Men’s General Supportive Therapy Group – On-going: Therapy group for men. A variety of topics will be discussed depending on the group to include general stress, work stress or issues, depression, anxiety, intimate relationships, social anxiety or concerns, and compulsive behaviors such as substance use, gambling, etc.
Women’s Therapy Group – On-going
Therapy group for women. A variety of topics will be discussed depending on the group to include depression, general stress, relationships, and compulsive behaviors such as food, shopping, etc.
Supportive Therapy Group for Graduate Students: The goal of this group is to provide a safe and confidential space for graduate students to receive support, gain perspective and insight into themselves and their relationships, and learn to cope with the demands of graduate school. The content of the group is open-ended and themes are broad and varied – they have included balancing academic and family life, self-care, family and intimate partner relationship concerns, advisor-advisee relationship concerns, procrastination, perfectionism, depression, anxiety, cultural adjustment, and issues of oppression (e.g., sexism, racism, heterosexism, ageism).
Supportive Therapy Group for Partners of Graduate Students: This therapy group is designed for romantic partners of graduate students (e.g., spouses, girlfriends, boyfriends, etc.). According to researchers (e.g., Brannock, Litten, & Smith, 2000; McLaughlin, 1985), graduate school can put a tremendous amount of strain and stress on relationships. This group aims to offer you the opportunity to meet with others in a similar situation and offer each other support. The content of the group will be open-ended, however some basic themes usually emerge including relationship problems, adjustment to life events, understanding oneself, enhancing self-esteem.
Pregnancy and New Mother Education and Therapy Group – On-going
This group is designed to help mothers cope with the stressors of their pregnancy and impending labor and parenthood. We will discuss how to cope with a wide variety of stressors, possible mental health conditions that occur, body image, self-care, and have outside presenters come talk about resources in your community.
Coping Skills Group Based on Dialectical Behavior Therapy – 10 Weeks
This therapy group is designed for adults with many different emotional problems. The goal of the group is to help you develop balance in your life through skill acquisition. The group will help you learn and refine skills in changing behavioral, emotional, and thinking patterns associates with problems causing distress. Components include interpersonal relationships, regulating emotions, developing distress tolerance, and improving your sense of self.
Cooperative Parenting Seminar Series – 8 weeks
This seminar series is designed to guide separated or divorced parents to amicable and effective co-parenting or parallel parenting. The process of divorce requires you redefine your relationship with your former spouse as well as help your child cope with the separation of the family. This seminar will offer valuable tools to enable you to hear each other’s perspectives and come up with child-focused solutions in a practical manner.
Parenting Dilemmas – 6 weeks
Psychoeducational group for parents, offering expert advice on parenting issues. Runs concurrent to Social Skills Group for Children & Teens (described above).
Addictions/Compulsions Recovery Group – Ongoing
This group is designed as a support and therapy group specific to the needs of people who have struggled with addictions and compulsions (alcohol and drug abuse, gambling, shopping, hoarding, overeating, pornography, recurrent infidelity, etc.). We welcome people at all stages in the process of recovery, with a history of any type of addictive or compulsive behaviors.
Codependency Recovery Group – Ongoing
This group is designed as a support and therapy group specific to the needs of people who have a problem with codependency – often times, adults who grew up in alcoholic homes.
Supportive Therapy Group for Helping Professionals – On-going
Helping professionals face unique stressors and issues. This group is for all helping professionals (nurses, therapists, doctors, child advocates, etc.). This is an opportunity to help you cope with the stressors of dealing with difficult clients. We will discuss specific strategies for self-care and how to utilize both professional and natural supports.
Finding the Voice Inside: Exploring Your Unique Feminine Spirituality – 10 weeks
Through a series of brief, designated writing exercises, women are invited to name, honor, and explore their female experience.
Transitioning Through Divorce
These seminars are designed for people experiencing divorce to help them
move beyond what is often a difficult and challenging life transition.