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Just like any type of skill, people vary in their level of expertise in creativity, however, regardless of how well you think you are, creativity is a great source for practicing mindfulness. Well first, what is creativity? Creativity can come in various forms from working on a garden, to painting, to even planning a party for a friend. Creativity is just using your imagination and engaging your time, effort, and feelings into a goal. Findings suggest having these creative goals can increase one’s happiness, optimism, and excitement. With this being said, finding what allows you to be creative can serve as a great tool to release any negative thoughts and feelings onto a canvas, paper, or whatever outlet of creativity you decide to indulge in.  One of the main reasons why we find ourselves relieving our stress, anxieties, anger, and other negative emotions through creative goals is the ability for creativity to engage one into a “flow.” This flow is what can create a euphoric feeling that allows us to stay focused, engaged, mindful, present, and when it is all done, accomplished. Because of this, it is important to find your creative goal that you will be able to be excited about and enjoy doing. It is also important to note to not get frustrated at first. Creativity is a skill that needs to be developed, so by continuing to use your imagination and engage your senses into what you decide your creative goal is, you are already getting better! Try drawing, painting, dancing, or even going outside and cloud watching to start on your creative goal, and become more creatively mindful!


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(We are open 9am-8pm M-F and 9am-5/7pm Saturdays; please feel free to call 919-572-0000 directly during those hours to schedule as well.)

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