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Archive for Something to Ponder – Page 6

How Do We See Others

We can often spend a lot of time worrying about how others perceive us. Does this outfit look good? Do I project confidence when I speak? Does my boss realize I am falling asleep in this meeting? But how often do you reflect on how you see others? Do you judge people by easily accessible information (the clothes they wear, their haircut, facial expression) or do you wait to form an opinion? Do certain qualities or characteristics influence your perspective? Or do you see people independently of the country they are from, the places they worship, and the stores they shop at? The world we live in seems to become more polarized by the day and demands we filter information quickly, but does that approach really serve in our best interest? Can you spare a moment to step back, take a deep breath, and consider all the pieces before passing judgement?

The Changing of the Leaves

September marks the start of Fall, bringing with it a number of changes to the world around us. Green leaves change to vibrant shades of orange, yellow, and red. The heat of summer makes way for the cool breezes of Autumn. How do you deal with changes in your life? Maybe you are a prepper, anticipating problems and finding solutions like a squirrel stashing nuts for winter. Perhaps you wait and see, going with the flow like a leaf in the breeze. Do you put off changes until the last moment, holding on to your old ways and only changing when you have no other option? Do you dive right in, like a child excited for their first day of school? Maybe you deny change all together, refusing to get a new jacket because your old one works just fine, despite the coffee stain. Whatever your strategy, know that change will always be there and anything can change, including how we deal with it. 

The Double-Standard in our Mind

Take a moment to think about the last time you made a mistake. Maybe you forgot to do something or thought the actions you took were right, only to learn otherwise. How did you react? What did the voice inside your head say? “I’m so stupid?” “What a dumb thing to do?” “I can’t do anything right?” Now think about the last time a friend made a mistake and how upset they were. How did you talk to them? Was it the same way you react to your own mistakes? Odds are you reacted the way any good friend would, offering encouragement and support, and maybe a good-natured ribbing to lighten the mood. Why is it so easy for us to support a friend, but so hard to support ourselves? How can we take that same compassion and turn it inward? The next time you find yourself making a mistake, ask yourself, “What would I say if it was someone else?”

Criticism vs Feedback

How do we communicate when something needs to change? If we disapprove of another’s methods or know the solution is wrong, how do we get that across to others? Do we use criticism or feedback? It is likely some of us consider these two sides of the same coin, but there are important differences between each. Criticism keeps the focus on the wrong action. It communicates who or what we believe is at fault and places a judgement on the actions of others. Feedback may find fault in a particular action and still holds someone or something accountable, but provides ideas and instruction for improvement. When we give feedback, we provide a roadmap to what we want to see and do not make personal judgments on particular actions, just ways things could be done better. Think back to the last time you made a mistake and which types of comments were more helpful. Was it the critical, problem-focused comments? Or was it the solution-focused suggestions for improvement?

Tracing our Path

Where do you see yourself one year from now? How about five years? 10 years? Exploring these questions may seem like a daunting task, but are ultimately an important exercise. Take where you are now, for example. Reflect back on the decisions you made that got you here. How did you wind up in your current home, place of employment, or current relationship? Were these things you planned for? Or did some of them seem to materialize spontaneously? Are they things you want to keep? Or are they ripe for change? Regardless if there are things you want to change or not, it is important to ask yourself if the decisions you are making are in service of that one, five, or ten year plan.


Anger is an emotion that can rise at various times in our everyday lives. You may be angry at that driver who cut you off, waiting for an appointment that is running late, or even a home appliance that isn’t working quite right, but what is all of that anger bringing you? Despite the fact that you might feel justified in anger when something isn’t going your way, you’re actually allowing for extra stress on your emotional and physical health. Anger can stress out your heart, increase your risk of stroke, weaken your immune system, and put strain on your relationships! These issues are compounded when we don’t find a way to release or let go of that anger in appropriate ways. How do you unwind when things start to set you off? Do you need a physical release, such as a good run, a round with a punching bag, or lifting weights? Do you find that talking through issues with a friend, family member, or partner helps you clear your mind?  Do you take the time to unwind with calming music, a warm bath, or a good book? Whatever your method, take a moment to remind yourself that whatever is angering you can be overcome. As a wise man once said, “You’ve made it through every ‘worst day of your life’ thus far!”

Decisions, Decisions, Decisions…

As warmer weather approaches, you are likely finding yourself confronted with several decisions to make. Am I going to take a trip this summer? Can I afford one? Should I take care of that yardwork now or wait until it gets warmer? It can be good to know how we approach the decision-making process and play to our strengths. Are you someone who likes to list out pros and cons, having all the information right in front of you? Do you compile options and pick from an assortment of choices? Do you prefer to “go with your gut” and choose what feels right in that moment? Do you have others you turn to for sage wisdom? Knowing how we handle even the smallest of decisions can help us when we reach times of crisis.

Spring Cleaning

If you are anything like this author, cleaning is somewhere toward the bottom of you favorite spring activities (perhaps just before taxes, but not by much). When psyching yourself up to undertake a task, how do you get yourself in the right state of mind? Do you use self-talk, reminding yourself how much happier you will be when the task is completed? Do you put on your favorite song and use it as your rallying anthem? Do you wait until the last moment (say, the day before your in-laws arrive) and let stress be your motivator? Knowing what motivates us can help us harness that energy for success and keep us working toward our goals.

The Language of Love

Opinions on Valentine’s Day tend to fall into one of two camps. There are those who relish the opportunity to express their love for another or be showered with affection, and those who would rather treat it as any other day of the week. Regardless of your feelings about the day, it is good to ask yourself how you show affection and appreciation for those around you. The Five Love Languages: How to Express Heartfelt Commitment to Your Mate by Gary Chapman offers some strategies to ponder. Are you someone who gives gifts with a special connection to that person? Do you give in other ways, such as spending time together or helping out around the house? Does your chosen method involve giving compliments and talking to the person directly? Do you let your body do the talking, be it with a pat on the back, a hug, or kiss? How do you know you are loved? Your answer may point you in the direction of how you express affection.


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