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Graduation Season

The season of graduation is upon us. Whether you or a loved one are nearing the end of Grade School, High School, College, or making another life transition, a time of reflection can be beneficial for us all. For the soon-to-be graduates who may be feeling more worried than excited about this transition stage, try reflecting on the past four years, focusing on the positive and stressful times you have had. Remind yourself that all of these moments have gotten you to where you are today- a graduate moving onto their next chapter and have contributed to the person you’ve become. For those who will be graduating within the next few years, try keeping a list of things you want to accomplish before graduation, or try documenting some of your favorite moments. It can be easy to forget all of the fun you’re having, but keeping a record can help remind you of the journey. For those who have graduated in the past or are celebrating the graduation of others, take a moment to reflect on where you were when you graduated and where you are now, as well as the changes you have seen in others. It can be exciting to think about how far you’ve come, and remind yourself of the progress you’ve made since you walked across the stage.


Anger is an emotion that can rise at various times in our everyday lives. You may be angry at that driver who cut you off, waiting for an appointment that is running late, or even a home appliance that isn’t working quite right, but what is all of that anger bringing you? Despite the fact that you might feel justified in anger when something isn’t going your way, you’re actually allowing for extra stress on your emotional and physical health. Anger can stress out your heart, increase your risk of stroke, weaken your immune system, and put strain on your relationships! These issues are compounded when we don’t find a way to release or let go of that anger in appropriate ways. How do you unwind when things start to set you off? Do you need a physical release, such as a good run, a round with a punching bag, or lifting weights? Do you find that talking through issues with a friend, family member, or partner helps you clear your mind?  Do you take the time to unwind with calming music, a warm bath, or a good book? Whatever your method, take a moment to remind yourself that whatever is angering you can be overcome. As a wise man once said, “You’ve made it through every ‘worst day of your life’ thus far!”

Happiness and Comparing Yourself to Others

It is very easy to measure ourselves by those around us and fall into the trap of comparisons. Social media has turned into a “highlight reel” of fantastic experiences and luxury purchases. Timelines and twitter feeds are filled with vacations to Disney World, brand new cars, and run- ins with celebrities. It is easy to see all of these wonderful moments and feel like we aren’t measuring up. Remember, both on social media and in real life, we only see what people want to show us. For every vacation and new puppy, there are travel delays and indoor accidents. Try keeping a gratitude journal of daily things that made you happy. They may not make the highlight reel like running into Robert Downey Jr. (what was he doing in Cary anyways?) but appreciating a good meal or a funny joke from our kids can put us in a better mood than social media ever can.

Moving Month

Did you know that May is national moving month? Over 40 million Americans move each year and it is estimated 80% of those moves occur from spring to the end of summer. However, this often stressful, exhausting ordeal does not have to be all bad. Moving presents us with many mood boosting opportunities. Packing can help us reflect on the possessions we’ve amassed and decide what clutter can be cut out. We may find items we thought were long-gone, allowing us to reflect on the memories associated with them. Moving also provides us with new experiences in a new place. Look forward to all the new restaurant options, new scenery, and new opportunities, rather than the mass of boxes ahead.

Happiness and Exercise

Warmer weather makes spring the perfect time to get outside and get some exercise. The mood-boosting benefits of exercise are well known. When we exercise, our brain releases endorphins and serotonin, neurotransmitters that increase feelings of happiness. Lack of serotonin has also been indicated in depression, which exercise is often helpful in treating. Exercising outdoors also helps our bodies get adequate amounts of vitamin D, which promotes healthy bones and muscles. Exercise can also be a great opportunity to practice other mood-boosting activities, such as mindfulness. Focusing our attention to our senses such as the smell of the air, the sound of our feet hitting the ground, or the breeze brushing against our skin can help us focus on the present moment and relieve stress. Remember to start small, even a walk on your lunch break can be an easy, enjoyable way to boost your mood and get some exercise!

Giving Back

April is National Volunteer Month. Research has found that volunteering provides several psychological benefits. It can boost self-esteem, helping us to feel better about ourselves and our community. It challenges us to step outside our comfort zones, creates opportunities to meet others, and can be a resumé booster when looking for work. Depending on the person, it often helps us connect to our personal values and gives us a sense of satisfaction. The Triangle area has many opportunities to give back in a wide range of ways. You could umpire baseball games for special needs children, drive a car for meals on wheels or the red cross, help redo homeless shelters, or even foster dogs! For more information on the opportunities available, check out some of the websites below:
The Volunteer Center
Volunteer Match
Active Good
A Lotta Love

National Humor Month

April is National Humor Month (It is also National Fresh Celery month, which does not seem to produce much happiness). What better way to increase our happiness than by taking some time to share a few laughs with friends and family. Why not set aside some time to watch a funny movie, read a funny book, or sing a funny song. Channel your inner standup comedian and practice your punchlines with friends. Laughter can have several health benefits as well, releasing serotonin and decreasing feelings of stress and anxiety. However you decide to celebrate the occasion, be sure to share it with somebody. As the saying goes, laughter is contagious, and humans tend to think highly of those around us who can make us laugh. So get out there and have a laugh (or grab some celery)!

Decisions, Decisions, Decisions…

As warmer weather approaches, you are likely finding yourself confronted with several decisions to make. Am I going to take a trip this summer? Can I afford one? Should I take care of that yardwork now or wait until it gets warmer? It can be good to know how we approach the decision-making process and play to our strengths. Are you someone who likes to list out pros and cons, having all the information right in front of you? Do you compile options and pick from an assortment of choices? Do you prefer to “go with your gut” and choose what feels right in that moment? Do you have others you turn to for sage wisdom? Knowing how we handle even the smallest of decisions can help us when we reach times of crisis.

Tax Day

April typically means tax day, a day of stress, anxiety, and as my father would say “pain in the wallet.” But April can also mean tax refunds and a little extra income. Whether that amount is a little or a lot, we often feel the need to spend it all on a big purchase. This year, why not take some of that cash and create a “future happiness fund?” Set some aside for your next vacation or the next big concert you want to see. Imagine the satisfaction of seeing a commercial for an exciting new movie or event and knowing “I can afford that!”


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(We are open 9am-8pm M-F and 9am-5/7pm Saturdays; please feel free to call 919-572-0000 directly during those hours to schedule as well.)

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