LINDSEY OHLER, PSY.D. - Lepage Associates

As one of our resident forensic psychologists, Dr. Lindsey Ohler has extensive experience in family, civil, and criminal court. She has been qualified as an expert witness in family, civil and criminal court several times, and has provided deposition and testimony in numerous cases. She often provides expert consultation for attorneys on clinical issues (e.g., child development and child custody, child sexual development, autism spectrum disorder, childhood mental health disorders, and adult mental health disorders). Her forensic evaluation experience includes psychological, parental capacity, child custody, substance abuse, risk assessments, competency of affairs, competency to stand trial, fitness-for duty, and disability benefits evaluations, to name a few. An additional area of specialty has included conducting psychological, dispositional, bind-over, and competency-to-stand trial evaluations in the juvenile court system. Dr. Ohler can identify how environmental, familial, cultural and social factors influence individuals while identifying risk and protective factors for predicting future criminal involvement. During her time in the juvenile court, Dr. Ohler was known for developing positive relationships with probation officers, juvenile correctional officers and other officials. Dr. Ohler is well-known for creating a calming clinical interview environment, easing the client’s mind while undergoing rigorous forensic evaluations. In addition to her role as an evaluator and consultant for court-related cases, she also provides individual and family therapy for children and families involved with the courts, to include addressing tough issues such as hands-off discipline, anger management, intimate partner violence, the impact of infidelity on families, and a range of other high conflict divorce issues. Parent coaching, co-parenting therapy, therapeutic supervised visitation, and reunification therapy are also areas of expertise for Dr. Ohler.


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