Fraud Blocker

April 22, 2013

Our Interns are at the end of their college career and looking ahead to their next chapter – most likely being the start of their workforce career.  We asked them what makes for a “happy” choice regarding their future at work.  Without knowing it, they all said almost the same thing!

  • A happy workplace/job is one where the people are friendly, nice, and easy to get along with. Having a good set of coworkers is the key to being happy in the workplace.
  • Any work site, job, or career is a happy place if you enjoy what you do and enjoy the people around you.
  • If you have the luxury of choosing your career, then choose one that’s going to satisfy you- whether that be the work itself or the money it brings! (If you have a career that’s enjoyable in both respects, you’ve hit the jackpot.)
  • A happy workplace is not always easy to find. Enjoying your job and the people you work with is key to a happy career. Avoiding/ resolving conflict is important if it arises. Going into work with a positive outlook will only help ensure happiness throughout the day.
  • I think a workplace is transformed into a happy place when relationships and bonds are formed between coworkers and the environment promotes friendly interactions as well as work



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