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Archive for Our Happiness Blog – Page 11

Giving Thanks Makes Both People Happy

Not only does saying thank you to another person make that person feel appreciated and happy, it makes you feel good too! Every Thanksgiving people focus on being thankful for what they have, which is a good habit to get into all year round. According to research from Harvard, giving thanks can make you happier! “In positive psychology research, gratitude is strongly and consistently associated with greater happiness. Gratitude helps people feel more positive emotions, relish good experiences, improve their health, deal with adversity, and build strong relationships.”

So take time whenever you can to be thankful for all you have, and to say thank you to others for all they do!

Take Deep Breaths

Deep breathing has numerous health benefits: it decreases your stress response, blood pressure, and heart rate, making you calmer. Shallow breathing is associated with tension and anxiety. Many people don’t breathe deeply due to societal pressures to have a flat stomach. Breathing deeply will push your lower stomach out. 

Since deep breathing is unnatural for many, you must make a conscious decision to breathe differently to practice it. It might feel odd at first, but you might start breathing deeper naturally with practice over time. Some breathing exercises are also targeted explicitly towards decreasing anxiety: alternate-nostril breathing, belly breathing, box breathing, 4-7-8 breathing, lion’s breath, etc. 

Next time you notice your breathing becoming shallow, try making a conscious effort to take a deep, belly breath. 

Watch Comedians!

We all love a good laugh—that type of laugh where you can barely breathe because of how funny a joke was. While cheesy, according to science, laughter is the best medicine. Short-term effects include organ stimulation, stress relief, and tension relief. Long-term effects include immune system development, pain relief, a more positive mindset, and mood improvement.  The benefits of watching comedy shows, specifically, have been shown: stress relief, muscle relaxation, reduction of blood pressure, brain stimulation, etc. If you can’t get to an in-person comedy show, don’t worry! There are many comedian videos on Youtube and Netflix (other platforms, too!): including John Mulaney, Dave Chappelle, Taylor Tomlinson, Gabriel Iglesias, etc. While not every comedian may make you laugh, there’s bound to be one that shares your humor style!

Good News Network

Do you ever get tired of the endless depressing stories presented on the news? Watching the news helps keep you informed of current events. But watching too much, especially considering the negative tone of most channels, can harm your mental health. Covid-19 news has added a whole other layer of stress to people. 

Because of these things, looking at Good News Network is a great way to stay informed and happy! As the name suggests, this website only shares the good news. The first story from them I saw detailed how staff at Cornish Seal Sanctuary made a dating site, Fishing for Love, for an otter. He ended up finding a girlfriend, and they now live together! Along with silly stories, they also have more informative information: for example, “Australia [set]… aside 30% of its land mass to protect its unique species.” 

Even though the bad news is thrown at us so often, that doesn’t mean good news doesn’t exist! So, next time you want to get news updates (or just want to see some cute stories!), try going to the Good News Network!

Drink a Moderate Amount of Caffeine

Your parents might have told you to avoid caffeine like the plague if you don’t want to damage your health. According to several studies, however, coffee and tea have both been linked to a reduced risk of depression. There are many other benefits. Caffeine also boosts energy levels and might protect you from neurodegenerative disorders (including Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and dementia). One study found that drinking four cups of coffee per day decreased the risk of depression significantly more than drinking one cup per day. Some studies have even linked coffee consumption to a lower risk of death by suicide. Along with making people happy when they start their morning, a morning cup of joe may benefit you in more ways than one!

The Importance of Breathing

Have you ever been so overwhelmed with work (or life in general) that you slip into a cycle of anxiety? Sometimes breathing the right way is the best way to calm your mind and focus. We tend to tense up and breathe less deeply and quicker when stressed. Then, because you’re breathing so fast and shallow, you actually make yourself more anxious. It’s a cycle. To break that cycle, you have to make an active effort to change how you breathe. You’ll be surprised to find out that after a minute or two, you’ll feel yourself getting calmer! 

Try some of these techniques

  • Alternate-Nostril Breathing
  • Belly Breathing
  • Box Breathing
  • 4-7-8 Breathing
  • Lion’s Breath
  • Mindful Breathing
  • Pursed-Lip Breathing
  • Resonance Breathing

Different techniques work for different people. If one of these doesn’t work for you, don’t worry! Simply try another one until you find one (or maybe more!) that helps you de-stress.

Feeling Down? Listen to Some Sad Music!

You might think that only listening to happy music will make you happy, but it turns out that sad songs might boost your mood. A study done at the Freie Universität Berlin in Germany found that sad music actually evokes positive emotions. Sometimes, listening to the music helped them release and process their emotions. 

Perhaps the biggest benefit was the following: People who listen to sad music can experience grief and sadness through the music without having to deal with anything negative triggering that in their real lives.

Take a Bath

Have you ever felt anxious and nothing seems to make you feel better? A warm bath might be what you need. Numerous studies have shown that taking baths can decrease depression, stress, tension-anxiety, and anger-hostility. They help relax your mind and give you some much needed time for yourself. You can also try meditating to get an extra perk! Along with the mental benefits, there are also numerous physical benefits to taking a bath. The temperature is an important part. Warm baths, specifically 40-45ºC, release muscles and tension in your body. Plus, you’re also cleaning your body, meaning you’re getting something else done at the same time!

Get a Good Night’s Sleep

There are a lot of things that contribute to happiness, some of which are easier to do than others. According to Medical News Today, a good night’s sleep is proven to increase both happiness and well-being. A study by Dr. Tang and colleagues concluded that better sleep (in the sense of quality and quantity) increased happiness as much as 8 weeks of mindful cognitive therapy. With that, more than 33% of US adults do not get enough sleep. According to the CDC, the following represents the amount of sleep certain age groups need daily: 8-10 hours for teens (13-18), 7 or more hours for adults (18–60), 7-9 hours for adults (61-64), and 7-8 hours for adults (65 and older). Even fitting in one more hour of sleep could greatly increase your quality of life.


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