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Fun with your Partner

Last week, you focused on doing something you love that would energize you. This week show your partner or a close friend some love by engaging in an activity they love to do. The healthiest relationships (romantic or non-romantic) are ones where people can authentically be themselves. Truly engaging an activity that a partner or friend enjoys, without judgment and with an open heart speaks volumes. No matter what you do this week, make sure you to carve out quality time for people in life that mean the most to you!

The Language of Love

Opinions on Valentine’s Day tend to fall into one of two camps. There are those who relish the opportunity to express their love for another or be showered with affection, and those who would rather treat it as any other day of the week. Regardless of your feelings about the day, it is good to ask yourself how you show affection and appreciation for those around you. The Five Love Languages: How to Express Heartfelt Commitment to Your Mate by Gary Chapman offers some strategies to ponder. Are you someone who gives gifts with a special connection to that person? Do you give in other ways, such as spending time together or helping out around the house? Does your chosen method involve giving compliments and talking to the person directly? Do you let your body do the talking, be it with a pat on the back, a hug, or kiss? How do you know you are loved? Your answer may point you in the direction of how you express affection.

Show Yourself Some Love

February represents the month of love. Whether you are in a relationship or single, show love to yourself by engaging in fun activities that allow you to pamper yourself: treat yourself to your favorite restaurant, travel, go to the spa or get a massage, read in the sunshine, cook for yourself, go out dancing or join a dance class, and/or explore the outdoors. Showing yourself love will make you a happier and healthier you!


Self-care has become a popular term as of late, and what exactly does self-care mean? Self-care is any activity that we do deliberately in order to take care of our mental, emotional and physical health. Self-care reduces the feelings of stress, anxiety, feeling overwhelmed or depression. A lot of us have busy lives and may have little time, but your happiness and wellbeing are important, and consequently, you need to create time for you. Create a schedule where you intentionally make time for you to gain some peace and recharge. Remember, everyone has their own ways of recharging and self-care does not subscribe to certain activities. Self-care can include socializing with friends, treating yourself to dinner, taking a yoga or dance class, meditating, watching your favorite tv show, go camping, or going to an amusement park. We often get busy with life, work, taking care children, that we sometimes can forget us. If you are a parent self-care can include receiving external support so you can take care of you. It becomes quite difficult to give 100% to external situations when we are not taking care of self and we are actually more efficient in our many roles when we focus on ourselves from time to time.  Now is time to start thinking about you again and balancing your life. Know your limits, do not take on more than you can handle, and remember to create time to engage in activities that increase happiness and peace. 

Finances After the Holidays

Typically, once the Holidays end, you say to yourself: “I’m broke,” or ask, “where did all my money go?” or even make a New Year’s resolution to be financially fiscal. Immediately following the Holidays, you may feel like you cannot go out and do anything that requires spending money. However, you can engage in numerous activities spending minimum money or no money at all. You can go to a museum, go see a movie at the $2 movie theater, go to the Artspace, American tobacco trail, poetry slams, or go Eno River State Park where you can enjoy camping or hiking for free. As you are balancing your funds and saving your money, put some money aside just for socializing.

Happiness after the Holidays

The Holidays are usually the time when we are around family, busy buying gifts, cooking, and having a lot of fun with those around us. Once the Holidays are over, life seems to settle down and the excitement and busyness are no longer present. Just because the Holidays are over does not mean you cannot have that same happy feeling! Have you ever thought about creating your own Holiday experience even when it is not an actual Holiday? Plan a weekend, where you can go on a mini vacation with a significant other, or with family members or friends. Plan a time where you cook, play games and interact with friends and family. Your Holidays do not have to stop after the holiday season. Enjoy creating spaces of fun and spending time with people that matter to you during your self made Holidays!

Happiness and Physical Health

It’s the beginning of the year where some of your New Year’s Resolutions are getting in shape, whether that be losing weight, gaining weight, maintaining weight or just toning.  Having a healthy active lifestyle is so important and it is so exciting that it is one of your New Year’s Resolutions! Not only does physical health contribute to your happiness, but your happiness affect your physical health. Have you ever experienced physical symptoms (i.e. high blood pressure, a stomach ulcer, low energy, tension in your body) when you are stressed or unhappy? That is your body’s way of telling you, you are unhappy or stressed.  Being physically healthy contributes to lower stress, improving mood and overall happiness. I started out by talking about your New Year’s resolution pertaining to weight, which typically involves going to the gym and exercising.  However, maintaining a healthy lifestyle is not just exercising, but eating healthier as well. Exercise has various fun forms, which can include going to a gym, dancing, hiking, climbing a mountain, or biking riding. Eating healthy includes adding fruit and vegetables to your diet, drinking a lot of water, and reducing your intake of juice, soda and alcohol. If you are newbie to exercising or eating healthy, start out at least once week and then gradually increase the days.  You do not have to take this journey alone, grab a friend or join a healthy, active meetup group (! Remember exercise and being healthy reduce stress and improve mood so go out and pick an active activity today! 

“Having good health, being able to breathe and be happy, that’s one of the most beautiful gifts…”-Roy Ayers

New Year, New You

“New Year, New You” has become synonymous with January 1 st and symbolizes to Americans the hope of resolutions fulfilled, old habits extinguished, or a commitment to a better self. Gym memberships spike, new diets begin, and several packs of cigarettes meet the bottom of the waste bin. But how do you implement change effectively? Do you do better stopping something cold-turkey, or do you gently ween yourself off? Is day one the first day plans take shape, or have you been prepping for each step in advance? Who are you making the change for? You or someone else? Regardless of these answers, change works best when its something we want and feel connected to. Whether they’re done in January or July, make sure the changes you make mean something to you.

Happiness and January

With the holiday season coming to an end, it may feel as though there are few things to look forward to. Here are some things to celebrate this month that are more often than not
January 4 th – National Spaghetti Day
January 8 th – National Bubble Bath Day
January 11 th – National Step in the Puddle and Splash Your Friends Day
January 14 th – National Dress Up Your Pet Day
January 19 th – National Popcorn Day
January 25 th – National Opposite Day
January 27 th – National Chocolate Day
January 29 th – National Puzzle Day


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