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Drink Some Matcha

Coffee has many health benefits and can give you the boost you need to make the most of your day, but the caffeine in it gives some people the jitters. If this is you, you may want to try out matcha, the powdered form of green tea, which many people drink in latte form. Matcha also contains caffeine (more than regular green tea but less than coffee), but it also has L-theanine in it, a substance that slows the release of caffeine. Instead of being hit with the caffeine all at once, you experience a more even and steady boost, and you don’t get the crash when it wears off. L-theanine also stimulates the brain’s alpha waves, which contribute to feeling focused and alert. Matcha gives many people a wonderful feeling of calm energy. And, it is becoming more and more popular. It can be found at Starbucks and many local coffee shops. You can also buy matcha powder from the grocery store and make your own matcha lattes at home! So, if you want a drink to boost your energy in the morning, but coffee is leaving you feeling anxious or jittery, we recommend giving matcha a try. 

Snuggle Up With Your Pet!

Research shows that spending time with your pet lowers your blood pressure,  relieves stress, and increases oxytocin levels in your brain. Oxytocin, which is also called “the love hormone,” increases relaxation, trust, and overall psychological stability. If you don’t have a pet yourself, don’t worry! Dog and cat cafés are becoming more and more popular. You can get some coffee or tea, do some work on your laptop or get some reading done, all the while surrounded by fuzzy friends. Or maybe offer to pet sit for a friend, it’s a win-win situation! Or, even easier, watch some animal videos on YouTube, because even just watching cute animals has positive effects on your well-being.

Do Something Kind for Someone Else

Acts of kindness aren’t entirely altruistic… you also reap many benefits from being nice to others. It boosts feelings of gratitude, happiness, compassion, and optimism. It raises your confidence and your sense of control. It makes you feel like you belong to a community. Whether it be as small an act as helping a stranger with directions, to as large an act as supporting someone through a difficult period in their life, it contributes to both of your well-being. But it doesn’t even stop therekindness is shown to have a chain effect. When you help someone, it inspires them to help someone else, and so on. Kindness is a powerful thing, and we all have the ability to spread a little bit, to serve ourselves and others, and our community at large.

Soak Up the Sun

Going out in the sun helps you soak up Vitamin D, which is good for your bones and helps you ward off certain diseases such as osteoporosis. While too much sun can lead to skin cancers, a moderate amount can actually fight off certain cancers such as colon, prostate, and ovarian cancers. Getting sunlight during the day aids in the release of serotonin, which may boost your mood and help you feel calm and focused. It also assists in the production of melatonin, a hormone that is critical for getting good sleep. The research on sunlight continues, as researchers are gathering preliminary evidence on sunlight as a treatment for conditions such as arthritis and lupus. So make sure to enjoy some time outside this summer! But put on sunscreen if you go out for more than 15-20 minutes to lessen the damaging effects of the sunmany of the sun’s positive effects can still happen with some sunscreen on. 

Laugh More!

Numerous studies have discussed the importance and benefits of laughing more often. Especially during COVID, keeping your mood positive and preserving your mental health is extra important. Watching cute animal videos, a comedic movie/special, or anything with positive vibes is great! I recommend starting with the TV show “The Good Place.”   🙂

Everything is Temporary

Sometimes, when we’re going through a hard time, we fear that it will last forever. But the reality is that brain-states come and go, like waves in the ocean. Sometimes we don’t see how we’ll reach the calm after the storm or the light at the end of the tunnel. But, instead of getting disheartened by that, you can put deep trust into the fact that everything is temporary, because that is one of the conditions of being a human. Our situations change, and even if there are certain things we can’t change, our brains are built to adapt. It’s in our biology to shift and grow. We can savor the beautiful moments in life, and when we’re in a hard time, hold out for the peace we are bound to feel eventually.

Facetime your Friends and Family!

Social isolation from your friends and family can be really difficult to deal with. Sometimes we aren’t too motivated to reach out to people either. However, calling or facetiming people can greatly improve your mental health during COVID-19. Even calling someone for a few minutes per day can really make a difference.

Try Something New!

Being stuck inside for over a year is bound to get boring. It’s easy to get unmotivated with social isolation. However, there are plenty of things you can do to boost your mood and creativity! Try a DIY art project this weekend or learn a new skill. You could start knitting, learn to draw, read a new book, pick up a new language, practice an instrument, etc. Skillshare, for example, is a website where you can learn various skills from the comfort of your own home.

Light a Candle!

If you’re having a stressful work day or just want to relax and unwind, try lighting a candle! Studies show that certain scents evoke certain feelings. Candles can improve mood, reduce stress, stimulate memory, and improve sleep. Jasmine and pine reduce stress, vanilla and coconut are relaxing and can curb cravings, citrus and cinnamon improve efficiency, and lavender can help your mind “recharge.” Target and Yankee Candle have a ton of cost-effective candle choices. 


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