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Archive for Our Happiness Blog – Page 34

Work and Happiness DO mix…

Work can often be a trigger to unhappiness for most people. Issues such as lack of proper sleep, overwhelming work load or unappreciated efforts can all influence your happiness and how well you perform in the workplace. Think about this, the happier you are the better you will perform, right? Here are a few tips to helping turn that work frown upside down and get on the good foot in the workplace.

Get a little dirty to get a lot of happy

Working with your hands can be both relaxing and rewarding. Many people understand and enjoy the benefits of being out in the elements and getting a chance to stop, breathe and bond with the Earth. When it comes to nature and happiness, many may overlook gardening and its many benefits. Gardening has been proven to: Reduce stress, Build self-esteem, Improve heart health, Boost brain function and even help with immune regulation. 

Happiness and Positive Affirmations

Happiness starts with you. Taking a moment to reassure yourself of just how AWESOME you are is the least you could do, right? Positive affirmations lead to positive thinking and positive thinking leads to positive actions. Now ask yourself “How can three positives equal anything negative?”. Post a few of these simple quotes on your bathroom mirror or set it as a happy reminder in your phone to help add a little pep to your step each day.

Happiness and Springtime

Yay, warmer days have arrived! There is no time like the present to put the dog days of winter behind us and let the good times roll. Springtime is the perfect time to grab your best bud and shake off some of that winter drab and get Springtime FAB! Sunshine equals fun times for all.

To learn more about the link between weather and happiness, click here.

Happiness and Human Communication

The majority of the world depends on technology daily, this is a fact. As humans we can get lost in the instant gratification that technology brings so we must remember to make time and nurture the dying art of human communication. It is no surprise that cell phone usage has been linked to loneliness so, the next time you can, instead of text, email or call, just take a moment to just sit and chat with a friend.

Learn more here.

Happiness and Smiling Every Day

“Joy is what happens when we allow ourselves to recognize how good things are”. -Marianna Williamson

Read more about why you should smile every day here.

Happiness and Random Acts of Kindness

Have you ever heard of the pay it forward process? Ok, so here is how is works. A random act of kindness is bestowed upon you and in return you pass the good deed process along in hopes that the recipient will do the same. The result is the hope for a worldly never ending cycle of kindness. Small gestures such as paying the tab for the car behind you in a drive-thru or the toll for the following car could easily be the glimmer of hope that someone didn’t know they needed.

Happiness and Simple Things

Take a moment and think about the simple things that we take for granted daily. On a daily basis many people overlook their ability to walk in the park, talk with a friend, get an education or hug a loved one. Taking the time to re-evaluate the simple things can birth a whole new appreciation for life and the joy it can bring.

Learn more on this topic here.

Happiness and Healthy Habits

Many people feel that if they could just get that new purse or new job, they will instantly reach the euphoria that true happiness brings. Happiness starts with healthy habits. Creating an environment to nurture your happy is imperative for a much healthier, happier lifestyle.

Read more information about happiness and healthy habits here.


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