Fraud Blocker

hallSometimes I know when my husband and I are being crazy, and we still can’t stop it, even when we discuss out loud how crazy we are. Before preschool started, we went in for our 1-1 with the teacher. She explained how it was fine to walk our daughter to class at drop off, though eventually it would be best to transition to dropping her off at the door to the school and letting her walk down the short hall to class.

By herself.

IS SHE CRAZY?! My husband and I exchanged a quick glance, which we both knew to mean, “No way in hell is our child walking down a hall all by herself! She’s just a baby!” The teacher, no doubt noticing our nervous glance, explained it was good, so Page could start to develop a sense of independence. Independence? She’s 4! At this point my brain is kicking in to wrestle with my emotions, noting it is important for preschool children to be allowed to do appropriate tasks in a safe environment to develop independence, which has the terrific positive impact of building self-confidence. Oh crap! Either I have to let my baby wander off by herself into the big dangerous world, or I have to not let her and impede the development of her self-confidence. My husband and I left our meeting and as we were walking down the hall my husband was saying, “Is that woman serious? There is no way Page is ever walking in by herself.” And I am responding, “I know, I know, I agree. You know we’re crazy, don’t you? I mean, we’re nutso right now.”

I believe at about half way through the year Page started walking into preschool some days on her own. No thanks to us if I recall. I think one day she simply said, “Just drop me off Mom. I’ll run in.” Smart girl; I’m pretty sure it wouldn’t have worked had she asked Daddy. He’s the most crazy. And proud of it.

Originally published at on January 17, 2013


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