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Our Happiness Blog

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Happiness and Endorphins

Endorphins, the brain's "feel good" chemical, are peptide hormones that interact with receptors resulting in feeling focused and putting you […]

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Happiness and Unplugging from Social Media

Some may have been deterred from reading this post based on the title alone. Social media is a big part […]

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Happiness This Week

Ever find it difficult to think of something you are happy about after a particularly hard day or even week? […]

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Happiness and Fourth of July

“Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” is a well-known phrase in the United States Declaration of Independence. So how […]

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Happiness and Dance

Swing, ballet, salsa, tap, tango, and modern are just some styles of dance. For some, joining a dance class is […]

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Let’s Get Silly!

Take a moment to recall the last time you did something silly for no apparent reason. What did that feel […]

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Happiness and Values

Often times we may make decisions and lead our lives based on what we are told to do or what […]

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Happiness and June

If you feel like you have enjoyed the warm weather, exhausted your options for outdoor activities, and need something exciting […]

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Visualizing Happiness

If you asked ten different people to define “happiness,” I can guarantee you every person would give you a different […]

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