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Stopping the Happiness Treadmill

Have you ever found yourself jumping for joy after hearing great news but felt the feeling dissipate quickly? Positive psychologists refer to this as the “hedonic” or “happiness” treadmill. Unfortunately, happiness does not usually last, but do not fret, there are ways to combat this process… by incorporating a variety of new experiences into your daily life and, most importantly, appreciating them. Savoring your positive experiences and the happiness you already have can make a world of difference.

Compliment Yourself!

“If you don’t love yourself, how in the hell you gonna love somebody else?!” –  RuPaul 

There are numerous psychological benefits to complimenting yourself. Many people struggle with self image and self esteem. It could sound a bit strange, but try looking in the mirror every day and saying three good things about yourself (out loud!). Many times, we can depend on other people to make us feel good about ourselves. However, we should be doing that for ourselves too! Love yourself! Don’t wait for someone to do it for you. Know your worth. Know how special you are. Give yourself credit for the accomplishments you’ve made in your life. Embrace who you truly are. And the more you compliment yourself, the more you start to believe it. 

Staying Productive

Having to work or go to school from home can make it especially hard to find the motivation to be productive. With a few adjustments, you may find yourself happier with how you are spending all this time at home. Try learning a new skill, making daily lists of things to do and goals you have, or developing a routine structure for yourself to help your mind acclimate to this new way of life. These changes can have profound effects on your day-to-day productivity and, ultimately, your happiness.

Keep Your Friends Close

Many studies have found a distinct relationship between quality of friendships and happiness. This is likely because friendships satisfy our most basic needs; allowing us to comfortably be our authentic selves and express our thoughts genuinely. So maintain and value the relationships you have as they can be a vital source of support and happiness throughout your life.

Prioritizing Self-Care

Throughout our day, especially during this tumultuous time, it is essential that we make time to simply do things that we enjoy. Self-care, defined as taking an active role in improving your well-being, is the perfect way to do that. Setting aside time to practice self-care reminds us of how important our needs are. In addition, self-care can look different from person to person, from journaling your thoughts and feelings, meditation, or simply taking a break from day-to-day activities to give yourself time to recharge. Take the time to learn what you need and take care of yourself so that you can enjoy more out of life.

2020 Is Coming to an End!!!

“I want you to know that you are not alone in your being alone.” – Stephen Fry 2020 has been a crazy rollercoaster of a year for the entire world. Literally. COVID-19 has affected billions of people in various ways. COVID-19 has caused many people to feel alone, unmotivated, and downcast. Human interaction is incredibly important but has been taken away from us for health reasons, for the most part. However, with all of the negativity this year has brought, it’s important to remember that YOU ARE NOT ALONE. People in your family, community, state, country, continent, and planet are all trying to handle this change at the same time you are. In a way, our world has never been more connected, as we all have to work together to overcome this obstacle. It’s important to try and stay in touch with your family and friends as COVID-19 continues to be an issue. Additionally, try to look at the situation as a glass half full. There’s an FDA approved vaccine that has already started to be administered to people in the USA! Imagine how much more you’ll enjoy eating inside at a restaurant. Every hug after 2020 will feel a tiny bit more important. We won’t have to obsessively use hand sanitizer every waking moment until our hands are as dry as the desert. Even breathing normally and comfortably (without a mask) will be appreciated after this virus is gone. Additionally (tongue in cheek humour to come), you could use this story as a potential guilt-tripping method for any future children or grandchildren who complain about everyday things that we didn’t have for an entire year! This year has been incredibly tough, but we got through it successfully and will continue to overcome future challenges together!

Benefits of Watching Cute Animal Videos

Studies show that watching cute animal videos can improve your mood and relieve stress. They can also increase productivity, resilience, and relationship satisfaction. Social media is filled with stress-inducing and pessimistic news. It makes the world seem much worse than it is in reality. Being bombarded with negativity can cause us to become down, anxious, confused, and defeated. Looking at cute animals may counterbalance these effects on your mood. Try spending a few minutes a day appreciating the existence of puppies, baby seals, chinchillas, otters, and fennec foxes. Youtube is filled with animals making funny mistakes, playing, and being generally cute. I recommend this video of baby goats in pajamas. And here’s another favorite: cute owl sneezing.

