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Archive for Our Happiness Blog – Page 58

Family (leaving) Makes Me Happy

October 15, 2012

I just had family visit from the west coast. It is genuinely great to see them! Given the distance, work schedules, and small children it’s not always easy to take the trip out west, so I am very glad & grateful that they can come visit us instead of us having to do the traveling. But let’s be clear – there’s still work. A lot of work is created when family visits…extra cleaning, special food shopping, planning adventures, and many many many other things . It’s fantastic to have the family here. But you know what is even better than having them visit??? HAVING THEM LEAVE! Getting your own space back is a good thing & makes me happy. =)

Do you love being with your extended family but also have conflicting feelings about being around them? Do you have suggestions for handling that?


Dripping in Sweat

October 8, 2012

I genuinely enjoy exercise. It’s a bit of an endorphin “high” for me and definitely helps me regulate my mood. But it’s not good enough to just get a casual walk, or even a more intense walk in a shorter period of time. I don’t need the casual walk, but rather I need the dripping-in-sweat-from-my-eyelids-to-my-knees type of workout. I am quite happy with myself when I exercise hard – happy with my commitment to my health, the endorphin rush, and the post I can make on Facebook telling everyone how fantastic I am because I worked out & they probably didn’t. I wish I could exercise for 2 hours every day…but reality gets in the way of that plan. So I do what I can & really savor those happy, sweaty workouts when I can get ‘em.

Does exercise make you happy? Is it a stress release?


Happiness = Dog

September 24, 2012

I love my dogs.  No, that doesn’t quite cover it.  I really really really looooooove my dogs.  As I get older I have come to realize how connected I am to these animals… both are ditch dogs, both needed a home, and both chose me more than I chose them.  I feel that these two dogs are humans trapped in fur costumes.   They are the epitome of love.   They are love personified.  I can’t imagine living my life without pets, especially dogs.  There is just something about snuggling with a good dog that brings about happiness.  I know that having dogs in my life has made me a happier and better person.

Have you had a dog (or pet) that has made a difference in your life?  Are you a happier person because of your relationship with your dog?



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