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Our Happiness Blog

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Happiness and Melatonin

I was awake from 1:45-3:15am last night and I blame melatonin. Normally I can make my way around the bedroom […]

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Happiness and Spring

“An optimist is the human personification of spring.” – Susan J. Bissonette Spring fever. Winter blues. What is it about […]

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Happiness and Paying It Forward

Remember the movie “Pay it Forward”? The idea was that you do a kind thing for someone and they then […]

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Happiness and Not Mind-Wandering

Jumping on the happiness research bandwagon, Matt Killingsworth developed an app that tracks people’s happiness in real time ( Analyzing […]

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Happiness and Suffering and the Avoidance of Pain

We try to avoid pain and discomfort. It makes sense – those are often warnings that something is unhealthy or […]

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Happiness and Sleep

As the mother of a toddler and an upcoming newborn I’ve become more interested in the importance of sleep.  I […]

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Happiness and The Worst Thing Happening

A friend of mine used to be terrified of losing people he loved. He would sometimes feel crippled with depression […]

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Happiness – Selfish Pleasure and Swelling

The other week we looked at the results of one study which suggested receiving from others makes us happy while […]

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Happy Belated Happiness Day!

Whoops.  Happiness Day was March 20th, but if there’s one thing I’ve learned through writing this blog it’s that it’s […]

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