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Archive for Our Happiness Blog – Page 32

The Formula

Sounds kind of unbelievable to think that there could be a formula to happiness, right? I thought the same thing until reading and watching this. CNBC has put together some remarkably helpful pointers that will make you question, “Why haven’t I been doing these common sense techniques before now?”

Read more about the techniques here.
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A Little Retail Therapy

I know this is going to sound a little cliché, however, the saying still resonates with the hearts of most. Money can’t buy happiness, but it can buy you those nice boots that make you feel pretty darn good about yourself. Well, I’m sure it doesn’t go quite like that but we all get the point. Sometimes happiness is not a constant feeling of elation that will last for eternity but rather a glance in the mirror at a reflection that is represented by the perfect outfit, for an ideal occasion with those whose opinions matter.

Ageless Happiness

Happiness does not have a name, face, or address. True happiness is not a tangible and is not partial to race, gender, religion or age. Just ask Gertrude and Alvin, a 90 plus couple taking their own happiness by the horns. Read about this example of how love and happiness go hand in hand here.

Happiness and Massage

Ask yourself, “Have you ever seen someone upset after a massage”? The answer will highly be NOT!!! However, there are real benefits of massage:

  1. Lower Stress and anxiety
  2. Boost Endorphins
  3. Increase Immune System Activity
  4. Improve Mood and Happiness

Don’t believe me? Check out the details here.

Positive Affirmation

Breath deep, look in the mirror and repeat these words:

  1. I am amazing.
  2. I can do anything.
  3. Positivity is a choice.
  4. I celebrate my individuality.
  5. I am prepared to succeed.

Celebrating yourself is the beginning of becoming a more uplifted and positive version of yourself. As the saying goes, be the person you would want to meet. IF you choose to start your day with positivity then you will be open to receiving it as well.

Juice to a better you

According to recent studies, juicing has proven to have many health benefits. Some of the reasons you may want to take a closer look are detoxification, improvement in skin, joint pain, energy and most of all positive mood improvements. When our body feels better it opens new doors for our minds to be clearer and more focused on the things we want/need to do.

Click here for more information.

Happy stories from around the world

From the Earth comes the life, air, happiness and the light. – Morgan J. Bishops

Click here for a story about 1.5 million volunteers who planted 66.3 million trees in 12 hours.

Festival Fun Full of Happy Faces

Summer time is the best season to get out and learn new things about the city you live in. It seems that with technology on the rise, more people are choosing to unplug, eat right, exercise, and get out for real some real human to human contact. Festival season (May- September) is the perfect time to find a concentrated group of likeminded people who are all in one space, at one time, for one thing….A GOOD TIME. Taking the time do a little research to see what is happening in your own back yard may be worth the google. 

Downward Dog your way to happier days….

Yoga is the craft of discipline through physical mental, and group practices. Yoga, a lot like meditation, can be thought of as a way for one to find inner peace. Unlike meditation, yoga engrosses the body in a series of movements that helps to create physical and mental balance. When your mind and body are aligned, if only for a brief moment, peace can be attained and happiness lives to fight another day.

Read more about yoga and happiness here.


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