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Archive for Our Happiness Blog – Page 39

Happiness and Care Packages

Every so often I receive a care package from my family that contains some of my favorite things (candy, pajamas, coffee). It’s an unexpected and extremely thoughtful gesture that makes me feel like a kid again. Care packages come in all shapes and sizes and I try to give myself one each day. Some days I stop for a morning pick-me-up at the local coffee shop and other days I work on a craft project for 15 minutes. I might read a chapter in the latest bestseller, do a quick yoga sun salutation, or watch a TV show with my partner. Essentially, I engage in routine self-care.

Routine self-care means prioritizing yourself on a regular basis. It may not be feasible for you to engage in self-care every day, but what about taking five minutes to focus on YOU a few times per week? Self-care has numerous benefits such as reducing susceptibility to stress, increasing positive self-talk, and improving satisfaction. With all these benefits, who could refuse?

Happiness and Opening Your Eyes to Experience

I used to live in my own tiny bubble. I was a stay-at-home kind of girl who watched Dateline on the weekends and chose cheeseburgers when it was my turn to pick a restaurant. I rarely ventured out of my comfort zone. Over the years, friends burst that bubble as I begrudgingly accompanied them to try sushi, hiking, punk rock shows, and festivals I’d typically prefer to avoid.

There have been ups and downs along my journey of new experiences. I really enjoyed the band dressed in mummy costumes during their performance, but continue to be disgusted each time I try an IPA. Because I’ve ventured outside my bubble I’m not nearly as anxious, stressed or afraid of new things. I feel more confident, at ease, and happy because there isn’t as much to fear once I learned life outside my bubble was OK. I’ve made it a rule to say “yes” when friends approach me with new activities. Nevertheless, I will always refuse to ride the ginormous rollercoaster.

Happiness and Turning on the Light

“Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.” –Albus Dumbledore, Harry Potter & the Prisoner of Azkaban

Hope radiates from this quote as it provides children and adults something to cling to in grim moments. It speaks to the power of choice as well as the grit of humankind. Our minds can search for good during adversity and despair. All it takes is remembering to turn on the light within you.

Happiness and April Fools’ Day

The origins of April Fools’ Day remain uncertain. Some believe the tradition began with ancient Romans and Hindus who celebrated New Years on April 1st. Others speculate some people did not adapt when Pope Gregory XIII ordered the Gregorian calendar to replace the Julian calendar, shifting New Years from April 1st to January 1st. These people continued their New Year’s celebrations in April and were believed to made fun of and sent on fool’s errands.

While Americans tend to play pranks on coworkers and siblings on April Fools’ Day, French children observe April 1st as Poisson d’Avril, “April Fish.” A typical prank in France involves children taping pictures of fish to classmates’ backs and calling them Poisson d’Avril when they discover the photo.

What will you be doing this April Fool’s Day?

Happiness and Time vs. Money

Recent surveys of 4,600 participants from America, British Columbia, and Vancouver revealed the participants valued time slightly more than money. The study published by the Society for Personality and Social Psychology demonstrated the preference for time was a consistent trait in both everyday activities and major life events. Older participants valued time more than younger adults, suggesting a desire to participate in more meaningful activities. No differences were found among the sexes, but differences among income levels were not assessed. The lead researcher, Ashley Whillans, suggested making small shifts in your usual routine, such as substituting a few hours of work with volunteering, can add meaningfulness and happiness to your life.

Happiness and Dance Class

I absolutely love dance classes, but absolutely hate the mirrors on every wall. I used to find the perfect spot on the dance floor: close enough to the instructor so that I could see what was happening but without her noticing me, and in the middle so that other people blocked my view of myself in the side mirrors. I hid in that little spot and shook my heart out without seeing how ridiculous (or fabulous) I looked. I’m guessing more ridiculous than fabulous.

I’ve been going to dance classes for about three years and now you will find me in the front row. At some point, I stopped caring about what I looked like in the mirror and how others perceived me. I jump in that front spot whether it’s a class I’ve attended for months or my very first time. I laugh at myself when I mistakes and really enjoy the one hour of stress relief.

I often find that when I stretch myself a little bit outside my comfort zone or push my worries and self-judgments aside for a bit I can really throw myself into an experience and enjoy it. Where do you fully throw yourself into an activity?

Happiness and Balloons

Imagine your positive thoughts fill-up a hot-air balloon while your negative self-talk and worries anchor the balloon to the ground. How high would your balloon rise above the ground? Would it be flat on the ground? Would it have enough hot-air to rise, but one little anchor keeps you tethered to the ground?

Are you satisfied with the condition of your balloon? If not, consider physics to help raise the balloon. You could add more hot-air, use lighter or fewer anchors, or cut the ropes securing your balloon to the ground.

Check out our clinicians who specialize in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for support in raising your balloon.

Happiness and March Madness

There happens to be a flurry of celebrations in March besides the college basketball finals. Keep your eyes posted to celebrate these special days:

March 3 – I Want You to Be Happy Day: A day dedicated to focusing on others

March 9 – National Panic Day: Taking some time to let worry and panic out of your system

March 15 – Everything You Think Is Wrong Day: Recognizing that each of us has bad days

March 16 – Everything You Do is Right Day: Turning the tables on yesterday by celebrating your competence and effectiveness

March 22 – National Goof-Off Day: Letting loose and having fun with yourself

March 25 – Waffle Day: Yes, Please! This one is my personal favorite

March 30 – I Am in Control Day: Prioritizing getting into control by becoming organized or objectively evaluating your current circumstances

Happiness and the Music of Your Life

“If my life was a movie, what song would be playing in the background right now?” is a question I occasionally ask myself. The answer typically reflects recent events in my life: a sappy love song, a powerful female anthem, or a new-age instrumental piece that diminishes as I walk into the distance and from the movie frame.

Music is powerful and there has never been a time in my life when I couldn’t connect with a song that matched my emotions. Even when I’m at a loss for words some songwriter had already figured them out. I hit repeat and listen another 5 or 30 times.

What makes up the soundtrack of your life? More importantly, what songs would you like to capture your future?


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