of the tunnel. Remember that you are strong and have loved ones supporting you every day which ultimately builds a stronger community for us to grow and feel secure in. Reflect on this tragic day as we should reflect on our lives: don’t let the darkness completely dim down the light that is always trying to poke through.  

Catch the Happiness Bug!

When we think of the word “contagious,” we may think of negative things such as the Flu, common colds, or other viruses and bugs that could possibly harm us. Studies have shown, however, that there are incidences where contagiousness is not necessarily a bad thing. Through research conducted by Harvard University and the University of California, San Diego, they found that happiness can be spread through social networks. Specifically, they found that if an individual is happy, their friend’s happiness could increase by 25%. Furthermore, they found that this happiness can be spread to friends of friends as well, making a more positive social network. When reading this study, I particularly gathered two big meanings from it. The first one is to surround yourself with happiness. If happiness is contagious, make sure to be around those that bring your mood up instead of inversely bring it down. Reflect on family and friends that you interact with that make you happy and appreciate the time you have with them that contributes to your overall mood. The second one is that you have the ability to brighten someone’s day. Contagiousness can go both ways, meaning that you too can boost someone’s mood. Allow yourself to recognize the emotions of your friends and family, and continue to give them support and kindness so that happiness can be spread throughout.

Dancing for Happiness: The Fitness Marshall

If you love dancing your heart out to catchy music, you should definitely check out The Fitness Marshall! Caleb Marshall has been making upbeat dance workout videos (that are really more like a dance party than exercise!) for years. We know dancing releases endorphins (the happy hormones!) and helps people get their bodies moving. And along with the physical and mental benefits, Caleb’s peppy, fun, energy-filled attitude makes the dances so enjoyable! He and two other fellow dancers walk you through each step and mirror the movements. The channel has light, moderate, and heavy sweat playlists to match your dance goals. He also has 30 and 60-minute “sweat sessions” for those who want a longer workout routine rather than a fun 5-minute groove! Whether you want to dance for 5 or 50 minutes, this channel has a routine for everyone! Ready to dance to the beat? Check out this easy, low-impact cardio workout to the song “Love Shack” by the B-52’s! Want something heavier? Try this workout to Lady Gaga’s “Just Dance”! Remember, happiness and fitness are a journey, and dancing with The Fitness Marshall makes that journey a joyful ride!

Joy and Balance Through Yoga

Life can feel really chaotic and stressful at times. You might feel like you are always running around, doing work, and do not have time to breathe. If you need a way to decompress and become present, try yoga! Along with its physical benefits, yoga is a holistic journey that nurtures both body and soul, leaving lasting happiness. 

  1. Harmony: Yoga is a great way to connect your mind and body through purposeful breathing, mindfulness, and movement. This reduces stress and anxiety while boosting relaxation and mood. 
  2. Happy Hormones: Doing yoga releases endorphins, which boost your mood.
  3. Being Present: Mindfulness in yoga is super important! Doing yoga can help you center yourself and become more present. Savor the moment.
  4. Gratitude: Yoga encourages gratitude towards your body and mind’s abilities to keep you healthy and grounded.  
  5. Self-care: Yoga is a total act of self-care! It is all about trusting and getting in tune with your mind and body. 

Incorporating yoga into your daily/weekly routine is a great way to center yourself physically and mentally. You do not have to become a yoga enthusiast to benefit significantly from the practice. It is about embracing the journey and progress. So, when you are feeling extra stressed, take a second, breathe, strike a yoga pose, and let your body unwind.

Happiness Rules by Manuel Astruc: Changing How We Think About Success and Happiness

The book Happiness Rules by Manuel Astruc, a board-certified psychiatrist from New York, discusses the relationship between success, burnout, and happiness. As an entrepreneur, Astruc knew about the devastating effects of burnout all too well. He uses stories about his life and struggles with burnout, addiction, and mental health to curate real but inspirational advice to the readers. 

As people, we often measure our worth based on our professional success. This constant pressure to be “better” can cause people to fall into burnout, defined by the World Health Organization as “a syndrome conceptualized as resulting from chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully managed.” Some symptoms of burnout are exhaustion (physical and mental), being detached from work, growing cynical, and losing effectiveness. While burnout from work can seem only directly to affect your professional life, the catastrophic effects from continuous burnout seep their way into every aspect of your life. It affects your friends, family, mood, and outlook. The widespread effects of burnout can cause many people’s worlds to flip upside down. Does not work lead to success, which leads to happiness? Well, according to Astruc, no. He believes we must reverse this mindset, thinking that happiness leads to success. Astruc defines happiness as “the feeling of joy as you strive to achieve your potential.” If we change our goal to happiness rather than success, we will focus on things that truly matter to us. We will essentially be using happiness to fuel us and, therefore, our success. 

