Tiered Approach to Parenting & Custody Evaluations


Our unique, tiered approach meets the information and cost needs of every family.


The basic interview with parents
Expert Advice Consult:This is the briefest of the consults. Parents meet us, describe the child, describe their parenting strengths and limitations as well as practical concerns, explain their initial thoughts about custody and visitation, and share any concerns or uncertainties they are facing in making a decision. We will ask several questions to gather additional relevant information. Based on the information presented and our expertise of child development and parenting plans, we then verbally share our thoughts with the parents regarding what would likely be some good parenting plan arrangements for their child and family unit. (Fee: $200.00 per hour.)
+ interview with child, and as needed review of school/medical records =
Extended Expert Advice Consult: This consult includes an interview with parents as described in the Expert Advice Consult, and also includes an interview with the child, plus as needed, a review of relevant school and/or medical/psychological records with collateral interviews of professionals. We then verbally share our thoughts with the parents regarding what would likely be some good parenting plan arrangements for their child and family unit. (Fee: $200.00/hr.)
+ written feedback =
Extended Expert Advice Consult/Written: This consult includes all of the components of the Extended Expert Advice Consult, with written feedback. (Fee: $200.00 per hour or $2,500.00 flat fee for family of up to four, whichever is less. Over four: Additional $400.00 fee for each additional child, spouse, or significant other.)
+ participation in settlement conference with parties and attorneys =
Settlement Conference: Approximately 95% of all cases settle. After receiving your feedback summary it is most likely you and your spouse will attempt to reach an agreement. Our presence can help speed this process along as we can answer any questions parties or attorneys may have about options being considered, and can participate in brainstorming healthy solutions. (Fee: $250.00 per hour port to port; we are also happy to host the settlement conference at our office as a neutral ground.)


+ observation of parents with child =
Evaluation: This evaluation includes all of the components of the Extended Expert Advice Consult, plus observation of each parent and child together. We will offer a written summary to the parents regarding what would likely be the best possible parenting plan arrangements for their child and family unit. (Fee: $5,750.00 flat fee for family of up to four. Over four: Additional $500.00 fee each.)
+ testing battery relevant to parenting plan/custody issues =
Evaluation with Testing Battery: This evaluation includes all of the components of the Evaluation, plus testing of the parents and child. We will offer a written report to the parents regarding what would likely be the best possible parenting plan arrangements for their child and family unit. (Fee: $7,750.00 flat fee for a family of up to four. Over four: Additional $750.00 fee for each additional.)
+ additional (non school/medical) collateral contact reviews =
Extended Evaluation: This evaluation includes all of the components of the Evaluation with Testing Battery, plus additional collateral contact reviews, such as with caretakers, grandparents, neighbors, etc. We will offer a written report to the parents regarding what would likely be the best possible parenting plan arrangements for their child and family unit. (Fee: $8,750.00 flat fee for a family of up to four. Over four: Additional $500.00 fee for each additional.)
+ participation in settlement conference with parties and attorneys =
Settlement Conference: Approximately 95% of all cases settle. Even if your original intention was to proceed to court, after receiving the extended report you and your spouse may utilize the report to try to reach settlement. Our presence can help speed this process along as we can answer any questions parties or attorneys may have about options being considered, and can participate in brainstorming solutions. (Fee: $250.00 per hour port to port; we are happy to host the settlement conference at our office as a neutral ground.)

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