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Our Happiness Blog

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Happiness and a Soft Reset

What do you do when Windows crashes? You reset your computer. How about when your cell phone freezes? Reset! These […]

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Happiness and Experiences vs. Things

Imagine this: Your birthday’s coming up in two weeks and your friend has bought tickets for (insert your favorite band/orchestra/comedian […]

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Happiness and the 2 Minute Miracle

Last week we talked about how the 3 Box Method for decluttering your home can work for your mind as […]

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Happiness and the 3 Box Method of Decluttering

I sometimes work with people who want to declutter their home. The mess of all their stuff is overwhelming and […]

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The Math of Happiness

Mathophiles rejoice! There is now an official equation for happiness. Researchers at University College London have determined that happiness has […]

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Happiness and Memory Filters

When you take a picture on your cell phone you can choose which filter to use which affects how you […]

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Happiness and Fantasizing

Negative fantasizing. It’s when you’re carrying your newborn down the stairs and the image of accidentally whacking its head on […]

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Happiness in the News: It’s a Worldwide Competition

Have you been reading the daily news reports comparing happiness levels in different countries? We seem to be obsessed with […]

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Happiness and Global Love Day

Get ready to love! Global Love Day is May 1st. It was created by the Love Foundation in 2004 and […]

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