But how do we truly embrace happiness? Thankfully, Astruc gives us some guidelines: 

  • Embrace the suck: Happiness is not always happy. You are not going to be perfectly content all the time. Along with life being generally difficult, changing how you function in the world is hard, even if it is for your benefit. Shifting your mindset is hard. It might be challenging to focus more on yourself and your needs. Breaking bad practices and maintaining a work-life balance is hard work. You must consciously tell yourself to focus on your well-being and break the cycle. But while this might be stressful, focusing on yourself and your happiness will ultimately improve your life. 
  • Make your future bigger than the past: Complacency and stagnancy mixed is not a beneficial recipe. While you may feel comfortable in your ways, that does not make them good for you. Change is tough, especially when you feel like there is so much to do and you do not even know where to start. The best thing you can do is stop looking at the past. Do not wonder what you could have or should have done earlier. That will not do any good. Embrace where you are now. And think about what you have control of right now. Make your future bigger than the past. Make goals for yourself (see January 2023’s Something to Ponder for tips on SMART goals!). Goals create hope for the future and let you know that you are in control in the now. You have the power to make changes for the better. 
  • Connection with others: Maintaining and improving your relationships with those around you is essential. Being so focused on work can often make us lose sight of those around us. Evaluate your relationships: Are they healthy or unhealthy? Why? What can I do to maintain my connection with this person? As humans, we need connections with others to thrive. 
  • Blaze your own trail: Evaluate what makes you you. What makes you unique? What are your strongest abilities? What is your purpose? What are you curious about? What do you want to pursue? We can often get caught up in what people say is valuable without actually evaluating it for ourselves. That is why it is so important to explore different things. And with the rise of the internet, online courses and resources are more available now than ever! Truly explore what makes you happy and fulfilled. If you focus on that, success will come. 
  • Commit to enjoying the ride no matter what: Improving yourself is not linear. It is hard work to change anything in your routine, let alone how you view success and, more broadly, life. Do not expect to stay on course the whole time. Being off course is part of the ride of improvement. Do not get discouraged if you mess up. If anything, be excited! You are doing the work! As long as you understand what went wrong and how to fix it moving forward, that is great! Be proud of yourself for trying, failing, and then getting back up. That is the hardest part. 

I know that is a lot of information to think about, but if you want to hear more directly from Manuel Astruc, I strongly encourage you to read his book Happiness Rules. There are even a few videos of him on Youtube if you are a more visual person!

10 Feel-Good Songs to Instantly Boost Your Mood

Music has a remarkable power to uplift our spirits and bring joy into our lives. Whether you are feeling down or simply looking to listen to some fun tunes, the right song can be an instant mood lifter! So, rather than just reiterating the numerous mental benefits of music, I thought I would curate a playlist full of upbeat, happy songs to listen to! 

  1. “Walking on Sunshine” – Katrina and the Waves
  2. “Happy” – Pharrell Williams
  3. “Don’t Stop Believin’” – Journey
  4. “Uptown Funk” – Mark Ronson ft. Bruno Mars
  5. “Here Comes the Sun” – The Beatles
  6. “Shut Up and Dance” – Walk the Moon
  7. “Dancing Queen” – ABBA
  8. “Can’t Stop the Feeling!” – Justin Timberlake
  9. “Shake It Off” – Taylor Swift
  10. “Good Vibrations” – The Beach Boys

So, the next time you are feeling low or need a pick-me-up, turn to these feel-good songs and let the power of music work its magic. Create your personalized happiness playlist and let the positive vibes flow through your day!

The Pawsitive Power of Pets

Owning a pet is a unique experience that can significantly improve our well-being. Pets enrich our lives with love. Their unconditional affection and amusing antics brighten our days and remind us to cherish every moment spent with them. But along with the happiness they bring, pets can also help us humans with our health. This specific study by Karen Allen and others, along with other studies, shows that spending time with pets reduces stress, anxiety, and even lowers blood pressure. Even if you do not have the time or resources to take care of an animal, there are numerous benefits to just watching animal videos! A study conducted by the University of Leeds showed how animal videos can lower your anxiety, heart rate, and blood pressure. You can find these videos on Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, and Instagram. These endearing antics, whether it is a cat getting scared by a cucumber or a dog gleefully frolicking in leaves, showcase the playful and joyful nature of our beloved pets.

Reflect On Those You Trust!

Trust has been linked to positive moods and happiness and many studies have explored this idea. Trust, the ability to have faith and ease to tell someone something or do something, is important in our lives. It is important to communicate with those you trust so that you can share your thoughts, emotions, feelings and whatever else you may be thinking of that you don’t want to keep only inside your head. Reflect on those that you can trust. This could be your therapist, your friends, your family, anybody! Take this one step further and reflect on how these people have been there for you and have helped you through times that you may have needed someone to lean on. Note how your overall mood is when you think about these individuals and maybe even think about telling them how much they are appreciated. Trust is a great tool in our lives and is one that can benefit our happiness levels throughout.


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