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Archive for Our Happiness Blog – Page 33

Laughter is Infectious

To say that laughter is infectious is an understatement. Nothing beats the gut bursting genuineness of a laughing baby. Take a moment to watch this video brighten your day. You’re welcome!

Happiness the whole family can enjoy

Want to know the secret of how to become a happier more vibrant person in 2 hours or less? Well according to studies conducted by Penn State University as well as the University of British Colombia, certain movies can cause “elevation” which can be associated with generosity, kindness and humanity’s positive potential. So, in retrospect take two movie tickets to see Happy Feet and call me in the morning. Happy movie watching!

Click here for more information.

Positive Thinking

Affirmations are proven methods of self-improvement because of their ability to rewire our brains. Much like exercise, they raise the level of feel-good hormones and push our brains to form new clusters of “positive thought” neurons.

To learn more click here.

Happiness and a Pep Talk

Sometimes a quick pep talk in the mirror is all that is required to give you the inner boost you need to brighten yourself up from the inside out. Happiness better given once received. Taking the time to acknowledge your own hard work can be the happy pill you may be seeking.

“Don’t you see how far you’ve come already? You have a lot to be proud of, and every reason to keep moving forward. You can do this.”

Happy Drink

Ok, ok, all my “it is after 5 somewhere” friends, don’t get too excited. Just because a drink says that it can assist in lightening up your mood does not always mean it must be for adults only. This tasty blended beverage can be used to put a pep in your morning step or quiet a crying 2-year-old (which makes everyone happy…lol). So, the next time you are at the market, grab these few items and drink your happy!

Click here for the happy drink recipe.

Break Away for Happy

Summertime for most means warmer weather, BBQ’s, the kids are out of school and the house full of everyone ALL the time. Sometimes it may prove difficult to get everyone on the same page at the same time but one word always does the trick…. VACATION! Taking break from the everyday schedule of parent/child duties and just enjoying quality, sun, and fun will always bring a smile.

Read more on how vacations affect your happiness here.

Cook the Blues Away

Ever heard the term “cooking with love”? In the constant rat race of life, we may often take a break from our daily responsibilities, let our hair down, go out to dinner at our favorite restaurant and consider it a treat for all our adult hard work. Stanford doctor, Dr. Kelly McGonigal mentions the results of a study that points out how women are significantly happier and less stressed after eating a meal at home. So, the next time you want to unwind and put a smile on your family’s face at the same time, turn on some music and hit the kitchen.

Happiness and Pets

The saying that a dog is a man’s best friend may apply to more aspects of life than you think. Sometimes taking the magnifying glass off of your own problems is exactly what you need and what better way to do it then caring for a pet that loves you unconditionally. According to an article in Psychology Today, pet owners exhibited greater self-esteem, were more physically fit, were less lonely, were more conscientious, were more socially outgoing, and had healthier relationship styles. So, who wants a new pet?

Social support is one way we can help ourselves improve our overall psychological and physical well-being, but does it always have to be accomplished by other people? Research suggests the answer is no (but you happy pet owners already knew that, didn’t you?)! McConnell and colleagues conducted three studies in 2011 exploring the benefits of owning a pet. Their studies demonstrate multiple benefits including, but not limited to, greater self-esteem, decrease in loneliness, healthier relationships, and improved mood.  Research is also demonstrating some evidence that people with pets fare better when facing serious health challenges (e.g., recent heart attacks, HIV). While studies have demonstrated a link between pets and various positive benefits, those who have human support and a pet receive the largest benefits. It is important to consider pets often come with large responsibilities that if not properly planned for can diminish or eliminate the positive benefits. However, if adequately planned and cared for, a pet can be every bit as good as a best friend (just like the old adage says)!

Meditation Moments

Taking a moment to slow down and check in with yourself is much easier said than done at times in this busy rat race we call life. However, if you can find 10 minutes in your day to do something that would help increase your blood flow, give you a boost of energy and increase your happiness, meditation would be it. Give these few simple steps a try.

How to meditate: Simple meditation for beginners

  1. Sit or lie comfortably. You may even want to invest in a meditation chair.
  2. Close your eyes.
  3. Make no effort to control the breath; simply breathe naturally.
  4. Focus your attention on the breath and on how the body moves with each inhalation and exhalation.

Click here for more information.


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