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How to get the most out of online therapy

Changing therapy from in-person to online has increased greatly since COVID-19. This is not a new way of doing therapy, and at Lepage Associates we have been providing online therapy for over 15 years. 

Now that you have chosen to receive online therapy, you want it to be as successful as possible! Keep the following 7 suggestions in mind to make the most of your online therapy experience. 

  1. Make therapy a priority by having a set time and a safe/quiet place to participate. It is true that online therapy can be done anywhere at any time, but it is important to set yourself up for success. Therapy is emotional in nature and it is best when you are free of distractions and have privacy to experience and process emotions. 
  2. Expect a different experience, recognizing that it may take a session or two to feel in-sync with your therapist online. It is easy to assume that any discomfort or awkwardness indicates this is not working for you, when in fact that can be normal at first. Keep an open mind and let your therapist know if you are having difficulty with the transition to online.
  3. Online therapy gives you an opportunity to custom fit what works best for your situation. Typically, online therapy is received over webcam. You have the option to explore different combinations of phone, text, audio, and video to accommodate your needs.
  4. There are some things you can do with online therapy that you can’t do in an office. For example, you can have your pets present, you can wrap up in a blanket, you can sit outside, or you can share your home environment. Take advantage of these and use them to your benefit.
  5. Take the opportunity to increase your self-awareness. During in-person therapy, we often count on the therapist reading our nonverbal cues. Online therapy creates an opportunity to be more descriptive and in tune with how you are feeling. 
  6. With COVID-19, we are all experiencing additional challenges to daily life. You might see some  of these challenges as an overreaction or you may minimize these challenges. Be open and honest with yourself and your therapist even if you feel it is “silly” to bring it up.
  7. Give your therapist feedback so they can do more of what you find helpful, and less of or eliminate what isn’t helpful. This is your therapy, and you can practice speaking up for yourself in a safe environment with a safe person. Since every client is unique, you need to let your therapist know what works for you!

How to use telemedicine for mental health

How to use telemedicine for mental health:

Each year, 1 in 5 Americans is diagnosed with a mental health condition. Historically, more than half do not receive proper treatment to help them feel better. Access, convenience, and time have all been barriers to receiving care. Access to therapists or access to psychologists for psychological evaluations for people in rural areas can keep people from getting the diagnosis or therapy they need for their mental health issues. In cities, the traffic and time it can take commuting to and from an office dissuades some who need help from getting it. While psychotherapy is usually only about one hour per week as a treatment, busy schedules jugging work and/or children with various life obligations can make it hard to find time to focus on one’s own mental health needs.

Teletherapy, also referred to as online therapy, has been the answer for many people! Research shows virtual mental health counseling is as effective as traditional in-office therapy. In fact sometimes it is even more effective, perhaps related to data that shows people tend to miss less of their scheduled on-line sessions, probably due to the convenience of it being from the comfort of their own home. And, it is effective for all ages. Therapists experienced and skilled at online therapy can work with children, and have numerous games and activities designed to address behavior problems or build coping skills and strategies; and of course today’s children are very comfortable with virtual formats. For teens and adults, talk therapy is easily provided using online therapy. Even couples therapy and family therapy can be done using telehealth. To use telemedicine for mental health, all you need is a computer, tablet, or smart phone; if you don’t have any of these, talk therapy can also be done simply over the telephone.

So, if you or someone you love is one of the 20% of Americans in need of mental health help this year, try teletherapy. Online therapy can fit easily into your life, and make you feel much better.

We offer telehealth appointments from 9am-8pm Monday through Friday as well as all day Saturdays.

Mental health services available through telehealth

Mental health services available through telehealth:

Improving your mental health does not have to be put on hold during the stay at home orders! There are many ways you can get help from home by connecting with a psychologist for online therapy and online psychological evaluations.

Online therapy – Individual Therapy: If you are struggling with anxiety, stress, depression, anger, substance abuse, trauma, relationship issues, etc., you can work on these issues from the comfort of your own home.

Online therapy – Couples Therapy / Marriage Therapy: Have you been wanting to improve your relationship but found it hard to find time? Use this at-home time during stay at home orders to improve your relationship! You are both there, and can engage in couples/marriage therapy online.

Online therapy – Therapy for Children: Children are often very comfortable with online therapy. Since the kids are home all the time now, use one hour per week for online child therapy! This can help improve mood, behavioral issues, social skills, and teach coping skills and learning strategies such as for attention and focus. We have done therapy online with children as young as age five. Kids love it! They have fun showing their therapist their room, toys, pets, and projects… something they cannot do when in an office!

Personal growth: Have you been meaning to work on self-improvement but never find time? Take advantage of this extended time at home to focus on self-improvement sessions online with a therapist.

