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Our Happiness Blog

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Happiness and Motivation

October 21, 2013 Math class!  It was the worst!  (Or English, or History, or Science…)  Remember how you had to […]

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Happiness and Stress

Happiness and Stress I recently listened to a great TED Talk by Kelly McGonigal, a health psychologist.  She admitted that she’s spent the […]

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Happy Money

Happy Money It turns out money can buy you happiness, if you spend it right. Elizabeth Dunn, a psychology professor, and Michael […]

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Happiness and Flow

September 30, 2013 Happiness and Flow Have you ever found yourself doing something that absolutely consumed you and hours passed […]

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Happiness and Attention

Happiness and Attention “My experience is what I agree to attend to.”  – William James I have a friend who […]

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Happiness and Physical Health

September 16, 2013   Happiness and Physical Health   By now everyone knows that the happier you are, the healthier […]

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The Happiness Secret

September 9, 2013 The Happiness Secret I’m about to tell you the secret to being happy.  Remember the first day […]

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Happiness and Curiosity

September 2, 2013 Happiness and Curiosity You’re at a party.  You look around and don’t know anyone besides the host.  […]

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What is Happiness?

August 26, 2013 What is Happiness? Happiness is about finding your passion and doing it every day—no matter what others […]

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