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Top benefits of telehealth (telemedicine/teletherapy) for mental health

One of the top benefits of telehealth is the convenience it creates for clients, allowing them to access their therapist from home or work without taking time off from work or spend time to drive to and from the therapist’s office. This is efficient for clients as it saves people time and money, making therapy accessible to everyone.

Parents can have their therapy session in this online format without having to get childcare for their children, as your children can be at home playing while you have your session.

During flu season, telehealth protects people from germs as they can still engage in therapy from the comfort of their own home.

Another benefit is privacy as you do not run into other clients in a waiting room.

Research has shown teletherapy to be effective at addressing mental health systems.

Teletherapy can be used with all ages, even children, as experienced telehealth therapists have many therapy techniques that can be used in online therapy, and children and typically quite comfortable with electronic modes of communication.

Clients tend to have less missed appointments as teletherapy is designed to fit conveniently into their life, and less missed sessions helps therapy be effective.

Overall, telehealth is a highly convenient, effective modality for people who need psychotherapy.

We offer telehealth appointments from 9am-8pm Monday through Friday as well as all day Saturdays.

How to use teletherapy & online therapy for mental health

Each year, 1 in 5 Americans is diagnosed with a mental health condition. Historically, more than half do not receive proper treatment to help them feel better. Access, convenience, and time have all been barriers to receiving care. Access to therapists or access to psychologists for psychological evaluations for people in rural areas can keep people from getting the diagnosis or therapy they need for their mental health issues. In cities, the traffic and time it can take commuting to and from an office dissuades some who need help from getting it. While psychotherapy is usually only about one hour per week as a treatment, busy schedules jugging work and/or children with various life obligations can make it hard to find time to focus on one’s own mental health needs.

Teletherapy, also referred to as online therapy, has been the answer for many people! Research shows virtual mental health counseling is as effective as traditional in-office therapy. In fact sometimes it is even more effective, perhaps related to data that shows people tend to miss less of their scheduled on-line sessions, probably due to the convenience of it being from the comfort of their own home. And, it is effective for all ages. Therapists experienced and skilled at online therapy can work with children, and have numerous games and activities designed to address behavior problems or build coping skills and strategies; and of course today’s children are very comfortable with virtual formats. For teens and adults, talk therapy is easily provided using online therapy. Even couples therapy and family therapy can be done using telehealth. To use telemedicine for mental health, all you need is a computer, tablet, or smart phone; if you don’t have any of these, talk therapy can also be done simply over the telephone.

So, if you or someone you love is one of the 20% of Americans in need of mental health help this year, try teletherapy. Online therapy can fit easily into your life, and make you feel much better.

We offer telehealth appointments from 9am-8pm Monday through Friday as well as all day Saturdays.

Find Out More Here

If you are interested in finding out more about our work providing counseling in Cary, be sure to give us a call soon.


Please fill in the information below and we will email you with an appointment date/time.

(We are open 9am-8pm M-F and 9am-5/7pm Saturdays; please feel free to call 919-572-0000 directly during those hours to schedule as well.)

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