Online psychological evaluations: By doing interviews online and online testing, you can complete a psychological evaluation from home!

Top benefits of telehealth (telemedicine/teletherapy) for mental health

One of the top benefits of telehealth is the convenience it creates for clients, allowing them to access their therapist from home or work without taking time off from work or spend time to drive to and from the therapist’s office. This is efficient for clients as it saves people time and money, making therapy accessible to everyone.

Parents can have their therapy session in this online format without having to get childcare for their children, as your children can be at home playing while you have your session.

During flu season, telehealth protects people from germs as they can still engage in therapy from the comfort of their own home.

Another benefit is privacy as you do not run into other clients in a waiting room.

Research has shown teletherapy to be effective at addressing mental health systems.

Teletherapy can be used with all ages, even children, as experienced telehealth therapists have many therapy techniques that can be used in online therapy, and children and typically quite comfortable with electronic modes of communication.

Clients tend to have less missed appointments as teletherapy is designed to fit conveniently into their life, and less missed sessions helps therapy be effective.

Overall, telehealth is a highly convenient, effective modality for people who need psychotherapy.

We offer telehealth appointments from 9am-8pm Monday through Friday as well as all day Saturdays.

How to use teletherapy & online therapy for mental health

Each year, 1 in 5 Americans is diagnosed with a mental health condition. Historically, more than half do not receive proper treatment to help them feel better. Access, convenience, and time have all been barriers to receiving care. Access to therapists or access to psychologists for psychological evaluations for people in rural areas can keep people from getting the diagnosis or therapy they need for their mental health issues. In cities, the traffic and time it can take commuting to and from an office dissuades some who need help from getting it. While psychotherapy is usually only about one hour per week as a treatment, busy schedules jugging work and/or children with various life obligations can make it hard to find time to focus on one’s own mental health needs.

Teletherapy, also referred to as online therapy, has been the answer for many people! Research shows virtual mental health counseling is as effective as traditional in-office therapy. In fact sometimes it is even more effective, perhaps related to data that shows people tend to miss less of their scheduled on-line sessions, probably due to the convenience of it being from the comfort of their own home. And, it is effective for all ages. Therapists experienced and skilled at online therapy can work with children, and have numerous games and activities designed to address behavior problems or build coping skills and strategies; and of course today’s children are very comfortable with virtual formats. For teens and adults, talk therapy is easily provided using online therapy. Even couples therapy and family therapy can be done using telehealth. To use telemedicine for mental health, all you need is a computer, tablet, or smart phone; if you don’t have any of these, talk therapy can also be done simply over the telephone.

So, if you or someone you love is one of the 20% of Americans in need of mental health help this year, try teletherapy. Online therapy can fit easily into your life, and make you feel much better.

We offer telehealth appointments from 9am-8pm Monday through Friday as well as all day Saturdays.

Mental health services available through online therapy

Improving your mental health does not have to be put on hold during cold and flu season, or when you have a busy schedule and don’t have time to drive to our office! There are many ways you can get help from home by connecting with a psychologist for remote therapy and online psychological evaluations.

Online therapy – Individual Therapy: If you are struggling with anxiety, stress, depression, anger, substance abuse, trauma, relationship issues, etc., you can work on these issues from the comfort of your own home.

Online therapy – Couples Therapy / Marriage Therapy: Have you been wanting to improve your relationship but found it hard to find time? Use this at-home time during stay at home orders to improve your relationship! You are both there, and can engage in couples/marriage therapy online.

Online therapy – Therapy for Children: Children are often very comfortable with online therapy. Since the kids are home all the time now, use one hour per week for online child therapy! This can help improve mood, behavioral issues, social skills, and teach coping skills and learning strategies such as for attention and focus. We have done therapy online with children as young as age five. Kids love it! They have fun showing their therapist their room, toys, pets, and projects… something they cannot do when in an office!

Personal growth: Have you been meaning to work on self-improvement but never find time? Take advantage of this extended time at home to focus on self-improvement sessions online with a therapist or with our Life Coach!

Online psychological evaluations: By doing interviews online and online testing, you can complete a psychological evaluation from home!

Sleep Hygiene

Do you find yourself tossing and turning in bed for hours before finally falling asleep? Do you wake up multiple times throughout the night for no reason? Do you get up in the morning feeling less than well-rested? Small adjustments to your daily and nightly habits can make remarkable differences in your sleep, causing these problems to dissipate over time. Such sleep habits can collectively be referred to as “sleep hygiene,” and here are some suggestions to improve yours!

