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Archive for Something to Ponder – Page 3

Sunlight: An Easy Way to Improve Your Sleep

Do you struggle with sleep issues? If so, you’re not alone. 30% to 40% of U.S. adults suffer with insomnia symptoms at some point during the year. There are many behavioral practices that can help get you back on track, and one of our favorites is a very simple trick: stepping out into the sun first thing in the morning. Being in natural light helps our bodies produce serotonin, which is the precursor to melatonin, the hormone which helps regulate our sleep and wake cycles. Thus, getting some sunlight first thing helps our bodies get the raw materials that will help us produce melatonin as the day winds down. Nathaniel Watson, MD, a sleep specialist and professor of neurology at the University of Washington School of Medicine, says sunlight is the single most important element for setting our circadian rhythm, and morning light is key. And best of all, it’s easy! Just 15 minutes of morning sunlight exposure will do the trick, but any is better than none. So, go on a morning walk, eat your breakfast outside, or read a chapter of your book in your lawn chair–whatever works best for you!


When it comes to our change and growth, we cannot underestimate the power of consistency. It is better to do less if it means we can do it more often. For example, if you are starting out at the gym, perhaps it is better to leave the gym after twenty minutes rather than push yourself to do a whole hour. This way you will recover faster and be able to go back in a couple days. Also, if you push yourself to do something for too long, you may get burnt out or dread picking it up again. When we are trying to make change, we often get a lot of energy at the front-end and try to jump in too fully. But when it comes to success, nothing can replace that slow but consistent energy that doesn’t overcommit and allows you to accomplish small goals. So, if you are trying to pick up the guitar, instead of blocking out four hours on Sunday, try to dedicate 20 minutes three evenings a week. Overtime, you can increase your commitments, but always keep in mind that the more consistent you are, the more likely you are to actually incorporate a new habit and have it improve your life.

Starting Off the New Year Right: SMART Resolutions

According to the New York Post, only 8% of Americans keep their New Year’s resolutions. Many times, people set unreasonable expectations for themselves. Of course, we would all like to exercise more, eat better, and become “healthier.” However, that wording does not create a realistic, achievable goal. That’s when SMART goals come in. 

SMART goals, according to the University of California, describe goals that are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound.

  • Specific: “What will be accomplished? What actions will you take?”
  • Measurable: “What data will measure the goal? How much? How well?”
  • Achievable: “Is the goal doable? Do you have the necessary skills and resources?”
  • Relevant: “How does the goal align with broader goals? Why is the result important?”
  • Time-Bound: “What is the time frame for accomplishing the goal?”

The questions above guide you to ensure your goal meets the criteria. Once you write this goal (It might take a few sentences!), you should have a well-thought-out resolution. You can use SMART goals for anything, but resolutions greatly attest to their usefulness!

And, of course, give yourself the grace to make mistakes. Most people won’t stick to a new diet or routine perfectly. Let yourself mess up, then correct it. You’ve got this!

The Holidays Are Approaching!

Why do holidays exist? To give thanks to those around you! To give perspective to your life! It’s easy to focus on the negatives in life. However, when you step back and focus on those who love you, you’ll be able to appreciate what you have.

Are My Relationships Healthy?

According to, unhealthy relationships are characterized by disrespect, dishonesty, control, hostility/violence, and dependence. Conversely, healthy relationships are characterized by respect, trust, freedom, kindness, and understanding. These characteristics don’t exclusively apply to romantic relationships; they can pertain to platonic ones too. 

Relationships can start healthy and later become unhealthy. Many maintain unhealthy relationships because they avoid change, love the other person, or think it’s better for the other person. Recognizing the signs of an unhealthy relationship is challenging, especially if you love the other person. If you are questioning whether a relationship is healthy or not, go through the list of characteristics (from, Very Well Mind, or Psychology Today). Some people like a quiz (with physical results) rather than just a list to go over yourself. So, here is a romantic relationship health rest from Mind Diagnostics:

So, what should you do if you recognize a relationship as unhealthy? 

  1. Don’t ignore the problems: Remember, ignoring them will not resolve them. Sometimes having a physical list helps. Write down the issues and signs of unhealthy relationships that apply in the situation. Use that list to analyze the situation. Also, getting an outside perspective and/or explaining the situation to someone who isn’t connected can help you recognize the severity.
  2. Is the relationship fixable or worth fixing?: To repair the relationship, both parties must be aware of the problems and willing to work to improve them. If one (or both) of you are willing to put in the effort, the relationship will succeed. You have to care enough about the relationship to put in the effort. 
  3. Discuss your boundaries with the other person: If you want to fix the relationship, especially in less severe situations, coming to the other person could help. Each relationship is different and requires different efforts. Sometimes, some much-needed communication can help people better understand each other and the necessary boundaries to maintain the relationship. 
  4. Get professional help: If you can’t go to the other person, seek help. Depending on the situation, there are various resources. Couples therapy can help couples repair their relationship with a professional. Individual therapy for both parties can also help. The National Domestic Violence Hotline is always available for cases involving violence: 800-799-7233.

