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Archive for Our Happiness Blog – Page 4

Laughter in the Chaos of Parenthood

Being a parent can be overwhelming and stressful. Parenthood is a rollercoaster of joy, chaos, and the unexpected. Sometimes, it gets difficult to remember the humor in parenting. So, let’s share a laugh together with some funny and relatable parenting stories that are sure to brighten your day!

  1. Bedtime Negotiations:
    1. Bedtime is a battlefield where pint-sized negotiators flex their negotiation skills. From requests for “just one more story” to the sudden need for a glass of water, bedtime becomes a strategic operation that often leaves parents chuckling at the creativity of their little bedtime diplomats.
  2. Toddler Fashion Statements:
    1. When it comes to fashion, toddlers have an unparalleled sense of style. Mismatched shoes, superhero capes with princess dresses – every day is a runway show. As parents, we learn to appreciate the uniqueness of their fashion choices, even if it means the occasional embarrassment at the grocery store.
  3. Accidental “Mom Code” Language:
    1. Parents develop a unique language, an unspoken “mom code.” From discussing bodily functions in public without batting an eye to using baby wipes for everything, this code unites parents worldwide. The camaraderie in sharing these quirky habits is a source of endless amusement.

Parenting is an adventure filled with laughter, and finding humor in the daily chaos can be a therapeutic remedy for stress. So, embrace the messiness! Remember: you’re not alone in this wild and wonderful journey.

The Blissful Pursuit of Hobbies

Life can be a busy journey filled with responsibilities. But, still, amidst the craziness, it’s essential to carve out time for activities that bring personal fulfillment. Hobbies are not just pastimes; they are gateways to happiness, self-discovery, and a sense of accomplishment. Hobbies have a unique way of connecting us to the present moment and infusing our lives with positivity. The pursuit of hobbies goes beyond mere enjoyment; it is a form of self-care. When we immerse ourselves in activities we love, we create a space for relaxation, creativity, and personal growth. This, in turn, contributes to improved mental well-being, fostering a sense of balance and fulfillment.

Think about things that you’ve done for fun across your life. Jot some hobbies down (even ones that you might’ve had in high school!). Write some things down that you’ve always been curious about, but just haven’t picked up. Anything to get some ideas on paper. If you don’t know where to start, no worries! Here are 10 hobbies to think through: 

  1. Photography
  2. Gardening
  3. Cooking or Baking
  4. Reading
  5. Drawing or Painting
  6. Hiking or Nature Walks
  7. Learning a Musical Instrument
  8. Yoga or Meditation
  9. DIY Crafts
  10. Board Games or Puzzles

After you have your list, I encourage you to try one or two (maybe even more!). Start small if you’re overwhelmed. Maybe just watch some videos online. You might even be able to find a class nearby so you don’t have to buy any materials yourself! Remember, the key is to choose a hobby that resonates with your interests and brings you joy. Whether it’s a solo pursuit or a shared activity, exploring new hobbies can add vibrancy and fulfillment to your life. Happy hobby-ing!

The Joy of Food

Food has a magical way of bringing people together, creating memories, and elevating our spirits. Cooking itself can be a very therapeutic activity. The pattern of combining the ingredients, smell of the food, anticipation of waiting for it to cook. It’s all very satisfying. Plus, you get something yummy at the end! So, why not turn your kitchen into a haven of happiness?

To infuse more joy into your culinary adventures, try experimenting with fun recipes that not only tantalize your taste buds but also lift your spirits. Think about what ingredients you really like. Take out a piece of paper and write them down! Even categorize them if you so please. After you do that, try looking up some recipes with those specific ingredients. You can even make a little cookbook!

While we all love to try new recipes, sometimes we just have food that we have to eat. We all find ourselves with some lone vegetables in the fridge that we bought a bit ago. When you buy them, you have a cooking plan, and then you forget they exist. And many times, it can be hard to find recipes with ingredients that you already have at home. So, here are 17 things to do with leftover vegetables. And here are some other ways to use leftover vegetables. You kind of just use anything you have! 

As you embark on this culinary adventure, remember that the joy of food goes beyond taste. It’s about the experience of creating, sharing, and savoring every moment. So, gather your loved ones, whip up one of these delightful recipes, and let the happiness radiate around your table. Happy cooking!

10 Simple Habits to Brighten Your Life

As the new year begins, people make unrealistic goals difficult to implement in their daily lives. Many start off strong but set impractical standards for themselves, getting discouraged in the process. To combat this, let’s go over a list of 10 simple habits you can implement into your daily life to increase your happiness:

  1. Start the day with an affirmation: Start each morning with a personal affirmation or grateful thought. You can write it down or simply think of it! 
  2. Connect with friends: Hang out with the ones you love! Whether getting together for lunch or just sending them a quick text about your day, keeping in touch with people is extremely important to our mental health.
  3. Embrace exercise: I am not going to tell you to get on a strict gym routine. For many of us, that is just not practical. But adding some kind of physical activity into your daily routine can really boost your mood, along with helping your physical health. Maybe take your dog on a longer walk, stroll to the closest coffee shop, do some chores around the house. Anything to get your body up and moving. 
  4. Laugh often: As we have discussed on this blog, laughter is extremely beneficial for your physical and mental health. Watch a five-minute funny video. Maybe go see a comedy at the movie theater. Have a good laugh talking to your friend. Find any way you can make yourself have a good belly laugh!
  5. Indulge in a hobby: Think about what you like doing or want to learn, and go for it! Hobbies are a great way to have fun and keep your interests flowing. You might feel you do not have time for a hobby, but there are many ways to create practical hobbies. Maybe you like cleaning and organizing your house, cooking for your family, etc. Find mandatory household tasks you like and change your mindset on them! You can make anything a hobby!
  6. Stay hydrated: Drinking water is essential, and it is super easy once you remember to keep getting glasses. You can even buy one of those motivational water bottles to tell you when to drink throughout the day. 
  7. Keep learning: Even if you are not actively in school, it is important to keep engaging your mind and learning new things. You can try online courses, read books, watch movies, try new things, etc. There are tons of ways you can keep your mind engaged!
  8. Connect with Nature: Spending time outdoors is a great way to boost your mental health! You can go for a walk in nature or go to a nearby park. If you feel like you do not have time to do that, maybe do some work on a balcony or porch with fresh air. 
  9. Reflect on the day: Set aside a few minutes (or even just a few seconds!) to reflect on your accomplishments. Even if it is small, it is important to focus on positive experiences, achievements, moments of gratitude, and more. This will reinforce a positive mindset!
  10. Prioritize sleep: Prioritizing your sleep is one of the best things you can do for your happiness. Sleeping well and getting at least 7 hours per night is important. Many critical neural processes happen while you are sleeping. It is a great way to reset your brain and let yourself get some well-needed rest!