  1. Avoid napping, as it makes falling asleep at night harder. If you feel that you must nap to make it through your day, do so earlier as opposed to later, and limit your nap to 30 minutes.
  2. Use the bed only for sleeping and sex. This helps your body and mind associate your bed with sleep rather than other activities. Then, when you get in bed at night, it sends the signal to your brain that it is time to fall asleep.
  3. Cut off screen time an hour before bed. The artificial blue light emitted from electronic devices suppresses the release of melatonin, the body’s sleep-inducing hormone, and thus messes with the body’s natural sleep-wake cycle. Many devices now have a night-shift mode, in which you can set your device to emit a warmer light at a certain time each night. Making use of this is helpful.
  4. Avoid stimulants such as caffeine or nicotine within 6 hours of bedtime.
  5. Exercise, but not right before bed! Exercise is extremely helpful for sleep except for when it is done within a couple hours of bedtime. The adrenaline released from working out makes it difficult to wind down.
  6. Go to bed and wake up at the same time every night and morning, including weekends and days off as much as possible. Your sleep-wake cycle relies on consistency.
  7. Establish a bedtime routine. This could involve meditating, taking a bath, reading a relaxing book, or listening to soothing music before bed. It could also involve small things, such as laying out your clothes for the next day or putting on your favorite-scented lotion. Participating in these activities serves to separate sleep time from the more stressful or exciting activities of your day. Over time, these activities will become associated with bedtime, and doing them will cue your brain and body that it is time for sleep.
  8. Ensure your bedtime environment is conducive to sleep. This involves creating a dark, quiet, cool sleeping area. If there is uncontrollable noise, consider getting a sound machine, fan, or noise-cancelling headphones, or using comfortable ear plugs.
  9. Avoid using sleep medication when possible. They can create a dependency and worsen sleep problems over time.

Some of these habits may not be achievable for you right now, but sleep hygiene does not have to be perfected in order to be improved. Focus on the adjustments that are doable for you, and within weeks you should see improvements in the quality and quantity of your sleep.

How to choose the best teletherapy provider in Raleigh NC

As teletherapy becomes more used and more popular, you may wonder how to choose the best remote therapy mental health provider. Here are some tips:

  1. Easy to use video call teletherapy platform!
    Some online platforms, like we use at Lepage Associates, are a simple one-click link to join your session, with no apps to install, nothing to download, and no username and password set up required. They are pure simplicity. Other platforms require downloads, apps, set-up steps, etc. Also, some platforms require you be sent a new link for every appointment, whereas the best platforms for ease of use can provide one link you can reuse for each appointment.
  2. Experienced with remote therapy!
    Has your therapist been using telehealth for many years, or is this their first rodeo? Telehealth has been in use for over a decade, yet many therapists and doctors have never used it, and others are using it for the first time in response to coronavirus. Choosing a therapist who has been using telehealth for therapy for a long time, and thus has experience with how to quickly remedy any technology glitch, will help ensure your teletherapy sessions go smoothly. At Lepage Associates, we have been using telehealth for over a decade.
  3. Flexible online therapy hours available for your convenience!
    Some therapists provide telehealth from home offices to provide convenience for themselves, but you need appointment times to be convenient for you! Choose a practice that offers a wide range of hours for telehealth to meet your needs and allow flexibility for yourself in scheduling in your busy life. At Lepage Associates, we offer telehealth 8am to 8pm Monday through Friday, and 9am to 5pm Saturdays.
  4. Top-notch doctors and teletherapy therapists!
    Whether seeking a therapist to see in-office or online, you want someone highly experienced in whatever issue you are facing. Be sure the practice you choose for your therapy sessions has someone who specializes in what you are seeking help for.

Happiness in Three Time Periods

Think of a really happy experience in your childhood when you had few responsibilities and could go on a vacation with your mind solely on eagerly anticipating how great it would be. Now, imagine if you didn’t know that great thing was coming up, your parent just sprung it on you last minute. How would that experience have been different? According to Sonja Lyubomirsky in The How of Happiness, there are three time periods in which we can experience happiness about an event: before, during, and after. Beforehand happiness includes eagerly anticipating and positively fantasizing. People who put time and effort into this period of being happy tend to be optimistic and positive. Those who savor the present, who mindfully appreciate and sustain pleasurable moments, are less likely to experience depression, guilt, stress, and shame. And people who rekindle enjoyment about a past event and enjoy happily reminiscing are proficient at buffering stress. Think about what time period of happiness you usually engage in, and try to strengthen another one.


Please fill in the information below and we will email you with an appointment date/time.

(We are open 9am-8pm M-F and 9am-5/7pm Saturdays; please feel free to call 919-572-0000 directly during those hours to schedule as well.)

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