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Our Happiness Blog

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Happiness and Sleep (Again)

GO TO BED, AMERICA. As a country we’ve racked up a pretty impressive sleep debt. I won’t bother with statistics […]

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Happiness and Choosing Challenge Over Threat, Part III

Have you ever wondered what happens when the alpha male gorilla kicks it? Me neither, because it’s obvious – another […]

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Happiness and Choosing Challenge Over Threat, Part II

Last week we talked about choosing to interpret a stressor as a challenge rather than a threat. The benefits are […]

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Happiness and Choosing Challenge Over Threat, Part I

We’ve talked about stress before here but I wanted to bring it up again because the more I dig into […]

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Happiness in 2014

Happy 2015 everyone! The last couple of posts talked about New Year’s resolutions. But I started feeling a bit remiss […]

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The Happiness Blog’s Guide to Making (and Keeping!) New Year’s Resolutions, Part II

Last week we looked at some dismal statistics around New Year’s resolutions. But this doesn’t mean you shouldn’t make any. […]

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The Happiness Blog’s Guide to Making (and Keeping!) New Year’s Resolutions, Part I

Of the 45% of Americans who usually make New Year’s Resolutions (38% never do), 8% achieve their resolution, 49% have […]

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Happiness and Who You Want to Be

A friend shared with me that she’s been feeling kind of “off.” Just not good about herself, slightly irritable and […]

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Happiness and Plugging Away

One day in my seventh grade my math teacher gave us a sheet of problems to do as an in-class […]

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