How to choose the best telehealth mental health provider

As online therapy becomes more used and more popular, you may wonder how to choose the best teletherapy mental health provider. Here are some tips:

1. Teletherapy should be easy to use!

Some online platforms, like we use at Lepage Associates, are a simple one-click link to join your session, with no apps to install, nothing to download, and no username and password set up required. They are pure simplicity. Other platforms require downloads, apps, set-up steps, etc. Also, some platforms require you be sent a new link for every appointment, whereas the best platforms for ease of use can provide one link you can reuse for each appointment.

2. Level of Experience with telehealth for therapy!

Has your therapist been using online therapy for many years, or is this their first rodeo? Teletherapy has been in use for over a decade, yet many therapists and doctors have never used it, and others are using it for the first time in response to coronavirus. Choosing a therapist who has been using online therapy for a long time, and thus has experience with how to quickly remedy any technology glitch, will help ensure your teletherapy sessions go smoothly. At Lepage Associates, we have been using teletherapy for over a decade.

3. Flexible hours available for your mental health wellness and convenience!

Some therapists provide online therapy from home offices to provide convenience for themselves, but you need appointment times to be convenient for you! Choose a practice that offers a wide range of hours for teletherapy to meet your needs and allow flexibility for yourself in scheduling in your busy life. At Lepage Associates, we offer online therapy and online psychological evaluations 8am to 8pm Monday through Friday, and 9am to 5pm Saturdays.

4. Top-notch doctors and therapists for mental health remote therapy!

Whether seeking a therapist to see in-office or online, you want someone highly experienced in whatever issue you are facing. Be sure the practice you choose for your online therapy sessions has a clinician who specializes in what you are seeking help for.

When To Get Your Child Mental Health Help During Covid-19

The stress, fear and uncertainty created by the COVID-19 pandemic can wear anyone down, but children and teens may have an especially tough time coping emotionally. Children and adolescents that were coping with mental health issues prior to COVID-19 are likely to have increased symptomatology.

Home confinement has restricted children from their normal lifestyles, and this influences their mental and physical health. Children rely on their peers to converse, be entertained, play sports, socialize, distract, grow, and learn and to be included. COVID-19 took this away without warning. What once were their coping skills and outlets are now gone.

Children and teens are not used to being with their nuclear family 24/7. Parents went to work, children went to school, followed by after school programs or sports, and at dinner time either the family gathered at the table or went out to eat and spent time together. This routine provided for change in environment, structure, socializing, and family time in increments that were counted on for balance and outlets of emotion and energy. 

Children and teens cannot grasp the concept of the pandemic like adults do and to lose life as they know it is hard to make sense of. Isolation and social distancing have eliminated the things we had taken for granted. “You don’t know what you have until it’s gone” explains so much. Children and teens did not realize how the normal day to day activities and interactions played a role in how they feel. But now, with no outlets, the feelings of loneliness, depression, anxiety, anger, and fear can be even more overwhelming. The first and most important step is to talk to and observe your child for changes in their day to day functioning.

You may not hear these feelings directly from your children, so it is important to take note of the following symptoms:

  • Isolating more than normal 
  • Heightened irritability
  • Sleeping and eating pattern changes
  • Loss of interest in what was interesting before
  • Increased emotional dysregulation or moodiness
  • Lethargy 

These are only a few signs that may indicate your child may benefit from mental health support.  With the pandemic, you may not realize that help is still available. The option of teletherapy, as well as in the office sessions, can help children get the therapy they need.


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(We are open 9am-8pm M-F and 9am-5/7pm Saturdays; please feel free to call 919-572-0000 directly during those hours to schedule as well.)

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