Fraud Blocker

November 26, 2012

I am the first to admit that I love having a plan. And the opposite is quite true – not having a plan makes me quite nervous & anxious. I realize that for many people a full schedule or long to-do list creates anxiety rather than diminishes it…how can I get all this done? how did my schedule get so full? I can’t split myself in half! Etc. But for me, having a daily to-do list I check off makes me feel like I am accomplishing something. In fact, it’s the only way I can really get things done. I have learned that I am really good at getting things done – personally & professionally – when I set goals and making a list is a small version of a daily plan. It makes me feel more organized and strategic, if only for a little while.

I’m sure there are things in your life that are beneficial for you (like a schedule) but seem very unsettling to others. What is it that makes you feel more organized or excited about your day?



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