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Archive for Our Happiness Blog – Page 17

Laugh More!

Numerous studies have discussed the importance and benefits of laughing more often. Especially during COVID, keeping your mood positive and preserving your mental health is extra important. Watching cute animal videos, a comedic movie/special, or anything with positive vibes is great! I recommend starting with the TV show “The Good Place.”   🙂

Facetime your Friends and Family!

Social isolation from your friends and family can be really difficult to deal with. Sometimes we aren’t too motivated to reach out to people either. However, calling or facetiming people can greatly improve your mental health during COVID-19. Even calling someone for a few minutes per day can really make a difference.

Try Something New!

Being stuck inside for over a year is bound to get boring. It’s easy to get unmotivated with social isolation. However, there are plenty of things you can do to boost your mood and creativity! Try a DIY art project this weekend or learn a new skill. You could start knitting, learn to draw, read a new book, pick up a new language, practice an instrument, etc. Skillshare, for example, is a website where you can learn various skills from the comfort of your own home.

Light a Candle!

If you’re having a stressful work day or just want to relax and unwind, try lighting a candle! Studies show that certain scents evoke certain feelings. Candles can improve mood, reduce stress, stimulate memory, and improve sleep. Jasmine and pine reduce stress, vanilla and coconut are relaxing and can curb cravings, citrus and cinnamon improve efficiency, and lavender can help your mind “recharge.” Target and Yankee Candle have a ton of cost-effective candle choices. 

Treat Yourself to Some Dark Chocolate

Truly dark chocolate (with a high percentage of cocoa), in moderation, can actually be good for you! It contains fiber and minerals. It is also an antioxidant. Dark chocolate can also improve blood flow, lower blood pressure, raise HDL, and reduce heart disease risk. All of these benefits are in quality dark chocolate (70% and above). So, next time you want to snack on some chocolate, go for it!

Start Your Day with a Cup of Coffee

Recent research has shown that it is not only safe to have a cup of coffee every day, but it may actually be beneficial to your health. Coffee consumption is linked to lower rates of depression. Research also suggests it is protective against type 2 diabetes, dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, liver disease, and liver cancer. It is also healthy for your heart. However, if you suffer from insomnia or anxiety, be sure to look into whether or not it is the best choice for you. Everyone has different physiology, so we encourage you to check with your doctor if you have any concerns. Consuming coffee in moderation might be a great addition to your morning routine!

Cold Showers—Give Them a Shot!

The thought of stepping into ice cold water can be intimidating. But, cold exposure is shown to be great for you in a variety of ways. Research shows it can boost your metabolism and reduce inflammation and stress. It can also improve your sleep quality and focus, and increase your energy levels. Like exercising, cold exposure puts a healthy amount of stress on your body that your body then has to overcome, making it stronger in the long run. And it causes you to release natural painkillers, such as endorphins, that are pleasurable as well. And you can take it slow—start by stepping into mildly cold water, and make it a little colder each time you shower. And stay in a little longer each time. It will get easier and easier over time. It’s a health tool that is fast, cheap, and effective!

Try Journaling

Writing down your feelings can really help people understand and work through their problems. Additionally, writing down three things you are grateful for everyday can help boost your mood. It can help make you feel more optimistic about and satisfied with your life. Bottling up your emotions is not healthy, and journaling helps people express themselves and their emotions by writing.

Go Outside!

The majority of the world has been stuck inside for almost a year. Not going outside, appreciating nature, and enjoying fresh air can take a toll on your mental health. Try going to a local park. Maybe try a hiking trail if you want a bit of a workout! Maybe try meditating outside or doing some yoga. Studies have shown that “forest therapy” can decrease cortisol levels (a hormone related to stress). 


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