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Archive for Our Happiness Blog – Page 56

Choosing Happiness

March 25, 2013


I’ve come to believe that feeling happy is not something that happens to us or doesn’t happen to us. There are not happy people and unhappy people. Sure, some people seem to have an easier time than others choosing happiness, but I believe that when it comes down to it, it’s a choice for everyone. And for me some days, being happy feels like a very difficult choice. So if I’m feeling low or struggling to get the happy feeling I know I want, I do the following: grab some paper, a pen, and start writing a list. A list of everything I can think of in just a few moments that I’m grateful for: my working car, my best friend’s homemade meatballs, my paying job, my eyes and vision, running water every time I turn on the faucet, putting on warm clothes straight from the dryer, North Carolina sun, fresh cookies, listening to live music outside, my new pair of shoes, being without physical pain, my nephew’s giggle, a silly YouTube video, family coming to visit, remembering to bring my umbrella….nothing is too little or too big to add.  I make the list as long as needed until I can feel my mood shift.

Give it a try – see how capable you are of choosing happiness for yourself!

Heather McKenzie, M.S., NCC, LPC
Turning Point Family Care, PLLC
1708 Trawick Rd. Suite 101
Raleigh, NC 27604
(919) 896-7536
[email protected]


Our Interns Share Where They Find Happiness

March 18, 2013

We asked our Interns this question…”Where do you find happiness?”  Their answers are below.

• Happiness is everywhere! It’s spending time with my boyfriend/friends/family, exploring a new city, or just snuggling on the couch with my dogs. I don’t have to search for happiness- it’s all around me.
• It is found by searching for a positive aspect of any scenario.
• I find happiness in my relationships with friends and family, as well as shared experiences, especially spontaneous activities.
• Happiness can be found anywhere, but I find it through God, friends, family, and chocolate. 😉
• Mostly within myself; as a result of my actions.

Happiness And Smiling

March 11, 2013

The James-Lange theory says emotions are a response to physiological changes – you feel your heart racing and you feel anxious, you smile and you feel happy. There are many (very good) arguments against this theory. You may have already thought of a few of them! But… try it anyway, right now. Smile a real smile with your whole face, your cheeks and eyes. Do you feel a teensy, tiny bit happier? Even if you don’t, imagine if you smiled real smiles more often during the day even when you didn’t feel happy – what would happen? People would see you smiling and react to that. It could be a feedback loop of happiness! In any event, it couldn’t hurt, right? =)

Our Interns – Their Views On Happiness

March 4, 2013

Here at Lepage Associates, we currently have five interns who are with us from local universities.   They are here to learn about the practice & get experience in the field of psychology.  During the spring we’ll be asking them for their thoughts on “happiness” as a young adult on the edge of their next chapter – here is the first question we asked them and their answers:

What is happiness to you?

  • I define my happiness as the sense of accomplishment I get as a result of my hard work, dedication, and determination that I’ve put-forth on a task or goal. The goals could be anything – getting a good test grade, scoring a date, getting physically fit, etc.
  • Happiness is doing the things I love, with the people I love.
  • Happiness is smiling, laughing, and genuinely feeling good wherever you are. It’s free.
  • Happiness is being content with things going on in your life, regardless of the ups and downs. Happiness is accepting things as they are and looking for the positive in every situation.
  • Happiness to me is feeling fulfilled in all aspects of my heath: mentally, emotionally, as well as physically. I feel happiest when I feel satisfied with all three parts of my health.

Good Posture Makes You Happy

February 18, 2013

Good posture allows your spine and not a whole bunch of struggling back muscles to support the weight of your upper body.

You breathe more easily with good posture, because you can use your diaphragm more effectively and allow your belly to expand. This actually allows you to use the entire length of your lungs and muscles, unlike chest breathing. You get more oxygen circulating to your muscles and your brain, allowing you to feel and think better!

Good posture allows your shoulders hang more naturally, preventing tension in your neck and shoulders and head.

You are perceived as more confident by others when you have good posture, and this affects how they treat you.

You actually feel more confident when you have good posture. Studies have shown that good posture increases the amount of testosterone released in the body (associated with level of confidence) and decreases levels of cortisol (associated with level of stress).

Not overtaxing my back muscles? Using deep, relaxing breathing? Thinking clearly? No neck and shoulder tension, or tension headaches? Having people respond to my confidence? Changing my body chemistry so I feel more confident and less stressed? I feel happy already!

You Are More Than Your Illness

February 11, 2013

This post is about embracing possibilities, which is always a positive and happy thought. We are all more than our “shell” and have so much to contribute. Don’t let your illness define you.

Illness may be seen or unseen…obvious or hidden.

Illness may bring physical, emotional, or spiritual pain.

Illness may bring acceptance or bitterness.

Illness may limit you or propel you into new and different places.

Illness changes you, but it does not define you.

You are more than your illness…so much more.

Pets Are Happiness

February 4, 2013

“A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than you love yourself.” (Josh Billings)

“Time spent with cats is never wasted.” (Sigmund Freud)

I am personally a “dog person”, but I can appreciate the value of cats. I’ve grown up with dogs and I cannot imagine how empty my life would be without an animal in it. A friend of mine genuinely hated dogs (any pets really, they are messy!) and then her kids wanted one; she gave in, quite reluctantly, and is now the biggest advocate for the joy of pets. That dog is treated like the queen she should be! My dogs have a sixth sense that’s hard to explain to someone who doesn’t live with pets… they are full of wisdom, joy, and love. Definitely happiness with a tail!


Can Color Make You Happy?

January 28, 2013

Wouldn’t it be nice if we could just make ourselves feel happy by looking at a color? It seems possible – after all, some of what we see travels beyond our eyeballs and deep into our brain. Some research suggests that what we see can affect our emotions at a scientific level beyond mere associations. Great! Then all we have to do is surround ourselves with the “good” colors, right? It’s not that easy.

Some research shows that red can make people feel excited or aggressive. Pink can also lead to aggression, or make us feel calm. Orange can stimulate feelings of passion… or frustration. Blue can make us feel relaxed and calm, or aloof and unfriendly. Yellow can make us feel optimistic or fearful. Green can lead to a sense of peace and relaxation, or stagnation. Purple stimulates our introspection but can lead us into introversion.

What colors make YOU feel happy?

Back To Exercise

January 21, 2013

I took a it of a hiatus from my morning routine – not because I dislike exercise, but because I felt like the need for sleep was simply winning over my need for exercise. Well, here I go again, back to the early morning routine. I have to say that every time I take a break and then return to this 5am wake up, I always think to myself… Why did I stop doing this to begin with because I feel so great when I do it? It’s like mental medicine to me! And then I remember the answer: sleep. But I’m back in the saddle again and I’m ready to commit again. That’s what it’s about – commitment. As they say…If you’re not moving forward, you’re moving backwards.



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