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Archive for Our Happiness Blog – Page 35

Gratitude and Happiness

Gratitude is one of the expressive emotions that benefits both the giver and receiver. Taking the time to acknowledge the efforts of others or to say thanks to someone for simply being them can go a long way. In the words of Booker T. Washington, “The happiest people are those who do the most for others.”

Read more on being grateful and happiness here.

New Year New Happy

At the top of a new year many people find themselves contemplating, am I happy? What would make me happy? What can I do to contribute to my happiness?

According to Mirriam-Webster, happiness is a state of well-being and contentment. While this seems easy to understand, I believe it is natural to feel disconnected from your personal happiness at times. However, going into this new year here are a few things that may help you reach the state of elated contentment we all seek.

  1. Make better food choices. A healthy body can assist with a healthy attitude. Like a car, we run better with top of the line fuel.
  2. Treat yourself. Doing something nice for yourself never hurt anyone, right?
  3. Extend a helping hand. Helping others, no matter how small, can bring a feeling of selfless content which in turn makes you feel good about being you. Happy people are friendly people.
  4. Count yourself IN! Going out on a limb and doing something out of the ordinary with family or friends can change the dynamic of what happiness looks like in your everyday life.

Always remember that happiness is not measured in monetary or material things, happiness is not tangible. In the words of Rebecca Thomas Shaw “ Live with your whole being all the days of your life. Your reward will be true happiness!”.

Happiness and January

Most people start the New Year off with a *BANG*, literally and figuratively. We all see those gym memes about the increase in gym membership as the masses attempt to begin and maintain New Year’s resolutions. Here are some other celebration-worthy January holidays to keep some pep in your step as you start your resolution journey this month…

January 9 – Static Electricity Day
January 11 – Learn Your Name in Morse Code Day
January 22 – Hot Sauce Day
January 24 – Compliment Day
January 31 – Backwards Day

Happiness and Superman

“Don’t give up. Don’t lose hope. Don’t sell out.”
-Christopher Reeve

We sometimes seek mantras or quotes for inspiration or to cope with challenges. I found this quote by Christopher Reeve over a decade ago and adopted it as my personal mantra. He faced adversity in his personal life and demonstrated this attitude, leaving many to consider him a real-life Superman. The quote emphasizes perseverance and reminds me to stay true to my values further motivating me to move forward and conquer the next obstacle.

Happiness and Vision

As the end of 2016 rapidly approaches, it is a great time to evaluate your personal life. Consider your long-term vision: what goals are you meeting? What pieces are missing? Maybe there is a new hobby you would like to try or a small change to your daily routine that could reduce some stress. What lessons (even the difficult ones) have you learned during 2016 that will help you move forward in making your vision a reality? Remember, setbacks can make you stronger if you are able to look at them objectively and as an opportunity.

Happiness and Recognizing Happiness

This week I challenge you to be mindful of your mood state…for this reason. It seems more often than not I hear people talking about why they were stressed, angry, anxious, enraged during the day. With any shift in mood state we experience a shift in physiological response and typically the response to any uncomfortable (read anger, anxiety, sadness) emotions is more recognizable than with comfortable (read happy, excited) emotions. Thus, we tend to focus more on those emotions, especially when you add in the negative thoughts that typical accompany, for example, an angry mood. So, be mindful of your mood state and try to catch yourself feeling happy, cheerful, amused, joyful, gleeful, delighted, ecstatic, etc. You’ll be happy you did!

Happiness and Being in Charge

“I am in charge of how I feel and today I am choosing happiness.”
“Today is a good day for a good day.”

This week’s blog is simple. Everyone should know they have control of their thoughts and feelings. You can choose to find happiness or you can choose not to. But, seriously, if the choice is yours, why wouldn’t you choose happiness?

Happiness and Football

Fall in our household doesn’t only mean pumpkins, Halloween, Thanksgiving, and changing leaves – it also means FOOTBALL! Is football popular in your household, too? According to the NFL, 205 million Americans (approximately 70 percent of television viewers) watched at least one football game last year. Were you one of them? You probably watch the Super Bowl, an event noted as the most watched television event in the United States. Another interesting fact- more pizza is sold on Super Bowl Sunday than any other day of the year. Pizza is delicious, but unfortunately for pizza delivery drivers, the increase in pizza ordered on Super Bowl Sunday also means it’s the day of the year when they get into the most car accidents. Pizza isn’t the only popular food for Super Bowl Sunday. Americans eat approximately 1.25 billion chicken wings the weekend of Super Bowl Sunday. What will you be doing for Super Bowl Sunday?

Happiness and Thinking of Happiness Blog Posts

Sometimes it’s difficult to think of things to be happy about. I’m a big believer in being happy with what we have and not wishing for something we don’t. However, I will admit there are times when it seems like a stretch to find something to celebrate as creating happiness. So, obviously, when I’m stuck, I look things up on the internet. Today I came across this book titled 14,000 Things to be Happy About (by Barbara Ann Kipfer). 14,000? Geeze, if she can come up with 14,000 I can surely come up with a couple each week, right? Here goes…

  • The cartoons hanging on my fridge that kids of friends have created for me
  • The leafy green mint plant on my front porch. I love mint -it’s so uplifting and delicious!
  • Drinking ice cold water after hours of lawn work.
  • Hearing my coworkers’ morning greetings as I walk in the office door.
  • Sneakers. I love wearing sneakers. They are so comfortable and cute!


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