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Archive for Our Happiness Blog – Page 15

Making Checklists

Making checklists has more benefits than you may imagine. Checklists allow you to take abstract thoughts in your brain and break them down into concrete goals. Research shows writing checklists provides relief, because you feel more confident you will get the tasks done. And you should be more confident, because research also shows that writing down tasks does make you more likely to get them done. Then, completing the tasks will release dopamine in your brain. We’ve talked about dopamine on here before; it is a neurotransmitter that is released from small successes, and it makes us feel pleasure and motivation to do more. One final benefit of checklists is that going to check off that task releases additional dopamine, along with the dopamine released from doing the task itself. Why not have a little celebration for everything you accomplish, especially if it makes you more likely to keep accomplishing in the future? Hopefully, we’ve convinced you to grab a notepad and get planning!

Deck the Halls!

We are big fans of holiday decorating because it brings joy in many ways. Figuring out how to decorate your space requires you to get creative, and perhaps to work together with someone you love. Research shows that decorating allows you to tap into the excitement of the holidays and can lift your spirits. And, once the decorations are up, they bring consistent joy and warmth to your space, and they bring joy into the days of people who see them. Seeing holiday decorations makes many people happy because it brings up positive childhood memories. It reminds us of a time of magic, innocence, and joy. But, if you have negative memories associated with the holidays, and traditional holiday decorations give you a feeling of dread, psychologists suggest starting a new tradition. This could be going to the movies with a loved one, baking a pie, or decorating your house in a non-traditional way, such as putting up a disco ball. By the next time the holidays roll around, you’ll begin to associate this time of year with your newer, happier memories. And if you don’t celebrate any holidays this time of year, you could try putting up nonsecular decorations, such as paper snowflakes. Whether or not you associate these decorations with happy memories, decorating itself spikes the feel-good hormone dopamine, and allows you to get creative and shake up your space!

This Thanksgiving…

We challenge you to make this Thanksgiving a good one. We know that the holidays aren’t naturally happy for everyone; some people have tension during family gatherings, some people don’t have family gatherings at all. It is important to be gentle with yourself and comfort any hard emotions that may arise. But what steps can you take to add some joy to this holiday? Maybe you bake cookies and deliver them to the neighbors. Maybe you go on a walk and treat yourself to something you enjoy the morning before the Thanksgiving meal. Maybe you have a Friendsgiving along with, or instead of, a family meal. Watch your favorite movie, make your favorite dish, take a bubble bath, allow yourself to sleep in, and skip the workout if you need to….Do what it takes to support you.

Time to Declutter?

Cluttered homes can lead to cluttered minds. Research has shown that clutter leads to higher levels of cortisol, the stress hormone, in the body. Having unnecessary items strewn about can cause overwhelm, overstimulation, and decision fatigue. By giving or throwing away things we no longer need, and organizing the things we do need, we reduce mental clutter, guilt, and shame, and we increase mental clarity and mindfulness. You deserve to be in a home that you feel peaceful in, and creating that space for yourself is an act of self-care, and an act of care for those who live with you. And while it may seem daunting to start organizing, the good news is, it might be more enjoyable than you are anticipating. The neurotransmitter dopamine gets released as we complete even small tasks, which is responsible for feelings of satisfaction and happiness. Dopamine allows us to feel good about what we’ve achieved, and motivates us to do more, so that we continue to feel that pleasure.

Welcome November!

What’s today? The first day of November already? Time really flies by, but stopping to appreciate where you are now can help it to slow down a little. When you walk outside, look around at the changing leaves, feel the cooling air on your skin, breathe in the scents of fall. Think about what you’re grateful for from last month, and get excited for Thanksgiving, or Christmas, or whatever you have to celebrate in the upcoming months. If the holidays are hard or isolating for you, take time to pause and thank yourself for taking care of yourself, and welcome the possibility of turning a new leaf in the future. And, most importantly, pause on right now. What are you grateful for today? What acts of self love are you going to incorporate into your day to feel some joy and comfort? What are you going to do for someone else that will brighten their day? And, no matter where you are in life, thank yourself for being strong and showing up every day. Let’s make it a good November!

What Are You Being for Halloween?

When Halloween night rolls around, it doesn’t matter if you’re ten years old ringing doorbells, or fifty years old at home, we think it’s always worthwhile to dress up. It allows you to get creative, maybe to reconnect to a favorite childhood movie or book character, and to step out of your box into some type of new role for the evening. It is important not to take ourselves seriously all the time as adults, to have some lighthearted fun, and to get our creative juices flowing. We’ve still got a couple days before Halloween, so use the time to brainstorm and dig up an old costume or throw a new one together. Nurture the child inside you, and amuse the people around you while you’re at it!

Start Thinking of Holiday Gifts Now!

Many of us rush around the couple days before Christmas or Hanukkah to find the perfect gifts for our loved ones. But we have a suggestion: start thinking about gifts now! The more time you give yourself, the more ideas will come up naturally, rather than having to force yourself to think of ideas last-minute. You can approach your holiday shopping with more relaxation and joy. It’s also easier on your budget to spread out your gift-buying over a couple months. And, it extends that giving, generous holiday spirit even longer! You’ll build up even more excitement for the holidays, and to give your gifts to your friends and family. 

Choose a Daily Mantra

Does your brain ever have one anxious or sad thought, and then spiral from there? Or maybe you have self-defeating thoughts, like “I’m bored” or “I’m not good enough.” Having a daily mantra, one that resonates with you, is like having a little intervention that puts you back on track every time your brain starts to veer off-course. It’s a little mind trick that you can carry in your back pocket. Here’s our suggestion for how to choose a daily mantra. When you wake up in the morning, think about what you want to achieve today, or how you want to feel. Maybe think about yesterday, and where you went wrong, and what you want to do differently. Or, what you did well, and what you want to do again. Maybe yesterday you felt like you were snappy with your coworkers, and you want to be kinder today. You could make your mantra, “I am full of loving kindness.” But always remember to make your mantra realistic. If you really don’t believe what you’re telling yourself, it won’t work. So if you’re depressed, instead of making your mantra, “I’m happy,” make it something like, “This too shall pass,” or, “There is happiness in store for me.” And remember, where your attention goes, your energy flows, so the more you attend to these little thoughts, the more your brain will adapt to make them true!

Enjoy the Autumn!

This past year has meant a lot of canceled plans, but that does not mean you have to miss out on some safe fall festivities. As the weather cools down, the air becomes crisper, and the leaves change color, go on a nature hike with a loved one to enjoy the outdoors. If you live near an apple orchard, make a day of it so you can enjoy some fresh air and fresh fruit. Spending time outside is one of the easiest ways you can improve your mental health and well-being. Studies have shown that being outdoors can lower your cortisol levels, a hormone that is a marker for stress. Vitamin D, which is essential for bone growth, is easily accessible the moment you step into the sun! Breathing fresh air can clear your lungs and lower your blood pressure and heart rate. With these benefits in mind, grab a light jacket and head outside for your daily dose of the beautiful autumn weather! 


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