If you find yourself attached to your phone and technology, as many of us do, it may take a lot of work to keep a physical paper journal or mindfulness tracker. I’ve bought a few wellness journals in my life and attempted to write in them daily, only to forget they exist a month later. So, instead of separating technology from my wellness, I started using various wellness apps! Apps make it super easy to integrate mindfulness and good skills into your everyday life if you are a natural techie! Here are some examples:
- Headspace – This app holds a lot of things, ranging from meditation to stress management! They have meditation guides, breathing exercises, bedtime stories (for both kids and adults!), life advice, and self-care tips! Unfortunately, you have to pay for this app, with it being $12.99 per month (or $5.83 per month if you bill annually).
- Smiling Mind – This app, on the other hand, is free! They have daily meditation exercises, with programs both for youth and adults. Their app addresses sleep, stress, relationships, well-being, and much more. You can even attach your Google Home to it!
Next time you feel like you want to mindlessly be on your phone, try to turn that urge into a short 10-minute meditation session!