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Mark your calendars because Friday, October 2nd is World Smile Day®! Honoring Harvey Ball, the creator of the smiley face, World Smile Day is devoted to doing small acts of kindness in order to put smiles on the faces of others. The smiley face celebration began in 1999 in Mr. Ball’s hometown of Worcester, Massachusetts. Every year Worcester and communities around the world hold festivities in celebration of kindness, happiness and the smiley face.

A Brief History of the Smiley Face: Mr. Ball was hired for $45 by the State Mutual Life Assurance in 1963 to create a symbol to improve morale within the company. The company’s purchase of Mutual Company of Ohio lead to poor employee morale. Within ten minutes, the smiley face was born and the company used the design to promote happiness among employees. By 1971, the smiley face had reached international fame.

So take some time this Friday to celebrate the smiley face and promote kindness in your community. Tip a barista, open a door for a mom struggling with a stroller, and thank a cashier for bagging your groceries. Kindness is contagious and it only takes one small act to add some cheer to someone’s day.

And remember…”Have a nice day!”


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