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Our Happiness Blog

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The 4 Pillars of Happiness

In a TED talk entitled “There’s more to life than being happy,” Emily Esfahani Smith discusses her difficulty grappling with […]

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Happiness Strengths and Weaknesses

We all have strengths and weaknesses. You might find that you excel at problem-solving, but speaking in public may not […]

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Happiness and Charity

We are familiar with the saying “Money can’t buy happiness” but what if it can? An experiment by Dunn, Ankin, […]

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Happiness and Brain Fitness

It is common knowledge that physical activity is crucial to maintaining one’s health, but many people are unaware of the […]

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Happiness and Spring

“Spring is nature’s way of saying ‘Let’s party!’” – Robin Williams Despite the fact spring officially started on March 20th, […]

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Cultivating happiness may often seem difficult to do especially given the fast-paced lifestyles we often find ourselves living. However, the […]

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Happiness and Renewable Living

Renewable living influences not only the environment but one’s happiness! A recent social experiment conducted by TetraPak examined if a […]

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Happiness and Journaling

Keeping a diary or journal is one of the best (and free!) forms of self-help therapy. Research studies have shown […]

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Learning and Happiness

Continued learning can contribute to our happiness. We are not just referring to learning by sitting in a classroom or […]

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