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Our Happiness Blog

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Can Color Make You Happy?

January 28, 2013 Wouldn’t it be nice if we could just make ourselves feel happy by looking at a color? […]

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Back To Exercise

January 21, 2013 I took a it of a hiatus from my morning routine – not because I dislike exercise, […]

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Could Be Worse

January 14, 2013 It can always be worse. Even when things are pretty tough, it could be worse. This morning […]

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Seasons Of Change

December 31, 2012 As I’ve gotten older I really value the concept of seasons. Not just in the sense of […]

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Bring In The New

December 21, 2012 There is something exciting about closing one chapter & starting another one. As we close 2012 & […]

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Finding Happiness in Tragedy

December 17, 2012 …Have to admit, it’s quite challenging finding something to write about given the recent news (more shootings). […]

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A Good Quote About Happiness

December 4, 2012 “Three grand essentials to happiness in this life are something to do, something to love, and something […]

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Having A Plan Is Happiness

November 26, 2012 I am the first to admit that I love having a plan. And the opposite is quite […]

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Something About A Baby Giraffe

November 19, 2012 During a visit to the NC Zoo, I had the excitement and thrills of a kid seeing […]

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