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Archive for Our Happiness Blog – Page 36

Happiness and Pumpkin Seeds

As I sit and think about what makes me happy, I’m ashamed (sort of) to say that often times it leads me to food. Let’s be honest, I’m not really ashamed of that fact. I love all the different holiday seasons and the fun foods, beverages, and events that go with them. I love the candy (read fun size Snickers) that comes with the month of October but my favorite thing, which I think is a bit underrated – Roasted pumpkin seeds! Each October I have a group of friends over for a pumpkin carving party. We have a great time and, in my opinion, one of the best parts is the pumpkin seeds. Have you ever tried them? All you have to do is heat your oven to about 300 degrees, toss those babies in melted butter and salt (after you clean them off, of course), bake for about 45 minutes, and voilà – Deliciousness!

Happiness and Pet Costumes

I love dogs – especially my dog! I don’t often dress him up in costumes, although he does seem to enjoy it when I do (shhhh, don’t tell his father I do that). Nowadays, I see little dogs everywhere dressed up in not only costumes but regular, daily outfits as well. Sometimes I feel bad for the dog but most of the time a tiny, fluffy, four-legged creature in a polo shirt and sunglasses elicits a high-pitched squeal from deep down in my voice box. I admit it – it makes me feel happy! Here are the top five pet Halloween costumes…Pumpkin, Hot Dog, “Batman” character, Devil, and Bumble Bee.

Happiness and Selfies

A recent study in the Psychology of Well-Being by Chen and colleagues investigated the influence of smartphone photography on the positive. Forty-one participants were required to take one photo each day for four weeks in one of three conditions: selfie with a smile, a photo of something that would make themselves happy, a photo of something that would make someone else happy. Participants’ mood was assessed through an App one minute, five minutes, and three hours after capturing the photo. Overall, the results suggested taking a photo with the intent to increase personal happiness is associated with more positive affect.

How does your smartphone photography influence your mood?

Happiness and October

Before the ghouls and goblins venture out on October 31st, consider celebrating these other special days in October.

October 1: National Frugal Fun Day – Find some free or inexpensive activities today. Playing board games, having a bonfire, perusing local libraries and museums, visiting the nearby park, or gazing at the stars are just a few ideas to get you started.

October 5: National Do Something Nice Day- Evoke smiles on others by doing something nice or pleasant for friends and family.

October 14: National Dessert Day – Indulge (if applicable to you).

October 19: National Evaluate Your Life Day – Reflect on your life here and now. How are things going? Any changes on the horizon? Assess if any adjustments are needed or whether new goals need to be set.

October 22: Make a Difference Day – A national holiday since 1900, this day focuses on volunteering and helping those in our communities. You can pick-up a piece of litter on the street, help a neighbor with some maintenance and repairs, or contribute to your communities and schools.

Happiness and Small Victories

Many people reach periods when they feel like they are not winning. There’s the employee who overextended herself for months without acknowledgement or positive feedback. There’s the father who prepares lunches and taxis his children without hearing “thanks, dad.” These types of experiences can build up and place us in a negative thinking space. Because we can get trapped in our thinking, it’s beneficial to celebrate small victories during both good and bad times. Celebrating small victories allows us to put checkmarks in the positive column of our experiences ledger. The employee might celebrate completing a portion of long-term project and the father might celebrate his son asking him to play a board game together. Seeing these positive checkmarks can improve overall levels of happiness, balance the ledger, or provide hope about the future.

Happiness and Where Time Stands Still

I frequent my favorite restaurant on a monthly basis and the same series of events occurs each time I enter the establishment with my friends: we inform the hostess we’ll be sitting at the bar, are greeted by our favorite bartender who resembles Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson who assists us with drink selections, and then we choose our favorite entrees. It has been the same process for the past year.

In an ever-changing world, this routine is predictable as clockwork. It provides me with solace knowing The Rock will slide me a beverage, my food will always be up to par, and I have time to disengage from my life for an hour. While many events have changed in the word, this place provides a sense of security because time seems to stand still here. I appreciate it’s predictability and reliability.

What place in your life provides you with consistency, safety, and security?

Happiness and Bubble Wrap

There is an unexplainable thrill in popping bubble wrap. How do you pop them: individually or with a mass squeeze? Even children first introduced to popping bubble wrap show as much joy as seasoned veterans. Popping the bubbles releases muscle tension, which in-turn contributes to relaxation. If you are feeling a little stressed or on-edge, popping bubble-wrap may help you self-soothe. But if don’t have a stash of bubble wrap available, engaging in repetitive behaviors, such as crocheting or doodling, can also help pop-out some of your stress.

Happiness and Music

A recent study conducted by Weinberg and Joseph in Psychology of Music explored the correlation between subjective well-being and music engagement (listening to music, playing an instrument, singing, dancing, creating/composing music, or attending musical concerts or theater) in a sample of 1,000 people in Australia. Those who danced had statistically significant higher scores on satisfaction with health, community, relationships, and life achievement than those who do did not dance. Similarly, individuals who attended musical events had statistically significantly higher scores on standards of living, community, relationships, and life achievements. If you’re skeptical of the results, purchase some concert tickets or head to the next dance class at your gym to put this study to the test.

Happiness and the Forest

“You can’t stay in your corner of the Forest waiting for others to
come to you. You have to go to them sometimes.”

-Winnie the Pooh, A.A. Milne

There are moments in life when we struggle (emotionally, physically, financially, or mentally) and oftentimes wait for others to provide support. We wait, wait some more, and maybe wait some more. Disappointment comes quickly when those individuals do not arrive at our doorstep. This quote reminds me of the personal responsibility we have to get our needs met. Friends and family do not know to offer support when we have not shared our struggles or requested help.


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