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Archive for Our Happiness Blog – Page 55

Uncover goodness in others

May 27, 2013

Everyone has something good in them.  Even the people that irritate you the most.  It’s way too easy to focus on the negative attributes of others…instead, make a conscious effort today to find something positive about every one you encounter today.  Doing anything that’s challenging or difficult will offer you some type of reward.  It might be small, peace of mind, or just gratification – but those things can go a long way to creating a positive outlook.

Push the boundary of “normal”

May 20, 2013

If you have ever pushed yourself to do something that stretches your comfort zone, pushes the “normal” boundaries for you, or even tests your mental/physical endurance then you understand that feeling of accomplishment.  Setting a goal to test your abilities on a regular basis is a way to gain happiness along with insight about what motivates you.  If you’ve never deliberately done this, start small.  If you are used to challenging yourself, decide to do something that stretches you in a way you never thought possible.  Either way, you will reap rewards!

Toe nail polish & warm weather

May 13, 2013

There is something about deciding it’s time to paint the toes for the spring & summer.  It’s a sign that it’s time for sandals, trips to the lake or beach, and being outside until the evening.  It’s time to get rid of the old nail polish we have that’s clumpy, too dark, or just out of style.  Get some bright colors, wear sandals, and put some sparkles on those toes.  Nothing like some happy, sparkly toes for the summer! 😉

The World’s Happiest Person

May 6, 2013

A good exploration of happiness should include the world’s happiest person. And neuropsychological studies show that a 66 year-old French molecular geneticist who dropped everything to become a Tibetan Buddhist monk actually holds that title. While meditating on compassion, his brain imaging showed previously never before seen levels of gamma wave activity and excessive activity in the left pre-frontal cortex, both markers of happiness. What great lessons of living according to our own values and internalizing control of life (as depicted by dropping a successful career in the pursuit of happiness), as well as the positive effects of cultivating a sense of compassion for others.

Making a Negative a Positive

April 29, 2013

I definitely don’t know the meaning of life. But, what I do know is that we all have challenges to face. Some are pretty intense on that spectrum, and some are just normal daily things everyone has to deal with. Given that everyone faces challenges, why do some people rise to the top and others crumble under that type of stress & pressure? I assume there are many reasons that explain this concept. What I do feel is that our happiness can depend on how we address those “bumps” in our life. I know that some of the biggest challenges I’ve faced are things I have purposely flip-flopped in my life – taking those negative things & turning them into positive opportunities is one way to look at that problem. Granted… it takes time, it’s not a quick-fix, and you have to be willing to grow.

If you have taken a negative experience in your life and used it to your advantage to grow, maybe even help others, and improve your happiness with life please share your experience with us. We’d love to hear about it!


Ask The Interns – What Makes A Job or Career A Happy Choice?

April 22, 2013

Our Interns are at the end of their college career and looking ahead to their next chapter – most likely being the start of their workforce career.  We asked them what makes for a “happy” choice regarding their future at work.  Without knowing it, they all said almost the same thing!

  • A happy workplace/job is one where the people are friendly, nice, and easy to get along with. Having a good set of coworkers is the key to being happy in the workplace.
  • Any work site, job, or career is a happy place if you enjoy what you do and enjoy the people around you.
  • If you have the luxury of choosing your career, then choose one that’s going to satisfy you- whether that be the work itself or the money it brings! (If you have a career that’s enjoyable in both respects, you’ve hit the jackpot.)
  • A happy workplace is not always easy to find. Enjoying your job and the people you work with is key to a happy career. Avoiding/ resolving conflict is important if it arises. Going into work with a positive outlook will only help ensure happiness throughout the day.
  • I think a workplace is transformed into a happy place when relationships and bonds are formed between coworkers and the environment promotes friendly interactions as well as work


Conquering Technology Makes Me Happy

April 15, 2013

Technology is a moving target that can be the best thing ever, or, the biggest headache ever. This weekend I won a gold medal in perseverance. OK, nobody literally put a medal around my neck, but I still had the same feeling that it actually happened. Happiness is figuring out technology…..aaaaaaaaah…’s like a cup of perfect coffee on a fall day, or getting a great parking space at the mall during the holidays, or finding money in your winter coat. Something as simple as figuring out a mystery on your phone, your computer, a software package, or fixing a tiny glitch can make you feel like a super hero. Of course, the down side to this is that it’s short lived – just as soon as you knock down that technology monster the next one will rear its head soon enough. But for those few minutes, or hours, or days, it sure feels like I conquered the world. Not only that but it gives me just enough hope that the next technology monster I encounter will be slayed as well.

Have you ever conquered something on your computer or phone & felt so confident that you were certain you could solve all the world’s problems? Or at least a few???


What Makes You “Shake It Off” When Your Day Is Tough?

April 8, 2013

We asked our Interns this question… What do you do when you’re having a tough day? How do you find the brighter side, how do you shake it off?  Here is what they said:

  • If I am having a tough day I usually go for a run and listen to upbeat music at the same time. This helps me clear my head and my physical exercise distracts me from my hard day.
  • I usually do things I enjoy to “shake if off” such as exercise or cooking.
  • To “shake off” a tough day, I leave behind whatever is troubling me for a little while and spend time with friends who I know will make me laugh,
  • Realizing that no matter how bad my day is, it could always be a whole lot worse. I am healthy, I live in a relatively prosperous country, and I have people who care about me. So, really, how tough could my days possibly be?
  • I usually play basketball. Studies have shown exercising releases “feel good” chemicals in our bodies. (Endorphins, adrenaline, serotonin, etc)

Can You Buy Happiness?

April 1, 2013

I saw this quote today: “You can’t buy happiness but you can buy tea…and that’s kind of the same thing.” I’m not a big tea drinker, but I get the concept and it made me think about what things you can buy that make you happy even if it’s only temporary – like your favorite tea. I definitely hear people say that you can’t buy happiness…but that seems to be said by people with lots of money! =) Does having money & nice things contribute to happiness? Is happiness something that is within our DNA? Are some people just “born” happy? Are some people just born unhappy?



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