Happiness Comes in Many Forms! - Lepage Associates

What is happiness? I mean, we talk about happiness all the time here, but when we take a step back and really ask ourselves what happiness is, this may pose a tricky question. In a recent study,  over 1,000 people were asked what happiness is to them. Not surprisingly, the results were scattered! There were some commonalities,, whereas “love” was identified as the highest association between happiness, however, descriptions ranged from “family” to “laughter” to “purpose in life” to “wealth,” and on! Essentially, from this study, we can conclude that happiness can be anything. It is in each person’s own individual mind what happiness is to them, which means your own happiness is unique! This is why we should never compare ourselves to others and their own moods because we, as individuals, all have different views and criterias about life and happiness that makes us, us! 


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