Remember to Relax!

I feel as though sometimes when I get too stressed or have too much on my plate, it feels better when I am reminded that I deserve to take some breaks to relax. So, for those that feel they are constantly working hard and feel a little run down, tired, exhausted, stressed, or anxious, I wanted to let you know that you too deserve to take a break! Stress can be a helpful tool in our motivation to do work and to do it efficiently, however, there is a certain point where stress can have adverse effects on us and blind us from truly getting to enjoy our lives. With too much stress, we may feel as though we cannot think straight or feel as though our lives are controlled by this feeling. Taking time out of your day to do what you enjoy doing, whether that be to take a walk or to watch a funny movie, can really give you a nice reset for your mind. It can allow your thoughts to get in order so that when you are done with your break and relaxation, it may feel easier to get work done efficiently. So, with this being said, allow time for yourself! You deserve a break and some relaxation to minimize stress and carry on with a more refreshed mindset!



Focus on the Positives!

Sometimes when we go through life, it can be easy to think of all the things that are going wrong or the things that are not working in our favor. It can be easy to resort to negative thoughts when looking at what is going on around us, giving us waves of anxiety and sadness that are not enjoyable to be in. A study from Harvard explains why we should break away from this and gives us a helpful tool to do so as well.  The study found that those that wrote about what they were grateful for compared to those that wrote about what irritated them or wrote about something that had affected them for a 10 week period were more optimistic and had a more positive outlook about their lives. This study has two implications. The first one is that it is important to remember what is good in our lives and to appreciate all the wonderful things about ourselves and others around us. In doing so, it can boost our happiness and allow us to not think so negatively. The other implication is the way we can practice this. Try to write down what you are thankful for from time to time in a journal, your notes, or a phone and see how your mood progresses as you start this exercise. Reflect on what is going well in your work, your relationships, your family, your friends, your interests, etc. Slowly we can train our minds to think more positively and be a more optimistic individual! 




Phone for Thought!

If anyone is thinking of any great new year resolution ideas, limiting social media usage could be a great one! A study on social media use and mental health had found that more time on social media was significantly associated with greater symptoms of anxiety. Furthermore, the same study revealed that more daily usage of social media was significantly associated with higher levels of clinically severe anxiety symptoms. As this study suggests, social media could be the source of some of our anxiety we face on a daily basis. Although social media can seem like an easy and harmless way of catching up with friends and seeing what everyone is up to, this may have more adverse effects on our mental health than we thought if we abuse this ability in unhealthy ways. Try to limit your social media use through engaging in phone calls or meeting for a coffee instead with friends. By doing so, you may feel more connected to those you love and it may also be a great way to limit some unnecessary stress and anxiety as we go through the new year! 



Think About the Now!

As we start embarking on a new year, it is important to set goals and think about all the wonderful things the new year may have in store for us. With this being said, however, sometimes we let our minds wander a little too much, and find ourselves not being in the present moment as we are too busy thinking about the future or the past. In fact, a Harvard study shows that about 47% of our waking hours are spent thinking about what isn’t going on in the present moment. What is even more of a surprise is that this study also shows that the activity we are actually doing accounts for less toward our happiness than our mind wandering. This means that our unhappiness can be a result of not thinking about the present and not being engaged with our current surroundings. With this in mind, although it is important to think about your values and goals in a futuristic context, this can quickly turn into something that is unhealthy and detrimental to our mental health. Find happiness in the present, and really try to engage your mind into what you do one day at a time this year! You may find that without as much mind wandering, your happiness may even increase!



The Art of Play

Play is not just for kids; it’s for everyone! Getting in touch with that young fun can have numerous benefits: reduced stress, improved creativity, and a better work-life balance. Here are some ways to incorporate play into your life: 

  1. Revisit Old Hobbies: Revisit hobbies from your past. Take up painting, coloring, dancing, a sport, or an instrument!
  2. Explore Nature: Go outside! Hike on a trail, go to a park, or have a picnic. There are so many ways to get yourself in nature. You’ll be surprised how good you feel!
  3. Mindfulness: Take up mindfulness activities like coloring, going on walks, meditation, or mindful eating. Incorporating mindfulness into your daily routine can really change your outlook on life!
  4. Adventure: Go to a new restaurant for dinner. Go to a new shop in your city. Or, even more daring, go to a new city on a whim! Explore your surroundings and see new places! 
  5. Creativity: Try some kind of creative expression. Whether it’s painting in your bedroom or joining a weekend improv group, encouraging your creativity to flow can really engage your brain!

Remember, play is not something that you outgrow or become too old for. It’s a timeless activity essential for a life of happiness and well-being!



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