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Archive for Our Happiness Blog – Page 57

Could Be Worse

January 14, 2013

It can always be worse. Even when things are pretty tough, it could be worse. This morning on my way in to work I saw a car fire. Not a little smoldering smoke coming from the roof – but a full blaze, giant black cloud rising up from the highway, and lots of sirens type of fire. It appeared that nobody was hurt or in trouble…well, other than the car being burnt like a marshmallow. This happens to occur on Monday morning and it makes me think, at least I’m not THAT guy! I guess the moral of the story is: It could be worse; your car could be on fire. Happiness is having a fire-free car.


Seasons Of Change

December 31, 2012

As I’ve gotten older I really value the concept of seasons. Not just in the sense of weather and appreciating the fall leaves, dormant winters, blooms in spring, etc.., but in the bigger sense of how that applies to life. We all have seasons of simplicity, stress, growth, relative ease, challenges, and either moving forward or backward. Being able to focus on what you learn from those seasons in your life and using them as you go forward has been a great lesson I’ve learned. I have to admit, it sounds quite simplistic. After all, who wouldn’t learn from their mistakes, right? My guess is that you are smirking right about now…thinking, hmmmm, I know a few of those people – maybe even myself! I do believe that seasons give us a chance to improve and change the direction of where our happiness arrow is pointing.


Bring In The New

December 21, 2012

There is something exciting about closing one chapter & starting another one. As we close 2012 & look to 2013, it gives me a chance to reflect on the past & find ways to improve in numerous areas of my life. I am genuinely excited about the opportunities and experiences that are coming my way this year. Anticipation for the new year and all its adventures is definitely making me happy!



Finding Happiness in Tragedy

December 17, 2012

…Have to admit, it’s quite challenging finding something to write about given the recent news (more shootings). However, I saw a quote from the always insightful Mr. Rogers. The message was that even in tragic situations there are people who are the Helpers When something bad happens, try to find the people who are Helping. There are always Helpers. In such a tragic & sad time for families everywhere, it’s important to be able to find those who are trying to make the situation better, those who sacrifice for the sake of others, and small things that all of us can do to contribute to happiness for others.



A Good Quote About Happiness

December 4, 2012

“Three grand essentials to happiness in this life are something to do, something to love, and something to hope for.”…Quote from Joseph Addison

What is your “do” , “love”, or “hope” today??

Having A Plan Is Happiness

November 26, 2012

I am the first to admit that I love having a plan. And the opposite is quite true – not having a plan makes me quite nervous & anxious. I realize that for many people a full schedule or long to-do list creates anxiety rather than diminishes it…how can I get all this done? how did my schedule get so full? I can’t split myself in half! Etc. But for me, having a daily to-do list I check off makes me feel like I am accomplishing something. In fact, it’s the only way I can really get things done. I have learned that I am really good at getting things done – personally & professionally – when I set goals and making a list is a small version of a daily plan. It makes me feel more organized and strategic, if only for a little while.

I’m sure there are things in your life that are beneficial for you (like a schedule) but seem very unsettling to others. What is it that makes you feel more organized or excited about your day?


Something About A Baby Giraffe

November 19, 2012

During a visit to the NC Zoo, I had the excitement and thrills of a kid seeing new & different animals for the first time. I know what giraffes, elephants, zebras, etc look like; I’ve seen them before in person but it had been quite a while since the last time. There was something different about this visit that made me look at the unique colors, markings, and expressions with a sense of awe & appreciation of how cool this planet is. Animals with stripes…tiny deadly blue frogs…bright pink birds with legs the size of a pencil…running ostriches (which is quite a funny site to see!). But my favorite were the baby animals. I saw two – a baby giraffe about 6 months old with his family and a baby gorilla about 4 months old with its mother. Absolutely stunning.


The End of Political Ads Is Happiness

November 5, 2012

Regardless of your political stripe, I think we can all agree that the political ads have been going on for way too long and bring out the worst in most candidates. Even though the adds will go away in just a few minutes, I realize there will be plenty of “stuff” left to discuss no matter who wins – so the debates will hardly be finished or actually go away. And if you are on Facebook, Twitter, or other social media outlets you can probably appreciate it when I say it will be nice to not have to see all my “friend’s” political rants & simplistic fixes to all the world’s problems. So I am really glad that the political season of negative campaigning is coming to an end – at least this phase of it anyway!

Is anyone else also glad that it will be over soon??


Getting Out Of The House In The Morning Makes Me Happy

October 29, 2012

My title – Getting out of the house in the morning – will resonate with you if you have young children. My young children are 2 & 3 years old. (the oldest is nearly 4) Our mornings consist of drama and chaos, despite the old “we’re going to have a better morning tomorrow” silliness that we say on a regular basis. Starting our mornings even a few minutes later than normal will make for huge challenges. However, regardless of the level of chaos, it all ends quite abruptly when the kids are buckled in the car. It’s like a switch has been flipped & all is well in the world again. I have no idea what “it” is that contributes to this dramatic change, but it happens every single morning – without fail. So for that reason I am so VERY happy to get out of the house every morning…at least Monday through Friday!

If you have experienced the morning chaos, what are your suggestions for minimizing that pattern?



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