Looking for a new career but not sure where to start?
Dissatisfied in your current job but you don’t know why?
Feeling lost in your job/career search process and need help?
Returning to work after having taken time out of the work force?
Trying to pick a major or decide where to go for graduate school?
Lost your job and not sure where to go from here?
Not sure if your resume sends an impressive message?
Uncertain your interview skills are up to par?
There are a myriad of questions to be answered, areas to be explored, and preparation and actions that take place in the career search / job search process.
We are passionate about helping people navigate life’s often challenging career-related decisions. Several of our experienced psychologists specialize in career transitions, career management, and career advancement for working professionals and students. No matter your current position (e.g., self-employed, middle manager, senior executive, recent college graduate, returning to work, etc.) we can help you explore your career interests and needs. We can also help you better understand how your personality style influences your career choices and career satisfaction.
We do this through our comprehensive career assessment which includes an initial meeting, testing and interpretation, and a results meeting. Or, if you prefer, you could have only counseling sessions or only testing.
Our package includes an initial meeting to get to know you and your needs, and the administration of four reliable and highly-used career assessment tools, followed by an individual career counseling meeting to help you understand the results and plan your next steps.
This comprehensive assessment package is designed to encourage increased self-understanding and insight into your career interests, career values, and career-related skills. In addition, as psychologists we can help you understand how your personality preferences along with other factors (e.g., psychological difficulties, AD/HD, disabilities, etc.) may impact your career decision-making process. We can also help you explore what you have learned from past work experiences and past career choices and how this information can help in future career decisions. While the results will not tell you exactly what specific job would be best for you, testing will generate areas/fields where people with similar skills and personality tend to do well and be happy. The results will also help you gain a greater understanding of yourself in order to help you in the career decision making process.
A unique and (we think) essential feature of our career services is that we believe it is important to meet face-to-face to present results from the tests. Rather than just handing you summarized results from computer-generated reports, we sit down with you to help you understand what the results mean, how they apply to you, and how they can help you make important career decisions.
While our career counseling package is comprehensive, our pricing for this service is quite reasonable. We are happy to answer any questions you may have. Please feel free to call our office and speak with one of our psychologists further, or to schedule your assessment.
Career Services Package with our specialists in career assessment:
- Testing + 2-counseling-sessions: $750.00
- Testing-only: $750.00
- 2-counseling-sessions-only: $360.00