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Archive for Our Happiness Blog – Page 24

Tax Day

April typically means tax day, a day of stress, anxiety, and as my father would say “pain in the wallet.” But April can also mean tax refunds and a little extra income. Whether that amount is a little or a lot, we often feel the need to spend it all on a big purchase. This year, why not take some of that cash and create a “future happiness fund?” Set some aside for your next vacation or the next big concert you want to see. Imagine the satisfaction of seeing a commercial for an exciting new movie or event and knowing “I can afford that!”

Happiness and To-Do Lists

I always seem to have a list of things that need to get done. These lists often contain such big projects that it becomes easy to push all of the tasks to the backburner due to lack of time or energy. If you have your own list troubles, one thing you can do to remove some of the stress surrounding to-do lists is creating a list of smaller tasks. These should not be very labor intensive or time consuming and can be as simple as deep cleaning the coffee pot or dusting shelves. When you find yourself bored and looking for something to do, cross something off of the list of smaller tasks. Completing even just one item can make you feel proud and can even encourage continued productiveness; maybe even enough to start on the bigger to-do list.

Happiness and Blooming

With the arrival of Spring, everything outside seems to be blooming, so why shouldn’t you? Spring is an exciting time of growth, which is admittedly sometimes difficult to overlook through the haze of pollen, but what better way to welcome the new growth than by embracing the blooms, and even “blooming” yourself. While enjoying all spring has to offer is relatively easy, through buying flowers, or walking through the park, blooming as an individual may be more difficult. An easy way to encourage growth within yourself is finding a new hobby to immerse yourself in. Gardening, hiking, painting, or cooking can all be ways to help celebrate a new season of possibilities for yourself.

Happiness and Warmer Weather

Now that warm weather is arriving, here is a list of activities to enjoy after being cooped up inside during the colder winter months.

  • Go for a hike on a nearby trail
  • Plant some flowers
  • Play outside with your pets
  • Enjoy lunch outside
  • Take a day trip to the beach
  • Fly a kite
  • Make a picnic
  • Enjoy walking around a downtown area of a nearby city/town
  • Read a book in the sun
  • Open the curtains and let warm, natural light into your house
  • Visit the farmer’s market
  • Visit a local farm

Happiness and Spring Cleaning

If you are anything like me, you may have a lot of clutter in your life- in your home, at work, in the car, the list goes on. However, under all of that clutter are probably many things that you truly love and enjoy. With spring coming, it can be a good time to partake in the age-old tradition of spring cleaning and dispose of some of the things that are cluttering the path to the things that bring you joy. Surrounding yourself with a de-cluttered environment, full of the items that make you the happiest, can reflect to a less chaotic and happier mental state.

Self-Affirming & Happiness

This week, the goal is to create a positive energy in our lives by declaring positive statements about self. So often, we get up in the morning, before we even jump out the bed, we look at our phones and compare our lives to others. Then we get ready for work, or get the children ready for school, and then go to work and forget to set a positive tone for the day. Most of us get so busy with life that we forget to reaffirm and recharge ourselves by recognizing the positive attributes we possess. Saying daily positive statements to yourself increases your happiness and overall mood. Here is an activity to practice today: Write your name on a large piece of paper and write a positive/loving adjective for every letter in your name. Then decorate your paper and place it where you can visibly see it every day. For example, if your name is Lisa your adjectives may be:


Read your positive statements to yourself every day. “I am loving, I am impressive, I am smart, I am amazing.” Then observe and reflect on how your mood positively changes. Your happiness starts on the inside of you.


Let’s talk about L.O.V.E (Living Our Values Every day). What are values and why are they are important to personal (individual) happiness? Values are individual beliefs that motivate people to act one way or another. We face tough decisions everyday and encounter daily circumstances, which test patience, character and peace of mind. Values guide and shape your priorities and reactions. When our actions and words are aligned with our values, life is generally good and we feel content, confident and satisfied. When we feel extremely emotionally uncomfortable it is often because we have not behaved congruent with our values. The clearer we are on what our values are, the more we can behave intentionally and live more authentically. Take time to reflect on your values and decide which are most important to you. Then reflect on how you act on those values in your life. When you are living by your values, you are living in truth and happiness and are your best self.

Fun with your Partner

Last week, you focused on doing something you love that would energize you. This week show your partner or a close friend some love by engaging in an activity they love to do. The healthiest relationships (romantic or non-romantic) are ones where people can authentically be themselves. Truly engaging an activity that a partner or friend enjoys, without judgment and with an open heart speaks volumes. No matter what you do this week, make sure you to carve out quality time for people in life that mean the most to you!

Show Yourself Some Love

February represents the month of love. Whether you are in a relationship or single, show love to yourself by engaging in fun activities that allow you to pamper yourself: treat yourself to your favorite restaurant, travel, go to the spa or get a massage, read in the sunshine, cook for yourself, go out dancing or join a dance class, and/or explore the outdoors. Showing yourself love will make you a happier and healthier you!


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