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Archive for Our Happiness Blog – Page 29

Happiness and Charity

We are familiar with the saying “Money can’t buy happiness” but what if it can? An experiment by Dunn, Ankin, and Norton conducted in 2008 involved giving random shoppers either $5 or $20 to spend on themselves or others. The researchers contacted the shoppers later in the evening and found that those who spent the money on others or donated to charity reported higher levels of happiness than those who spent the money on themselves. Additionally, the researchers found the amount of money did not have a significant impact on happiness. What really mattered was how the money was spent! If you are looking for a happiness boost, try giving even just a little bit to a stranger or a charitable organization!

Happiness and Brain Fitness

It is common knowledge that physical activity is crucial to maintaining one’s health, but many people are unaware of the fact your brain needs exercise too! Research shows brains exposed to novel activities such as brain teasers, brain games, or logic puzzles are happier and healthier! Below are some of the specific benefits of brain fitness.

  • Enhanced memory and processing speed
  • Improved concentration
  • Reduced risk of cognitive decline
  • Sense of fulfillment and satisfaction

With benefits such as these, who wouldn’t be happy? For those eager to start their brain training but not sure where to begin, try completing a crossword puzzle, brain teaser/riddle, or Sudoku puzzle daily!

Happiness and Spring

“Spring is nature’s way of saying ‘Let’s party!'” – Robin Williams

Despite the fact spring officially started on March 20th, the unpredictable North Carolina weather has prolonged the chilly conditions. Thankfully, it seems like it might be time to pack up the winter clothes and celebrate the arrival of spring! There are a multitude of activities you can do to get your daily dose of Vitamin D. Pack a lunch, grab a friend, and head to the park for an impromptu picnic! If you’re looking to get a workout, try hiking, jogging, or bike riding. For those who are feeling nostalgic, fly a kite on a windy day or find some chalk and create a sidewalk masterpiece. If you are a “foodie” like I am, visit your local farmers’ market to buy some fresh produce or do some old-fashioned strawberry picking at a nearby farm! No matter how you decide to welcome the warmer temperatures, we should all take some time to head outside and truly appreciate the party that Spring is having!


Cultivating happiness may often seem difficult to do especially given the fast-paced lifestyles we often find ourselves living. However, the secret to happiness may lie within one’s smartphone. A multitude of smartphone apps have been developed using research findings within the field of positive psychology, mindfulness, and cognitive behavioral therapy. Whether you are on-the- go or looking for a self-enhancing activity, check out the following science-based apps that focus on improving happiness and overall well-being.

  • Happify: Users can customize their experience by choosing from a variety of tracks such as “Stop the Worry Cycle” or “Conquer your Negative Thoughts.” Carefully developed by experts, these activities and games when implemented daily into one’s life will help boost happiness!
  • Super Better: This app has been likened to a video game as it utilizes the completion of quests, activation of Power-ups, and battles with Bad Guys to strengthen social, mental, and emotional resilience.
  • Happier: This app functions as an on-the- go gratitude journal to help individuals appreciate the present moment. Happier also offers interactive courses designed to shift one’s focus away from negative thoughts and onto happiness and joy!

Happiness and Renewable Living

Renewable living influences not only the environment but one’s happiness! A recent social experiment conducted by TetraPak examined if a behavior could become more habitual in 28 days and ultimately lead to greater levels of happiness. The results found that environmentally responsible behaviors became significantly more habitual within the first week and also led to increase in happiness!

But what exactly is renewable living? It is the adoption of environmentally friendly lifestyle habits that focus on the preservation of something finite. Try to go beyond recycling and incorporate some of the following actions into your daily routine!

  • Drink from re-useable bottles and containers when possible
  • Bike or walk to destinations instead of driving
  • Take shorter showers to conserve water
  • Choose products that utilize recyclable and renewable packing such as paperboard, a natural resource that can be replenished over time
  • Incorporate daily exercise to renew your personal energy

Happiness and Journaling

Keeping a diary or journal is one of the best (and free!) forms of self-help therapy. Research studies have shown daily journaling can lead to a multitude of benefits such as increased focus, greater stability, release of pent-up emotions, and empowerment. Happiness journaling, one of the many forms of journaling, is a great way to focus on and document the positive aspects of one’s life. Even documenting what we consider mundane, daily experiences can bring us happiness in the future, especially during time of reflection on tough days.

If you feel stuck or even intimidated by the journaling process, remember there is no right or wrong way to journal. Whether you are starting the journey of journaling or have been writing for years, try using some of the happiness related prompts below.

  • Define what happiness means to you.
  • Write about an act of kindness you witnessed today.
  • What actions do you take in order to pursue happiness? What is the outcome of your actions?
  • What songs make you happy?
  • What is your favorite way to get out of a bad mood?

Learning and Happiness

Continued learning can contribute to our happiness. We are not just referring to learning by sitting in a classroom or lecture hall. Learning does not have to stop at obtaining a degree. Learning can come in various forms and can contribute to building confidence and improving self-esteem. Let the creative juices flow and think about something you always wish you knew how to do. Perhaps, it was something you wished you had the opportunity to learn during childhood. Learning how to the play the piano? Crocheting a scarf? Completing a sudoku puzzle you tried to start a few months ago? The possibilities are endless!

Happiness and Minimalism

When our external environment becomes cluttered, it is not surprising that our internal environment starts to feel chaotic. Get a head start on spring cleaning and take the time to eliminate the unnecessary clutter in your life. While removing material possessions is one aspect of minimalism, it is also important to evaluate the time you spend on unnecessary tasks. Focus on the actions that align with your values and bring you peace and happiness. Remember, what constitutes a simplistic lifestyle varies from person to person. You have the ability to decide what minimalism means to you and institute positive changes in your life so you can live the most rich and meaningful life possible!

Happiness and Sleep

An exhausted person is not a happy person. We have all experienced the negative effects of sleep deprivation like the groggy, irritable mood that lingers for the entire day. Alternatively, we all know what it is like to wake-up feeling refreshed and ready to take on the day. Adequate sleep, an average of 7-9 hours a night for adults, is crucial to one’s health and overall well-being. Getting a good night’s rest is correlated with lower stress and anxiety levels, sharpened attention, and enhanced memory. Some tips for improving one’s sleep hygiene are to go to bed at the same time every night, avoid caffeinated beverages after 3pm, incorporate exercising into your daily schedule, and eliminate the use of technological devices, such as smartphones or television 30 minutes before you plan to sleep.


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