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In The News

The President Urges Bringing Mental Illness Out of the Shadows

Approximately 1 in 5 Americans struggles with mental health problems. About 40% receive mental health services. The most recent statistics […]

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Steubenville Rape Case

On the night of August 12, 2012, over the course of six hours, a 16 year- old high school girl […]

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April is Autism Awareness Month

Autism is one type of brain development disorder characterized by difficulty with social connection, communication, and repetitive behaviors. When very […]

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Cyberbullying has been gaining more and more media attention with several recent teen suicides linked to this relatively new form […]

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Impact of the Economy on Mental Health

In the current state of the economy, financial stress is unfortunately very prevalent and its psychological impact is pervasive. Worrying […]

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Suicide Among Our Protectors

The recent cover story in TIME magazine explored the disturbing reality that every day one US Army soldier commits suicide. […]

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Managing Your Budget and Your Marriage

The Key to a Healthy Relationship The current economic deficit has placed a significant strain on our wallets, our jobs, […]

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Child Sexual Abuse

Penn State’s Jerry Sandusky. The BBC’s Jimmy Savile. Both men known for decades for their positive public image and philanthropic […]

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Bullying Touches Nearly Every American School Child

Think your child is free of bullying? While 10% of children experience some direct form of bullying, victimization or social […]

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