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Archive for Our Happiness Blog – Page 26

Happiness and Gratitude

It is often a Thanksgiving tradition for families to share what they are grateful or thankful for while sitting around the dinner table. This year consider spending the days leading up to the holiday to reflect on what you are grateful for. Whether you decide to share what you come up with on Thanksgiving or keep it to yourself, having the awareness can play a role in improving your mood.

Happiness and Slowing Down

We are constantly on the go or on autopilot, especially with the holiday season around the corner. There is so much to get done on top of our already busy schedules. Every day this week challenge yourself to take a moment to check-in with yourself. Your check-in can be brief and can include gently bringing your awareness to your breathing and simply observing it. This can be done almost anywhere! Whether it be when you are stuck in traffic, waiting in a grocery line, or working at a desk.

Happiness and Bedtime

It probably goes without saying, adequate sleep impacts our mood. We have all had our days where we are just annoyed and irritated by everything because we aren’t well rested. Aside from achieving the necessary hours of sleep to function at our optimal level, what we do before we close our eyes for the night can also be important. Our mind can associate bedtime rituals to us turning in for the night. Take a moment to consider what you do before bed? Does your routine signal to your mind that it is time to wind down or does it send the message to keep going?

Happiness and Treating Yourself

When is the last time you did something for yourself? Often the demands of life take precedence over taking care of ourselves. This week I want to challenge you to do at least one thing to treat yourself because you matter! Here are some ideas:

  • Set aside time to watch your favorite TV show or movie
  • Take a long bath
  • Allow yourself to enjoy your favorite dessert
  • Go to your favorite coffee shop
  • Buy yourself flowers
  • Buy the pair of shoes you have been eying for the past month
  • Take a nap
  • Sleep in

Happiness and Halloween Celebrations

I know Halloween isn’t until the 31st , but why wait to celebrate only that one day? Here are some ways to start celebrating early:

  • Many haunted houses and Halloween attractions are open prior to the holiday, so pick a day or two in the coming weeks to go.
  • Watch your favorite Halloween movies.
  • Listen to Halloween music while cooking, driving to work, or cleaning the house.
  • Get a head start on devouring treat.
  • Create Halloween inspired meals or baked goods.

Happiness and Costumes

No matter one’s age, deciding on a costume is exciting! Halloween is a time to display your creative skills and try something new. It can get costly buying all the pieces from a costume store, but with multiple DIY options, you can achieve the look you are going for without breaking the bank. Regardless of the route you choose, challenge yourself to enjoy every step of the process and not just the end result.

Happiness and Pumpkins

With it being the month of October, I think it is okay to think all things pumpkin! Some of us have traditions we follow when it comes to pumpkins, whether it is a pumpkin carving party with friends or using the family recipe to make a pumpkin pie. Here are some other ideas for what you can do with pumpkins this year:

  • Roast pumpkin seeds
  • Make mashed pumpkin and potatoes
  • Make your pumpkin into a beverage cooler
  • Instead of carving pumpkins for décor, paint them
  • Turn your pumpkin into a flower pot
  • Make pumpkin soup

Happiness and Food

If you are a foodie like me, then finding new places to eat is an exciting adventure! While for others, experimenting with a new recipe brings great joy. Whichever category you fall into, try making it a part of your week or month. Planning for a day to go to a new restaurant or trying a new recipe can give you something pleasurable to look forward to especially when it is a particularly long week.

Happiness and the Beauty of Fall

Happiness and the Beauty of Fall September 22nd is the first day of fall this year and there are many ways to celebrate the season. Here are some great ways to take advantage of the crisp weather and beautiful foliage:

  • Go apple picking
  • Tailgate and attend a football game
  • Go for a hike
  • Enjoy hot spiced cider with donuts
  • Attend a fall festival
  • Go for a drive with your window down


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