Be Yourself

“Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.” – Oscar Wilde

I admit this saying is a bit cheesy, but it’s true! A study in 2014 conducted by Guler Boyraz et al. at Louisiana Tech University found that “those who showed greater authenticity at the first time point were more satisfied with life and less distressed at the second time point; but distress and satisfaction at the first time point did not predict authenticity at the second time point” (Joseph, 2017). Therefore, happiness results from authenticity. 

Many people will emulate those around them (especially those they admire) for many reasons: they don’t trust their judgment/thoughts, want to fit in, or want to impress other people. Imitation is normal human behavior, but if it’s overdone, it can have dire consequences. 

But how can you “be yourself?” That seems like a very abstract concept. Some people like a more concrete approach. Below is a list of steps provided by Psychology Today to help people be themselves: 

  1. Accept yourself.
  2. Identify negative self-talk.
  3. Celebrate your strengths.
  4. Express yourself.
  5. Show your vulnerability.

You can look at the websites linked to see a further breakdown of each step! 

The Growth Mindset

Have you ever made a goal, tried to meet it, and thought to yourself, “I can’t do this.” The problem might not be your abilities; it might be your mindset. A growth mindset describes a mentality characterized by the following:

  1. I can grow from failure.
  2. Constructive feedback is not an attack on my work; it’s a chance for me to improve. 
  3. With enough effort, I can do anything I put my mind to. 
  4. You have the power to change your intelligence.
  5. Embracing challenges will help me grow. 
  6. The success of others inspires me.

Conversely, a fixed mindset describes a mindset characterized by believing that your intelligence cannot change with effort. Some people believe that you are either born with particular skills or not. However, this couldn’t be farther from the truth. Our brain has something called neuroplasticity, meaning our neurons can form new connections as we have new experiences. Neuroplasticity is at its best when we are young, but that doesn’t mean it completely goes away as we age. To learn, we need to take action and practice skills. Doing so will literally rewire your brain, leading to new knowledge and skills. Just believing your brain can grow will cause you to behave differently. You will achieve more if you think you can work to get smarter. It’s kind of like manifestation (turning the ideas in your head into a reality). When you tell yourself you can’t, you won’t. But when you tell yourself you can, you will. So next time you think to yourself, “I can’t,” see if changing your outlook changes your success.

What Would Your Higher Self Do?

Last month, we talked about internal family systems, which is the idea that we have different parts within ourselves that are often in conflict. For example, there may be part of you that feels betrayed and excluded when you find out your two best friends went out to dinner without you, while another part of you completely understands, does not take it personally, and is happy your two friends are able to connect with each other so well. You may be confused how you can feel both things so strongly at once. We all have an inner child who craves love and approval, and is sensitive to any signs of rejection or critique. We also have a protector side that is quick to come out to defend this sensitive inner child. This is often the side that comes out during an argument, or is your first reaction to a rude email. When we pause and breathe instead of reacting immediately, we are often able to summon up a part of ourselves that is wiser and more equipped at peacefully handling the situation. This part has more empathy and understanding for the person on the other end of the conflict. Some people consider this side of themselves their “higher self.” The higher self is the part of you that is less affected by your ego and sees things from a broader perspective. This part is able to interact with the world from a deeper place of love and understanding. This part is always in reach, but it may take some practice to be able to summon it when needed. When you are in a difficult situation, practice taking a pause to breathe, and simply asking your higher self to make an appearance. You can ask yourself, “What would my higher self do?” The more you practice this over time, the more naturally your higher self will come to you. You will slowly begin to experience more of your life from this place. When we can step into our higher selves, we are stepping into wisdom, maturity, empathy, and love. 

If you’d like to learn more about this topic, there are many online resources that may be helpful. We recommend the spiritual coach Bunny Michael, who has a book, podcast, and Instagram page which explore the concept of the higher self.

Internal Family Systems

We tend to think of ourselves as having a singular identity, but really we have different parts of ourselves that are often in conflict. For example, have you ever been around someone for too long and gotten annoyed of them? Maybe one part of you is saying mean things in your head and wants them to leave as soon as possible, but another part of you loves that person, wants them around, and feels bad for having those thoughts and feelings. Maybe two of your best friends are going out to dinner and don’t invite you. One part of you, your inner child, may feel the harsh feeling of exclusion. Another, more adult part of you knows that it has nothing to do with you and there is no problem with them having dinner without you. After observing clients in therapy in the 1990s, Richard Schwartz proposed that people have different parts of themselves which make up an internal family system (IFS). The more we acknowledge these different parts of ourselves, the more we can untangle the conflicting web in our heads, and use the different parts to help each other and aid in our overall healing. For example, when your inner child is upset about not being asked to dinner, your inner mother can comfort the inner child. As children, we are often helpless when bad things happen to us. For example, if you had an angry dad, there might not have been any way to escape that at the time. When you are exposed to yelling or anger as an adult, your inner child might have a strong reaction, as if it were still in that same situation with your father. Your inner mother can soothe the inner child, and tell her the situation is not the same as when you were young. You can even create your own inner father, who treats you like you should have been treated and helps fill holes that may have been left by your childhood. Parts work can also help us deal with the sides of ourselves we aren’t proud of. We can see these sides as a specific part, and recognize that there are other parts who wish to be better and who can guide this part. It may be most helpful to do IFS in therapy, but there are also several resources online that can help you get started on your IFS journey on your own. 


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