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7 Ways To Get More Sex

Dissatisfaction with the amount of sex in their relationship is a common problem that comes up in marriages and other […]

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Tiger & Elin Woods Modeled Amicable Divorce

Collaborative Divorce: The Full Team Interdisciplinary Model, now available in the Triangle Fox News ran a story when Tiger Woods […]

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Kindergarten Readiness: Is Early Entry to Kindergarten Right For My Child?

When parents call to ask about early entry to kindergarten, I often hear, “I know everyone thinks their child is […]

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Psychological Effects of 9/11

As the 9/11 memorial in New York City opened, thousands gathered to remember those that lost their lives. The collective […]

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Managing Anxiety for Athletes

The fall season brings not only cooler temperatures, but an exciting time in the world of sports. Football season is […]

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